He's Not Hurting Me.

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     We were finally out of the school campus... I couldn't believe this!! Never ever in all my life had I ever skipped class purposely. But, somehow, this strange boy named Jeff had convince me to do so. I was both excited and nervous at the same time. I just seriously hoped we do not cross paths with my father... 

   "Where would you like to go first?" Jeff asked. Actually, he had to ask me this simple question several times because I was too distracted by my thoughts to hear him ask the first couple times.

    "Wherever you wanna go." I responded, staring at my shoes as I walked. I heard Jeff chuckled by my side. 


     Twenty minutes came and gone. In my head I was thinking where I'd be if I was still in school; that would probably be in English class... with Jeff in fact. I was still staring at my shoes before Jeff caught my attention as he grabbed my hand. I felt a shiver run down my spine... for crying aloud this boy felt cold to the touch so don't blame me. "We're here." 

     I looked up, confused by his statement. But when I looked up, I was incredibly awed by the sight. IT WAS A CANDY SHOP!!!! "Really?!!" I squealed. Jeff nodded his head. We were still holding hands as I dashed into the store, Jeff trailing behind as though I was dragging a rag doll. 

    I've never been to a candy store as big as this one, nor had I seen such an array of colors. We spent at least 30 minutes trying different candies out. Eventually, I filled a huge bag full of candies, scooping out every color from the rainbow. The employees were really kind, giving me seconds of my favorite sweets. I came out with a bag that, in one sitting, could probably give me diabetes. On the other hand, Jeff came out with two large swirly lollipops. 

     "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" I screamed as  I shoved some of my newly bought candy into my mouth. Jeff just giggled, shrugging his shoulders. 

     "It's no big deal." He murmured. 

     The two of us continued to walk, eventually coming across a park where we sat down. It was nearly 1o'clock and I hadn't noticed how much time we spent in the candy shop. I took out a gummi shark from my bag and offered one to Jeff, which he gladly took. Out of nowhere, I whispered, "This has been one of the best days since I arrived here." I did not realize I said this aloud till I heard Jeff chuckle. 

     "I'm glad to know." That was all Jeff responded with. I peeked at Jeff from the corner of my eye to see him smiling at the gummi shark which he ignored to eat. Rude. The two of us remained silent for a bit, enjoying the serenity of the nature around us. Then he asked a question I did not quite expect, "...Is your father a bad guy?" 

     I was totally dumbstruck by that question. I preferred to not talk about it. But then Jeff turned his head to give me a serious expression that was hard to neglect. "Well... let's just say he is not a nice guy." Jeff's expression darkened as I said this. 

     "Did he ever do anything to hurt you." This time I chose to ignore the question, shoving more sweets into my mouth to prolong me answering. Jeff sighed as he noticed this. "Listen, I do not want to get into any business that you don't want me to. But, I see you as my friend now, and I don't want anyone hurting my friend." I turned my head slightly to get a better view of the brunette. I was ecstatic to hear that Jeff saw me as a friend. But... I did not want him to know all my troubles. 

     "He's not hurting me." I responded as calmly as possible. This seemed to deter Jeff's concerns as he visually slackened his muscles. 

     "Good. Well.. I'm feeling hungry now. What do you say we get ice cream for lunch?" 


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