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 I arrived home with my parents shaking their heads disapproving at me, and Liu complaining about my whereabouts and how he was worried where I disappeared off to. Other than taking my phone away, that was the end of the discussion and everything went back to normal. 

     I scurried up the stairs to my bedroom, closing the door behind me softly. I took out the lollipops I bought early from my backpack and displayed them on my desk. In truth, they reminded me of Jack.... which might of been the reason I bought them. Maybe. I went back to my backpack, picking up my math assignment from this morning to work on. Having my phone taken away does have a good purpose in that I actually get work done. Hey, I'm a big procrastinator... don't come at me!! 

     As I was finishing up the last question of my double-sided worksheet, Liu popped in. 

     "Hey," I said, stuffing my homework into a folder. 

    "Did you actually complete your homework?" Liu blurted out as he watched me, flabbergasted. 

     "Is it that big of a deal?" My family has such low standards for me. Sigh. 

     "Yeah, it really is!" Liu chuckled. "Anyway, I just came to tell you dinner is ready. Also, your new friend keeps blasting your phone." Liu threw my phone at me and I nearly missed it.

     I checked my notifications to see that Jack was indeed sending me texts. "Did you just disobey the parents by stealing my phone back?" I smirked at my big brother. 

     A smug expression appeared on Liu's face. "....maybe." He twiddled his fingers around his scarf. "Anyway, I just stole it because the noise was so annoying. Plus mom and dad left again for their little "date"." Liu looked kinda pissed when he said this. The parents always leave, I hardly see them anymore... whether it be their jobs or wanting a break from us. "I made mac n' cheese by the way." At the mention of this, I rushed down the stairs, my mouth already watering at the beautiful aroma which is mac n' cheese.  

     Liu and I ended up watching "Jennifer's Body" that night as we ate our dinner. I also got seconds!! When the movie ended and the credits started rolling, I got up from the couch, stretching my limbs from sitting for so long. "I'll clean the dishes tonight," I called to Liu as I walked into the kitchen. 

     "Great!" Liu said excitedly as he dropped his dishes into the sink and left upstairs. "Have fun with that," he added sarcastically. I merely rolled my eyes. I turned on the faucet and added dish soap to the sponge, scrubbing the plates and pot. When I was finally done with my hands red from the scorching hot water, I took a seat at the dining table. Then I remembered Liu gave me back my phone. I checked the time to see if the parents will come back soon. It was just 7 o'clock, and knowing my parents, they probably won't come back till at least 11 at night.... and probably drunk too. 

     I ran back up to my room, spotting my phone lying on the bed. I went straight to Jack's text messages: 

    Jack:  Sorry it took me this long to write back. I saved your phone number in my contacts :)

   Jack:   I really enjoyed today!! Thank you so much!!

    Jack:  Hello? 

   Jack:   You're probably busy...

    I felt so bad about not answering sooner. I quickly texted a "Hey! Sorry my phone was taken away :'(" 

     I saw Toby texted me as well, asking about homework answers for another class... that I did not go to today... and that he missed me in school. It only took seconds for Jack to reply though, so I eagerly went to see what he wrote. 

 Jack:   Oh? So how did you get your phone back?

  Me: Liu stole it back for me

Jack: Is that your brother? 

Me: Yeah, he is a senior tho

Jack: Oh, I think I remembered him yesterday. I wished I had siblings...

Me: Yeah, they can be cool to have. Sometimes annoying tho...

Jack: (insert a million laughing emojis) 

Me: What are you doing? 

Jack: Talking to you :P 

Jack: What are you doing? 

Me: Talking to you as well :P

     We ended up talking almost all night. I learned a lot more about him, and I shared some things about myself as well. Then all of a sudden he stopped texting. I saw he read my last message. I waited for 5 minutes. Which turned into 10 then. And then I figured he has fallen alseep. After all, it was nearing 11 o'clock. 

     I decided to go downstairs for a drink. I checked out the window to see if the parents' car was back. Nope. Typical. Everything else inside the house was dark and quiet... though I'm sure Liu is probably playing video games with his headphones on. I dragged myself back to my room and got comfortable under my bed sheets. The only source of light of light was coming from my phone screen; I was watching tik tok videos!! It was 30 minutes later when I heard the car engine approach the house. I exited out of tik tok and stuffed the phone under my pillow, expecting my parents to check up on their sons. They didn't. And I could hear their loud snores across the hall. 

    I was about to drift off to sleep myself when a sudden noise woke me up. In my sleepy and confused state, my eyes scanned around the room. Realization struck me that it came from under my pillow. I pulled my phone out to see it was a message from Jack. 

   Jack: Sorry about the late reply. I know you're probably sleeping by now, but do you want to come over to my house on Friday? My mom would love to meet you :) 

   I caught myself smiling after reading the text. 

  Me: Hehe, I'm awake now! Sure, I'd love to come over :) 

Jack: Oops, did I wake you up? I'm sorry

Me: Nah, its fine. 

Jack: haha okay. Well, see you tomorrow!

Me: Ya, see ya tomorrow... good night! :) 

   I saw Jack read the message but did not reply back. I'm guessing he went to sleep. It wasn't long till I fell back asleep as well. 

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