Hot Dayum!!

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     Jack and I took an Uber to the nearest Sally's Beauty. I had no idea why we were going, but Jack couldn't stop bouncing from excitement. "Why can't you tell me?" I complained low enough so the Uber driver couldn't hear. 

     Jack shook his head. "Just you wait," was all my friend replied. When we arrived at our destination, I thanked our driver and began walking into the store. Jack scurried ahead of me, nearly running towards the building. He looked kinda crazed and I chuckled lightly to myself. Jack was waiting impatiently in front of the store, tapping his feet. I was dragged into the store and I felt sparks when Jack held onto my hand. 

     "What is it?" I cried, growing impatient myself. When we entered Sally's beauty, a woman greeted us in. Being the awkward human being I was, I mumbled a barely audible hello. Jack simply ignored her, rushing into a special aisle. 

     "Ta da!" Jack said with so much enthusiasm. I was still a bit confused. 

     "What?" I looked at the products in front of me. "Hair dye?" Jack nodded his head vigorously. 

     "I think we should dye our hair together!!" 

      "Our hair?" I questioned. 

     "Yeahhh, come onnnn!" Jack whined, giving me puppy dog eyes. "Hair is hair after all! It'll grow back!" I looked at myself in the small mirrors provided by the store. I mean, I think it would be cool to dye my hair. I've just never thought about it. And my gorgeous shade of chestnut hair suited me. Jack continued to stare me down, probably hoping to somehow control my mind. 

     "I mean, what color would you dye your hair?" 

     Jack gave it hardly any thought before he replied. "Black." He stated matter of fact. 

     "Wow. So you must have thought about it for some," I laughed as I observed the dye products. 

     "I mean, I really hate my ginger hair." Jack replied. He was staring intensely at himself in the mirror. I really hoped he was not having any dark thoughts about himself.... I looked at myself the way he currently was too many times to count. I wished he saw himself through my lens. 

     After some consideration, I agreed. "Then hell yes." Jack was beyond ecstatic. He started squealing like a little girl on helium as he jumped up and down with pure glee. "So what shade then? There are way too many options!" I was astounded by the selection at hand. How do hairdressers even understand all of this!!! 

     Jack began browsing the choices. We averted our gaze only to the black dyes. It took several minutes and some help from the employee to find the right match for Jack. She also told us we needed something called developer? I don't even know what I'm saying. At least the employee handed us the correct one or I'd be afraid of destroying my beautiful mane! Jack was holding onto his dye and developer like it could explode if he dropped it, cradling it to his chest firmly. 

    "So now which one do I get?" I asked Jack as the helpful employee left. 

     Jack's cheeks began to turn pink. "Uh... well I thought we could use the same shade..?" Aw, Jack looked kinda cute. I picked up another box of the same shade as Jack. 

     "Okay, let's pay." The lady began to scan our purchases. I watched Jack as he began to crumple out the last dollars he had. I watched in amusement. There is no way he's gonna pay. When the lady announced the total, before Jack could hand over his money, I slid my credit card into the slot. 

     "Hey, I was going to pay!" Jack cried. I grabbed Jack's money and stuffed it into his shirt. 

     "No way, this is my treat." 

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