I slapped myself really hard!

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     I had some business to do before I left this shityy town behind. And maybe I'm running off on adrenaline and just pure hate, but what I was going to do was not going to be nice. Not nice at all...

     I had to keep low. Very low. For quite some time. Especially if my family found the car and me missing. Well, I'm sure they'd notice the car missing. But not me. So I drove myself on the outskirts of town across to a diner. I jumped out of the car and unlocked the car as I entered the building, helping myself to a booth by the window. A girl in a very tight uniform approached me, a fake smile plastered on her dull face. "Welcome! My name is Katie. Here is the menu. Let me know what you want." She was about to pass me the greasy menu but I waved it away, muttering a, "Just black coffee please." She looked a bit taken aback at my, I'd admit, rudeness. But then the smile was back on her face as she said, "Coming right up!" before fluttering away to another customer. 

     Soon enough, I was served a hot black brew. It was too hot to drink, so I let it cool off as I whipped out my phone from the pocket of my hoodie. Time to do some research. Before I forget, I went to the setting on my phone and stopped sharing my location with Liu and my parents. I don't want to get caught. Then I switched from using LTE to the internet provided by the diner. Opening up Google, I typed: Issac Boxer.... Jack's father. (Author's note: I came up with the name on the spot XD). 

     The internet was a very scary place. It can take seconds to learn so much about someone. Everything about someone was recorded on the internet where you can never take back. Even if you think you deleted something from using the internet... you're wrong. It remains there. Like a phone number, address, and job... those were the things I found about from Issac Boxer. And I was going to use this information. 

     I've never thought about Jack's father except that I hated him. I hated what he has done to his sweet wife and his amazing son. I hated that he was homophobic. And I hate his existence. But I never imagined Jack's father to work as an upholster. Nonetheless, I drove my ass to his workplace with horrible intentions...

     His workplace was in a sketchy part of town. The building was a dingy place, if I do so say myself. I parked in the what was supposed to be a parking lot. And now it was time to wait. I wasted my time listening to music and eating the cookies that I brought from home. I was also trying to put my mindset on the task itself. It has to be done, Jeffrey. I told myself this. As the sun began to set and the stars were littering the purplish sky, I became nervous. 

    "No, no, no," I muttered to myself, letting my head fall on the steering wheel. My hands began to shake violently and it became hard to breathe. "This is illegal!" I cried. "I cannot do this!" So, what did I do to snap out of it.... 

     I slapped myself really hard!! 

     "OW!" I cried. I looked myself in the mirror and saw red marking where my hand violently made contact with my skin. But I managed to shake off those thoughts, remembering why I was waiting in the parking lot for Issac Boxer. 

    And then Jack's father came out of the building, a suitcase in hand. He turned around to wave at someone invisible to me because they were inside the building. Then he took off, or more like stumbling, off towards his car in the shadows. Was he drunk already? Better for me, I guess. And better for me he was parking in the near darkness. 

    With my hand clenching to the tool that could either make my life better or ruin it, I clambered out of the vehicle and quietly closed the door. I scampered towards the man who was not at all aware of my presence. As he arrived at his car, he put his suitcase on top of it as he dug into his pockets for his keys. 

   His back was facing me, so he could not possibly see me as I pulled out the knife and drove it into his exposed back. I pushed the knife all the way in. When I pulled it out, there was blood already staining his white dress shirt. The man before me seemed to shock to make coherent words, but he did groan in pain. I turned him around so he could see me. It would be a shame to kill this disgusting man without him seeing the life drain out of his eyes. 

    The moment Jack's father could get a grasp on himself as he struggled away from me, I drove the knife once again, this time towards his chest. He struggled some more, trying to grip my neck. His face was molded into an hostile frown, the veins on his temple inflamed. He was trying to say some words. I could decipher "kill" and "faggot" in it though. What a shame, for his last words to be composed of such hurtful words. 

    I stabbed him over and over again. Eventually, the grip around my neck loosened as the life ceased to exist in the mutilated body that was once Jack's father. I let the body fall to the ground. Blood oozed from all the slashes, staining the clothes and the dirty ground underneath us. 

    The rage that rushed through my veins turned into horror as I realized what I've done. I wiped my face to see blood stained my fingers. And my hoodie was covered as well. My hands began to shake like crazy. And the whole world began to go hazy. 

    But I couldn't be seen at my own crime scene. This thought brought me back to my senses, as I dashed back towards my car. I started the engine and started driving away as casually as possible. Hopefully no one saw. I don't think so, at least. So with that optimism, I drove off to complete the last part of my mission. 


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