Truth or Dare (part 1)

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     "I had to watch that entire movie, now you have to play truth or dare." I pouted to Jeff. I tried to make myself look menacing, but Jeff just rolled onto the floor cackling. 

     "What's that face for?" Jeff asked, trying to hold in another laugh. "You think you look menacing?" I continued making my face. He held his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. I'll play." 

     "Yay!!" I squealed.

     After going into the kitchen and stealing snacks like the slimy gremlins that we are, Jeff and I comfortably sat on Jeff's bed. "You first since it was your idea," Jeff said, popping a cheese ball into his mouth. " truth or dare?" 


     Jeff took some time thinking before he said, "Have you ever eaten your boogers?" 

    "Ewww no!! Do I look like some animal?!" 

    "YESS!" Jeff threw a cheese ball at my head. "My turn!" 

     "Okay, truth or dare?" I asked. 


      "Have you ever thought of killing anyone?" 

      "Duh! Who hasn't?!" I looked at Jeff like he was insane, but then nodded along in agreement. "Anyways," Jeff continued, "Truth or dare?" 


      "Why don't you ever choose dare?" Jeff shouted. 

     "Then you aske dare next time!" I retorted back. 

      "Whatever." Jeff stuck his tongue at me and I threw a slice of cheese at his face, which he immediately ate. "Do you still wet your bed?" Jeff asked with his mouth full of goey cheese. 

    I felt my face burn at the thought of this question. "What the heck?! Of course not!" 

    "Uh huh," Jeff laughed. "You better not cuz I'm not cleaning it." 

     "Can we just change the question now?" 

     "Okay okay. I choose dare." 

     I thought for a moment of what to make Jeff do. It had to be something embarrassing, after all. The perfect dare popped into my mind!! "I dare you to let me put make up on you." 

     The popcorn Jeff was chewing fell out of his mouth. "Noooo!" Jeff cried. "Anything but that." 

     "A dare is a dare," I answered smugly. 

     It took some time, but I finally tamed the wild Jeff enough to steal some of his mother's makeup and put it on him. He looked oh so fabulous. I added bronzer that was much too dark for his skin, blue eyeshadow, fake lashes and mascara. But when it came to the lips, Jeff nearly ate the whole stick of the red lipstick. "Jeff! That's not edible!" I cried as Jeff chewed it and swallowed. The red pigment almost stained his teeth and it looked like he ate someone!! After some internal debate as to why I befriended Jeff, I used what was left of the pathetic stub of red lipstick to apply it to Jeff's horrific, chappy lips. "Hold still." I instructed, but Jeff moved too much that it got all over his face. From afar it looked like a big, red smiley face. Or a clown. Which is what Jeff is. A chaotic clown -_-

     "Your turn." Jeff said, not so pleased after he saw his reflection. "Truth or dare." 

     I felt kinda bad for Jeff, so I decided to take a dare. "Dare." 

    A smile popped onto Jeff's face. It looked even creepier with that makeup on. Jeff quickly got off the bed and towards his closet. He was digging at the back of the closet, but what he had back there I was not expecting. "Well then, dear Jackie, I dare you to take a shot of this." Jeff dug under his mattress and pulled out a shot glass. He generously poured the vodka into it and handed it over to me. I can already smell the strong stench of alcohol. I took the glass from him and said, "Well, a dare is a dare." I closed my nostrils and tipped the glass back, the liquid burning the back of my throat. When I finished my dare, I muttered, "Oh, that's not so bad." 

    Jeff nodded along with me, taking the shot glass from me and sipping the vodka straight from the bottle. I was looking at him with big eyes. "How can you just drink it like that?" I was quite impressed. 

    "With parents like these, you get used to it." After Jeff said this, I thought about my own parents and how I basically have none now. Jeff must have seen this as he tried to change the topic. "Wanna keep playing?" Jeff asked. 

    I nodded my head, trying to put a smile on my face. It felt too fake. I took the shot glass from Jeff's grip. "Fill me up again." I said eagerly. He looked surprised, but hesitantly obliged.

     As the night rolled into the early morning, Jeff and I kept playing truth or dare. Or badly trying to at least. I've never felt this way before. All of a sudden, everything seems funny. And everything is just one big blur. And I just feel calm, even though everything around me is falling apart. Jeff seemed okay, though. Like he's used to this. 

The sad thing is...I cannot remember much of that night.

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