And there I saw it.

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    I hadn't seen Jack in the past two days. Honestly, I was getting kinda pissed. Like, he knew my time in this tiny town was limited. Though it appears he's avoiding me.. at least that is what I'm telling myself. It was now Friday after school.

      I even still had Jack's lunch box when he had left on Wednesday. I was trying to convince myself to drop it at his house... but what can I say... I'm a coward. So the past couple days it has been sitting on my desk for quite some time. 

     On the bright side, my parents went back to neglecting my brother and I as they have been attending parties held by their friends for the move. And you'd think they would have brought the whole family? Nope. I don't even think their friends no about us. After all, this entire time I've not once met them.

    That night Liu and I decided to order some pizza. Frankly, I wanted Hawaiian pizza... I mean how can people not like pineapple and ham on their pizza? But Liu wanted pepperoni pizza. In the end, we agreed on cheese pizza.. you cannot go wrong with cheese pizza.

    Thirty minutes later the pizza finally arrived. As soon as Liu gave the money to the delivery boy, we took our own slices and went about our own business in our rooms. Honestly, I would have liked us to eat together. But Liu insisted Ben wanted to play games online with him. My brother was adamant on the game, so I told him it was fine to play. I could watch Youtube videos instead. My brother was ecstatic and ran off into his room. So I slowly made my way into my own room as I balanced the plastic plate with my pizza. It's a bonus that I stole some of my parents' liquor that they hardly noticed. Liu is totally against drinking.. so better he not see me with the bottle of stolen whiskey. 

    As I searched through my Youtube feed for a video, I drank straight from the whiskey bottle, squinting my face from the strong taste of whiskey on my tongue. Eventually, I found a video of creepy clown sightings and immediately clicked on it, still chugging from the bottle. My pizza was left unnoticed as I was so engaged in the video.

    At a certain point within the video, my reality began to twist as I became tipsy. Not long after, that tipsiness turned into just drunk. I couldn't even concentrate on the video. I brought my laptop onto my lap as I felt myself begin to tip. 

    Then I began to hear something that did not sound like it was coming from the video on my lap. I shrugged it away, thinking it was just in my mind. But the weird noise continued on. I paused my video... just to make sure I was not imagining it. My door was closed, and this sound did not sound like a knock on a wooden door. I forced myself up my bed as I placed the laptop aside. I had to stop for a moment as my world tilted. And then there it was.. the weird tapping noise again.

    In my drunken state, I tried to decipher where the noise was coming from. I investigated my closet, desk, and even bathroom. But I could not track the sound as it kept continuing on. Eventually, I heard the tapping sound coming from my window. I looked out, but there was nothing absurd about it. Then I figured to open the window as I tried to unlock the window and pull it up. And there I saw it.

    Jack was outside...


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Once again, sorry for such a short chapter DX

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