I Need to Be Honest if This is to Work Out...

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     When Jack blanked out at Ben's party, I was debating what to do. Leave him here and hope nothing happens to him or bring him back to my house. Taking Jack to his own home was out of question! I decided to take Jack back home with me, despite knowing it could be dangerous. 

    Liu and I both had our fill of the party. I mean, a passed out Jack is not much fun talking to... if I drank more I probably wouldn't even notice, now that I'm thinking about it. 

    Liu called an Uber, not wanting to bother Ben who was way too drunk anyway. It took them a relatively long time, but it was Halloween after all. When the car finally arrived, Liu gave the driver our address and sat down. I cradled Jack in my arms between us. I could sense Liu staring as I was stroking Jack's soft hair. "What?" I hissed. 

    Liu was smirking... I did not like that face at all. But what he said made me blush so much I couldn't hide it. "You two look cute together," my older brother chuckled. Without disturbing the sleeping Jack, I lightly punched my brother on his arm.

    "You set this up, didn't you?" I could see right through my brother. 

     "Maybeee..." Liu pretended to be preoccupied by something out the window.

     Our jokes and laughter quickly came to a halt as we arrived at our house. 

     "Happy Halloween," Liu said to the driver as he got out of the car and gently closed the door shut. I was already waiting outside, holding Jack bridal-style. I was scared to go inside. The lights were still on.... that means my parents are probably still throwing their party. And they made it pretty clear I was unwanted. "What do we do?" I called to Liu quietly as the Uber left the curb. 

     "I'll investigate inside and signal when it's safe to come." Liu always had the great plans. We silently trudged towards the door. I'll admit, I was still a tad drunk, but the fear rushing in my veins seemed to counteract that; my feet were wobbling for another reason... and well, I'm like also carrying a 6 ft (or so) clown. 

    Liu opened the door as slowly as he could. Loud music (but not as loud as at Ben's) was coming from inside. I stayed out of sight so no one could see me. I watched as Liu disappeared, leaving the door slightly ajar. I felt my pulse quicken in anxiety. What will happen if I'm caught right now? What if something happened to Liu? Several minutes passed by without Liu coming back. My thoughts turned for the worst. But then Liu hissed at me, "Psssst!" He gestured for me to come inside. "Go quickly!!" The staircase up to the second floor was relatively close by the door. I took a peek behind me to see neither of the parents there. Only some of their snobby friends, but they seemed to distracted to see me running up the stairs. 

    I kept my guard up as I tiptoed through the hallway, and finally making it to my room. I gently laid Jack on my bed. Liu followed me into the room, closing the door behind us, muffling out some of the noise downstairs. "What took you so long?" I cried. 

    "Some of their friends saw me and I had to greet them," Liu rolled his eyes. "Sorry it took so long, your majesty," Liu sassed. I ignored my brother's comment as I tucked Jack in my bed. "Where are you going to sleep?" my brother asked. 

     "I can sleep on the floor."

     "Do you want me to bring one of those inflatable mattresses?" 

      I shook my head. "It'll make too much noise," I warned. 

     "Well, okay. I'm going to bed now. Happy Halloween." Liu was about to head out of my room but then I rushed at him, giving him a big hug. Liu was surprised at first, but then hugged back. 

     "The party was fun," I mumbled. "Thanks for inviting me." Liu did not say anything as we stayed in the hug. After a couple of seconds we both broke away from it. But before Liu left, I added. "...and thanks about Jack." I felt my cheeks heat up again. Liu nodded in understanding, turning to look at me once more before he shut the door. 

    I went to quickly lock the door. For homophobic parents, this sight will probably kill them... or more like me anyways. I stripped out my "costume" and put on some warm pajamas. I laid out a pillow on the floor and took out a blanket from my closet to make my makeshift bed. Jack was still sleeping... he must have quite a lot to drink. I hope he will remember everything that happened in the morning... 

    Before I, too, retired to sleep, I gave Jack a kiss on the forehead. Then I laid back down, ready for what will probably be another sleepless night. Or one of full of nightmares at least. 

    I didn't sleep long. I kept tossing and turning. Not to mention my carpet was not even close enough to match the softness of a mattress. When it was around 6 O'clock, I decided to get up and make some breakfast. I unlocked my door and slowly opened it so it does not squeak as much. I tiptoed into the hallway, checking by my parents room to make sure they were fast asleep. Yuh!

   As quiet as a mouse, I scurried downstairs and into the kitchen. I was surprised to see Liu there. "What are you doing up this early?" I muttered. 

    "I could ask you the same question..."

    "I'm making breakfast." 

      "Me too." It was then that we decided to make breakfast together: scrambled eggs and bacon. We made more noise than we anticipated, such as yelling at each other and even me, being the clumsy dipshit that I was, dropping the pan onto the floor. We both stayed silent, praying the parents did not hear... I was thankful for once that they were drunk and sleeping it off.  And then we continued on our quest for food. 

     I ate my breakfast with Liu at the dining table as the sun began to rise. Liu made coffee as well. I was on my third cup already... this is the miracle for hangovers, I swear! Liu insisted in him cleaning the dishes. He kept looking up towards the stairs nervously and I sorta got the hint. 

    "Thanks, bro!" I gave my brother a short-lived hug that it was hardly a hug. More like a tap on the back. I grabbed a tray of breakfast for Jack as I tiptoed upstairs. As soon as I opened the door, Jack was right there. "Oh, I thought you were sleeping?" His presence at my door caught me off guard. 

     "The sun woke me up," Jack replied. Oops, I totally forgot to close my blinds. 

     "Well...I made you breakfast," I guided Jack back towards the bed, handing him the tray. I was getting pretty nervous about the parents suddenly popping in. I'm sure I shouldn't even be having Jack in the house! But I couldn't leave Jack alone last night... I could never abandon him. I mean, technically, I had in the past. But that was different and a lot of things have changed since then...

    I was watching Jack as he gladly dug into the meal. He seemed absolutely famished. And tired. And he was still wearing his clown costume.  I'm surprised the makeup stayed pretty well intact. Impressive. 

   I really did not want to say this. It just might scare Jack away. And after everything that happened, I couldn't let this opportunity escape. Jack made me the happiest that I've ever been in a long time. So I need to be honest if this is to work out. 

     Taking in a deep breath, I mumbled, "It's time I be honest with you..."

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