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Have you ever heard people say, how waking up to a rainy day means it's a bad day? So, does that mean, during summer, everyone has a good day? And during the rainy season everyone has a bad day? Doesn't make sense right? Because it is senseless.

What kind of day we'll have is not decided by the weather, but us. If we decide to make it a good day, it's a good day, but if we decide its a bad day, it will be a bad day. So wake up with a shiny mind, and make your day good, don't blame the beautiful rain if your day goes bad. The rain is just doing its job, so you do yours.

It's Sunday morning, and Aayan and Ruhee have slept in after morning prayer. But their peaceful sleep was interrupted when a bold female voice boomed in the house, "Where is the newly wedded couple?" Ruhee woke up startled, and fell of the couch. Aayan got up startled aswell.

He saw Ruhee on the floor, rubbing her back and rushed to help her stand up. "What was that?" Ruhee asked, in a sleepy soft voice, rubbing her back. Aayan was still holding her arm, so she looked at it, then him, he quickly retreated it and scratched his head,"Uh..I... I'll go check." saying this, he walked out the door.

Whoever it was, Ruhee didn't wanna go before them in her pajamas. She quickly freshened up and changed into blue faded jeans, a floor length long yellow top with tribal embroidery, which had a slit from below her thigh to the end, and a not so bright, red hijab. She quickly went out the room and down the stairs.

Aayan's back was facing her, as he massaged his forehead, listening to someone. "Aayan?" she called out softly, and he looked back, bringing in view who he was talking to. A beautiful girl in her late twenties stood before her, with her arms on her hips.

Who is she? Was she yelling at Aayan?

The girl clapped her hands together, and excitement was clear on her face. She moved towards Ruhee, and instantly hugged her. Ruhee was surprised, she didn't know what to do, her hands were hanging in the air. The girl pulled back and held Ruhee's shoulders, "Mashallah Ammi, she is so pretty." the girl almost screeched.

"Let me see!" a voice said, and the girl was pushed to the side, and a lady now held Ruhee by her arms. She looked in her early forties, and she reminded Ruhee of someone, but she couldn't figure out who. The lady looked at a still surprised Ruhee, from head to toe, grinning. "Mashallah, she really is so beautiful. Sahma sure picked a pretty one." she said, smiling at Ruhee.

Someone held the lady by the shoulder and pulled her back a little, "Calm down Aapi, your scaring the girl." Came Sahma's delicate voice. Sahma looked at a still very startled Ruhee and smiled. "Sorry dear, my sister and niece got a bit too excited." and she glared at the girl who was standing beside the lady, sheepishly smiling. Ruhee just nodded, still in shock.

"Oh c'mon khala, my baby brother got married. I needed to see who was the girl who caught his eye." said the girl, wiggling her brows at Aayan. Aayan just groaned, massaging his temple. Ruhee looked at Aayan, or more like behind him, to find a bored Zubair and a man in his late forties, who was just shaking his head smiling.

Okay, what is going on here?

Ruhee came out for her trance and looked at everyone in the room. Sahma went to stand beside Ruhee, hugging her to her side and introduced everyone, "Ruhee, meet my sister Shifa..." she pointed at the lady, who smiled at Ruhee, ".... Her daughter Zainab,..." pointing at the girl, who waved at her,".... Her husband Faiz Mustafa..." she pointed at the man standing beside Zubair, "... And their son, Zubair. " Ruhee gasped. She had no idea Zubair and Aayan were cousins. Zubair just scratched the back of his neck. Ruhee regained her posture and greeted everyone, smiling.

Oh yes, she looks like Ammi.

"And this beautiful young lady, is my daughter-in-law." Sahma said smiling at Ruhee, who smiled back at her, and greeted everyone, smiling. "Nice to meet you all." Ruhee said. "Oh, the pleasure is all ours dear." Shifa, Sahma's sister said, smiling. Ruhee smiled back and asked, "Did you all have breakfast?"

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