Chapter 29

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Jo pov

"I'm not pregnant" I say and he brings me into a hug.

"I guess that's good news" he says hugging me

"It is" I say holding a hand to his face.

"We have so much time to focus on our future and our future children. We should be focused on the now and the daughter we have" I tell him

"We will have more kids. I promise. Just not right now" I say pecking his lips.

He holds my face with his hands and kisses me back.

"This whole situation has made me realize that we should be spending more time with Elle, the both of us. We have plenty of money saved up, we should take a trip with Elle before we have to get serious with the next after movie." I say

"I like that" he says and I kiss him again.

"I also like that" he says and I giggle into our kiss.

"Thank you" I whisper to him lovingly

"For what" he asks

"For being the best husband ever" I say and he holds my waist and leans down to kiss me again.

We're full of smiles as we kiss each other. He runs his fingers through my hair and lays me on the bathroom floor.

"This is so sanitary" I laugh but we continue to kiss.

He leaves tender kisses down my neck and I can't help but slightly moan.

We hear Elle crying but Hero continues to kiss me.

"The baby is crying" I giggle as he runs his hands up and down my body.

"But we were just getting started" he playfully whines

"Didn't the honeymoon do you justice" I say and he chuckles, getting off of me.

I run over to Elle's room and she's a crying mess.

She bounces up and down in her crib and reaches her tiny arms to me.

"What's the matter peanut" I say picking her up and hugging her

"Mama" she cries and I lay her head on my chest and hold her close.

I smell her diaper and it doesn't need changing. I tried feeding her a bottle but she's not hungry.

I bring her to Hero and I's room and sit our bed with her.

She's calmer now but she still pouts.

"What's the matter peanut" Hero says taking her out of my arms and shooting her in the air like a rocket

"Hero" I say worriedly

"I got her love" he says and I hold a hand to my racing heart.

I hate when he does that.

"Say mummy, Calm down" hero says to Elle, kissing her cheeks.

Elle fills the room with laughter and that makes me smile.

"So where should we take a trip. Where do you think Elle would like" I ask

"She's almost one, anywhere we take her she can't do much. I know we talked about Disney Land before but she's still too young. We could do a family resort" he says and I lay down on the pillows thinking.

"We just came from a resort. Something else" I say and he lays down with Elle thinking, as well.

"Should we invite our mums" He says and I turn to him and nod

"That would be nice" I say

"How about a trip to the mountains. In a log cabin? With a lake? So American" I say

"That sounds cool" he says

"A week in the woods. Far away from all distractions, just surrounded by people you love sounds like a pretty perfect week to me" I say and he kisses my head and hands me Elle.

"I'm going to call our mums and have them meet us here bright and early. Then we'll head to the mountains. It's going to be a drive but that's okay right" he says

Hero's parents and my mom live in California now. They wanted to be close to us and their grandchild, which is nice.

"The drive is the best part. I'm sure Elle will sleep through lost of it" I say and nods, agreeing with me.

He grabs his phone and gets calling.

Hero holds my hand as we drive to the mountains. It's going to be a long drive but I'm happy we get to enjoy company with the family and our daughter.

My mum and Hero's parents are in the car behind us.

I look behind my seat and see that Elle is fast asleep in her car seat.

"Elle is fast asleep" I say to him and he looks in the mirror and smiles at our pretty girl.

"I can't believe we created that" he says looking over at me and I smile at him.

I lean over and kiss his cheek and he continues to drive.

We get to the cabin and realize our parents aren't behind us when we pull in.

They were just behind us, what happened.

I pull out my phone and call my mom.

"Hey mom, where did you guys go" I ask confused

"We're on our way to the closest hospital. Martha thinks she's having a heart attack" my mom says and I gasp

"What? Why didn't you tell us" I ask and Hero turns to me

"It just happened" my mom says in panic

"Well what hospital" I ask

"No don't come. Elle doesn't need to be in this environment. I will update you. I have to go. Take care of Hero" she says and hangs up.

"What's wrong? Where are they" He asks

I grab his hand and sit us on the couch

"They're taking your mom to the hospital. She thinks she's having a heart attack." I tell him gently and he stands to his feet

"What are we still doing here let's go" he says grabbing the car keys

"They don't want us to go" I tell him

"I don't care what they say. My mom is going to the hospital. I'm going to be with her" he says

"What about Elle" I ask

"Stay here with the baby, I don't care. I'm leaving" he says

"You don't care?" I question, crossing my arms over my chest

"I don't have time for an argument, bye" he says and walks out the cabin, slamming the door behind him.

What is going on?

Can I just say how overwhelmed with excitement I got reading your comments. You have helped me with the direction of the story. I'm so happy to see where this goes and to have you all as supporters of this story

Keep being amazing

I love you all so much

Happy reading,

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