Chapter 33

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Jo pov

"Explain to the audience what makes this third movie of After different from the first one" an interview ask

I turn to Hero and Hero turns to Anna.

Third movie complete. We're doing press now. The movie releases on Friday. I'm so happy for the fans to see it.

"We have been so lucky with the director and producers. They have really stayed true to the book. So I think you can expect similarities from the book just shown on screen. Hero and jo do a great job representing that" Anna answers for us

"So onto the stuff the fans were dying to know. They were tweeting questions all about your personal life, your marriage, your daughter. It's not everyday you see a successful co star relationship the way yours has blossomed" the interviewer ask

"Good casting I suppose. Thanks Anna" Hero says and the room fills with laughter

"Is it weird for the two of you to act out these intimate scenes in front of people" the interviewer asks

"We get this question a lot. Ever since the first movie but I guess it's different now considering our relationship. I mean it's not weird, we are definitely used to it. We like to think of it as us doing our jobs because at the end of the day we are playing characters. Tessa and Hardin are characters we play, they're not our true selfs" I answer

"Going off of what jo said, I agree our characters relationship is very much apart from the way jo and I are personally with one another" Hero says

"So Elizabeth, Elle you call her right?" She asks and I nod

"That's our little peanut" I say and the interviewer gives us an aww face.

"How is that? How is it being parents" She asks

"It's great. We love our little girl. She just turned one years old not so long ago. She's the light of our lives" I say turning to Hero and he smiles

"Yeah, she is definitely growing up so fast. Time is flying. I can't believe she is already one but she truly is such a happy baby. She brightens up the whole room with her cuteness" Hero says and I nod with a giggle

"Auntie Anna here can't get enough of baby Elle. I would steal her throughout filming and get as much time I could with her" Anna says

"Do you have any cute stories you can share with everyone" the interviewer asks

"I have one. Hon, I don't think you know this one. I forgot to tell you" I say turning to Hero

"So recently Elle has been obsessed with bananas and so I sliced some up for her as a snack. I turn my back for one second and she has bananas smashed into her hair and all over her face" I say and everyone laughs

"I mean how can you get mad at that. It was so cute. I had to clean up a banana filled baby but the cuteness was worth it" I say and the interviewer gives us a small giggle

"That's adorable" she says

"Thanks so much for joining me today" she adds

"Thanks for having us" Anna says

"Make sure you catch After we Fell hitting theaters this friday" she says and the interview is over.

We snap a few photos then we're done for the day. We didn't bring Elle with us, she has been home with the grandparents, but it has given Hero and I time to ourselves.

We still haven't had time for sex because our days are that packed, starting from morning to night.

Tonight I arranged for no interruptions, strictly only time for the two of us.

Hero has no idea what I have planned. It's a surprise.

"Today was such a long day" Hero says as we get to our hotel suite.

He opens the door and it's just like I asked.

Rose petals, LED Candles, dimmed lights, room service waiting for us.

"Did you to this" he asks in surprise

"Yes but I had help" I say and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"I love this thank you" he says

"I think we can both agree we need some time alone" I say and he nods leaning down to kiss me.

I bring us down to the couch and straddle his waist while I passionately kiss him.

He runs his fingers through my hair and moves his lips from mine to kiss my neck.

I slightly giggle into his kisses and quickly bring his lips back to mine.

My hands move to his pants and quickly unbutton them. We both want this so bad.

I run my hands up and down his body while we continue to kiss.

I pull away from our kiss and sneeze into my arm.

I hop off of Hero'a lap in pure anger.

This cannot be happening but I know it is.

That one sneeze changes the whole night.

I run to the bathroom and Hero runs after me confused.

"What's wrong" he says as I pull my pants down and see the blood.

"I just got my period" I say annoyed turning to him

"That's okay. A little blood never hurt anyone" he says jokingly and I shake my head no.

"You know how I feel about that" I say taking off my clothes and stepping into the shower.

"I'm only kidding" he says chuckling

"Love, it's alright. Don't let this ruin your mood" he says gently

"I was so excited about tonight" I say

"We have a trip coming up with Sarah and Felix. We've got time" he says leaning into the shower and kissing my head

"Don't use that 'we've got time' line on me. Who am I tessa" I joke with him and he chuckles holding a hand to my face and kissing me

"Yes kind of" he says and I giggle

"Hon" I say

"Yes" he answers

"Could you go to the closest store and pick me up some tampons" I say and he chuckles

"Sure love" he says and I kiss his cheek

"Thank you" I whisper back to him.

I finish up my shower while Hero is at the store.

I change into my comfiest, baggiest outfit compared to the lacy lingerie I had planned for tonight.

I roll my eyes at the gorgeous piece and shove it back into my suitcase.

I lay in bed and flip through the channels.

Hero comes back and passes me a bag.

Tampons, chocolates and all my favorite snacks.

"You're the best" I say holding a hand to his face and kissing him gently.

"I try" he says and lays next to me in bed.

He gives me the best cuddles for the rest of the night and we soon fall asleep.

I haven't been the best at updating but I will try to get stuff updated faster

Hope you're enjoying the story

Happy reading,
Herophinexafter 💖

Herophine: Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes TiffinWhere stories live. Discover now