Chapter 36

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Hero pov

"I can do it Hero" she says annoyed as I try to help her clean Elle's room

"Jo, please just go rest. You don't have to push yourself" I tell her and she leans against Elle's crib and nods, trying to catch her breath.

These past few months have been a roller coaster. Jo is getting the treatments she needs and also trying to keep her pregnancy going.

She's being such a fighter and she tries to do everything she used to but I know it's been hard for her. She gets so tired so easily.

The small amount of chemo she gets just drains her.

She has a surgery coming up that could end the cancer in total. It all comes down to that surgery.

We've talked about maybe terminating this pregnancy to help her get better treatments but she refuses, she says she can do both.

I've cut off all work related things and have been home to help with Elle who just doesn't quite understand why mama can't pick her up for long periods of times or play with her like she used to.

That kills jo the most, not being there for Elle as she should be. She wants to be but it's hard when your fighting a battle with cancer and trying to fight pregnancy symptoms.

Her mum and my mum have been a big help, especially with Elle. They come over a lot, cook and clean. I try to help but they won't let me.

Jo complains I don't clean right.

"Do you need help getting to bed" I say coming to her side

"I got it" she whispers and slowly walks out the room

I give Elle one last check and shes still sound asleep in her crib. I tip toe out of her room and shut her light off, Closing the door behind me.

I meet up with Jo, who isn't half way to our room yet.

I scoop her into my arms and she lays her head on my shoulder and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Thank you" she whispers

"Are you in pain" I ask and she just nods a yes.

I gently lay her in bed and she quickly sits up and grabs a near by bucket and starts to puke.

I head to the bathroom and grab some wipes and some of her medicine.

When I get back to the bed. I sit next to her and hand her the wipes.

"Thank you" she says and I take the bucket from her

She gulps down her medicine and I help her get settled in bed.

I lay next to her, shut off the lights and hold her close.

"Tomorrow is your birthday mister" she says and I chuckle

"Yeah and" I say

"What do you want to do? We haven't talked about it" she asks

"I honestly forgot all about it" I say

"because of me right?" She asks

"I don't want to be the reason why you stop living. How about you take a day with some friends. We can celebrate later tomorrow night with a cake and our families" She says

"First, You're the only reason why I'm living. I live for you so stop that and second, I don't want to spend my birthday with anyone else besides you" I tell her and she gives me a smile

"You're my best friend. You will always be my favorite person" I add and she holds a hand to my face and tries not to cry but I can tell she wants all the tears to come falling

Herophine: Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes TiffinWhere stories live. Discover now