Chapter 32

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Jo pov

"This little one is all mine" Martha, Hero's mom says grabbing Elle from my hands

Today we're celebrating Elle's first birthday with a bunch of family and friends.

Martha is doing a lot better since the last time I've seen her. She was in Texas for awhile getting treatment for her heart conditions, but she's doing so much better now.

I let grandma Martha take Elle and walk around with her.

Hero has his arm around my waist and leans down to kiss my head.

"I can't believe we have a one year old" I say to him as we stand to the side and watch as all our guest enjoy the party.

Many crowd around Elle as they are so excited to celebrate her.

"I can't wait to have more" he says and I look up at him and giggle

"Give it one more year" I say

"I know. I know" he says and kisses me.

We're interrupted when his best friend Felix comes over. My best friend Sarah walks over at the same time.

"What" I say turning to them

"We were thinking about something" Sarah tells me

"Okay?" I question

"We should take a trip" Felix says

"What kind of trip" Hero asks

"An adult trip, get out of the states, go somewhere cool, plus your birthday is coming up. Wouldn't you want to celebrate it somewhere nice" Felix says to Hero

"That sounds fun and everything but we can't. We have a baby. We leave her a lot for work as it is" I say turning to Hero

"Jo's right. We shouldn't leave Elle" Hero says

"Come on you two, loosen up" Sarah says

"Sar, it's just not the right time. We have such busy lives" I say

"We're so busy we can't even have sex" Hero says and I turn to him annoyed.

"Really? Is that all you think about?" I question him, crossing my arms over my chest

"Jo-..." he says and before he can finish, I roll my eyes and grab Sarah's hand and walk away.

"Way to go man" Felix says and I hear Hero groan

I bring Sarah into the kitchen and pour myself some wine in a red solo cup so no one can judge my parenting, especially my mother.

I pass Sarah a cup and she gladly takes some.

We cheers and I gulp down my cup.

"We've only been married a few months and things feel so much more complicated in our relationship" I say and run a hand through my hair

"I didn't travel all the way from Australia to let you sit here and keep all your feelings inside. Talk to me. How can I help" Sarah says and I slightly giggle looking up at her.

"I mean we're happy. Elle is happy. Our sex life is non-existing but it's because I have been tired and I don't know I'm never in the mood. The baby keeps me up, drains ever last ounce of me" I tell her

"I know he wants to have sex. We're a young married couple, we should explore that side of our relationship but I don't know, I feel like we're lost in that department" I say

"You would think once you get married the sex gets better, I feel like it's getting worse, like we don't know how to switch it up in bed. It's always the same thing" I say

"And I probably shouldn't be so detailed but you asked for it. I had to let it all out" I say and she giggles

"I honestly just think you two are normal parents dealing with a baby as also trying to manage your love life. I think it's normal to feel the way you are about sex but how about you try spicing it up next time" she says

"When will there be a next time. Sar, if we're having sex, I don't want that casual let's have a quick one in the morning or before we go to bed. I want that passionate, do whatever you want with me kind of sex" I say and she nods in response

"And I definitely don't want that lets make another baby sex either" I tell her and she laughs

"We need to get you laid" she says

"Which you can do plenty of if you come on a trip with us. Felix and I will plan the whole thing" she adds

"I'll talk to Hero, let's see" I say and she jumps up and down with excitement

"That's not a definite yes, it's a maybe" I say and she hugs me

"I don't care at least you're thinking about it" she says and I giggle

"Sar, could I talk with my beautiful wife for a moment" Hero says walking into the kitchen

"Take as long as you need" Sarah says and leaves us

"So passionate, do whatever you want to me kind of sex" he says teasing me and I laugh into my hands

"You heard that" I say and he nods bringing me into a hug

"Look I know things haven't been like they used to. We've been off. We've been like an old married couple than a new married couple" he says the last part and I giggle

"But we will work through this. We can learn to balance our parenting life and make time for us because we still are in fact married" he says

"That sounds like a good idea" I say

"And I would also like to make some time for that passionate sex you were talking about" he says leaning down to kiss me

I giggle into our kiss and quickly lean up and kiss him back.

"We should get back to the party" he says and I nod

"Let's go rescue our baby from the crowd of people who want to play with her cheeks and pass her along" I say and we do just that.

When we found her she was now being held by Anna.

We gather everyone around the table and sing happy birthday. Elle looks at everyone with excitement but she doesn't realize everyone is singing to her, to celebrate her.

I hold her in my arms now and hold her hand while we sing.

Hero and I help her blow out her candles and the room cheers, making her clap her hands.

She's the cutest. I'm so happy we had her. She's only one but I'm beyond proud of this little human I get to call my daughter.

Happy birthday Elle, my little peanut.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

More to come

I will try to get an update for everyday

I will try to work really hard

But let me know what you want to see

I'm trying my best, I hope you're enjoying so far

Happy reading,
Herophinexafter 💖

Herophine: Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes TiffinWhere stories live. Discover now