Chapter 52

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Jo pov

"I want some of that" I say to Sarah as she sips her cocktail. We're sitting by the pool here at our Disney resort.

The family wanted to take a break from the park and enjoy the relaxation by the pool.

Hero swims with the kids but that mainly consist of them jumping on him most of the time.

They take a break from the pool and move to the small playground.

Hero comes walking over to us with Felix by his side. They're laughing about something which makes me absolute crave hero right now.

His wet body, his tossed hair, that smile.

This is totally the pregnancy hormones talking.

"I'm sorry pregnant lady you're not having none" Sarah tells me and I give her a small giggle before hero scoops me up in his arms and sits us on the pool chair together.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he smiles down at me as I scoot closer to him

"You're incredibly sexy you know that right" I whisper to him and his arm snakes around my body

"Are you horny jo" he whispers back and I simply nod

"We'll be back" hero quickly says standing up and bringing me a long.

"Where are you going" Sarah asks me

"No where" I say as hero quickly drags me along.

"Use protection. Oh wait too late for that" Felix says and hero gives him the finger.

"What about the kids" I ask as hero begins to kiss my neck once we're in the elevator.

"Our parents are watching them" he says gently massaging my boob.

"Fine. Whatever, just kiss me" I say and once we're in the room hero tackles my lips with his.

I pull the strings off my top and he begins to pull his swim pants down.

He quickly spreads my legs and I lean up to connect our lips back together.

He lays me down and he's about to push inside me when I quickly pull away and run to the bathroom.

I puke right into the toilet and hero quickly comes to my side.

The pregnancy sickness has been more aggressive this time around. I'm sick more, hurting more, peeing way more.

"I'm sorry" I whisper to hero as I pass a towel along my mouth.

"Hey it's okay, don't worry about it love" He says kissing my head and I lay my head back on him.

He gently rubs my belly and I smile at how much better that actually makes me feel.

His finger gently runs under my bathing suit bottoms and I look up at him with a giggle.

"What are you doing" I whisper, holding a hand to his face.

"Would it be totally crazy if we made sweet sweet love on this bathroom floor" he says and I reply with tackling my lips with his.

He quickly lays me down and my bottoms are quickly being ripped off.

I hold hero's hand as we walk the parks. I push the tired triplets in their stroller and Elle walks by my side as we observe the park.

"Mommy I want that balloon" Elle says jumping up and down and pointing at the light up balloons we just walked by.

"We're on our way to get ice cream. On our way back we can get it" I say and her mood immediately shifts.

"No" she says throwing a tantrum

"Come on Elizabeth, please don't start a tantrum" I tell her

"Daddy I want the balloon now" she yells

"Jo just let her get the balloon" hero sighs and walks over to the balloon cart and gets a balloon for all the kids.

"Thank you daddy" the triplets and Elle say happily

Hero tries to grab my hand again but I just simply continue pushing the stroller as we walk to the ice cream shop.

"What's the matter" he whispers to me so that the kids don't hear

"I'm always the bad parent and you're the good one" I say

"Well it was simple jo. Just give her the damn balloon" he says and I turn to him annoyed

"We can't spoil our kids like that. They need to know boundaries and discipline" I say and he sighs

"You're really mad at me over a balloon" he says

"I am. You never back me up. You always do the complete opposite" I say

"Well I'm sorry love, I'm just trying to be a good parent" he says annoyed

"So now I'm a bad parent" I say and he groans

"No I think you're a pregnant, hormonal, mood swinging mess" he says

"Next time learn how to use a condom then" I say annoyed and he lightly chuckles

"Now we're back to this talk again" he says as we wait in line for ice cream

"Yes because you don't understand how hard this is for me. Do you think I want to carry a baby for 9 months again" I ask him and he turns to me

"I would hope so. I mean there's nothing we can do now" he says

"I wish" I say back and he scoffs

"So you don't this baby" he asks

"Honestly hero I don't, but it's too late now. Of course I'm going to sound like the bad guy for saying that" I say running a hand through my hair

"I don't know what you want me to say or do jo" he asks and I roll my eyes

"Exactly" I whisper and it's now our turn to order.

Hero helps me feed the triplets their ice cream so they don't make a mess but leave it to elle to drop her ice cream all over her.

We get back to the hotel and get the kids ready for bed. They are full of energy especially after that ice cream.

Hero and I kiss them goodnight then we get ourselves to bed in the room we share, apart from the kids.

"I think we need counseling" I whisper to hero as we sit in bed, quietly.

He simply nods his head and agrees.

Hi readers

Here's a chapter for you

Hope you enjoy

More to come

Happy reading,
Herophinexafter 💖

Herophine: Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes TiffinWhere stories live. Discover now