Chapter 47

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Jo pov

"I don't know I kinda want some blonde highlights and it definitely needs a trim. I have this mom hair going on and it has got to go" I tell my hair stylist as we think of a plan for my hair.

"Don't worry Ms. Josephine. I have the perfect Oscar look for you. You are going to be stunning down that carpet" he says and I smile into the mirror.

This weekend are the Oscar awards. I was nominated for an award so I get the privilege of going. This will be my first time going to the Oscars and I'm beyond excited.

I'm bringing my sister with me because we are allowed one guest so it was between Hero, my mom and my sister Katherine.

I haven't had much time with katherine so I think this will be a nice weekend trip for us.

We are both actors in this industry so it'll be nice to have my sister by my side who shares the same passion.

Hero was a tad bit upset he's not coming with me but he supports my decision and is happy I'm spending some time with my sister.

The hair dresser cuts and splashes different things to my hair. I just sit back and let him do his thing.

I look over and see Elle is enjoying her little spa day.

I let her get her nails painted and a small trim to her ends. She's having a great time.

After our day at the salon we are heading to pick up auntie katherine.

What seems like forever, my hair is finally done and I'm absolutely in love with it.

The blonde highlights really bring out my hair and makes me look a bit younger.

"I love it" I say running my fingers through the waves he gave me.

"Your husband is going to love it" he says and I giggle

"He sure is" I say, smiling at myself in the mirror.

"You look so beautiful mommy. I want to be just as beautiful as you when I grow up" Elle says and I turn to her and my mom heart skips beats from her cuteness.

"Thank you peanut" I say hugging her

"But you're so beautiful. Look at this hair and those nails. Daddy is going to freak when he sees this. He's going to love it" I say and she jumps up and down with excitement.

"Now lets go because we have to pick up auntie katherine from the airport" I say and we thank the salon and head on our way.

"I'm hungry mommy" Elle says as we walk back to the car

"Let's pick something up real quick at this restaurant, then we have to be on our way" I say opening the door to the restaurant and she quickly walks in.

"Hello, how may I help you" a lady ask as we walk in

"I would like to place an order to go" I say and she nods, holding her pen and paper as I tell her my order

I order a kids meal for Elle: chicken tenders with grapes and an apple juice. Then I grab a small salad for me.

They quickly package that order for us and then we're back in the car.

I buckle Elle into her seatbelt and open her meal for her. I place the straw in her juice box and she happily munches on her chicken tenders

"Be careful not to spill your juice" I say handing her the juice box

"I won't. Thank you mommy" she says

"Your welcome love" I say kissing her head and heading to the driver seat because we are running a little behind schedule.

The drive to the airport is about 30 minutes.

I pick Katherine up at our meeting spot and I can barely spot her because she's surrounded by a storm of fans.

Oh no. Sorry sis.

I beep my horn and Katherine spots me.

She's escorted to my car by airport security and when she's in the car I can tell she's a little pissed I was running late.

"Sorry" I simply say as we drive away

"It's okay. I just was wondering where you were" she says and turns to say hello to Elle.

"Hello, my pretty girl" Katherine says excitedly to Elle

"Hello auntie katherine" Elle says sweetly and it warms my heart

"Where's hero? Where's the triplets" Katherine asks

"They're at home. I don't think the triplets could survive the car ride to the airport. It would be madness" I say and Katherine laughs a little

We make our way home and the triplets waddle to the door when they see me walk in.

Their almost one. It's crazy how fast time is flying.

"Katherine, hello, how was your flight" Hero says greeting my sister

"Good flight. Just got held up by fans at the airport, you know how it is" she says and I giggle

"I said I was sorry" I say

"You're forgiven" she says and bends down to greet the triplets

"Hello little ones" she says and they cutely hug their aunt.

"I love this new hair" hero says wrapping his arms around my waist and I turn to him and giggle

"You do?" I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck

"It's very sexy" he whispers to me and I giggle, leaning up and pecking his lips.

"Daddy, look at my new hair" Elle says and Hero lifts her in his arms and she squeals with happiness.

"My little princess is so beautiful just like her mother" he says and I give him a small smile

"And I got my nails done too" she says showing hero

"They look super cute, peanut" he says

"Okay little ones, let's stop climbing on auntie katherine and let her rest. We have a busy day tomorrow and she's had a long trip" I tell the triplets but the continue to attack katherine with their undeniable cuteness.

Part two to this chapter coming soon!

I have been trying my best to update but I have been super busy

Will get more up soon

Happy reading,
Herophinexafter 💖

Herophine: Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes TiffinWhere stories live. Discover now