Chapter 31

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Jo Pov

"I just can't believe we have to spend our daughters first birthday on set. She deserves better than this, I'm calling out of work today I don't care" I say freaking out to Hero as we wake up and get ready to start our day.

We're on the second week of filming the third movie for the After Series.

"Love, calm down. We're having a get together this weekend. Elle is not going to hate us" Hero says

"It's just not fair. I want to give her the best birthday today. Her birthday is today. Our little girl is one" I say and tears start to fall.

"Jo" he says gently and I look down

"Love, look at me" he says and I look up at him

"What" I say sadly

"Promise me you won't call out to work. Elle will be there with us like she always is. Jo, it's just her first birthday" he says and I sigh, laying my head on his chest

"I guess I'm just over reacting" I say

"You're being a mum. A great one at that" he says and I smile up at him and gently kiss him.

He quickly kisses me back and runs his hands up my shirt.

"Whatever you have in mind. That's not happening" I say and he starts to kiss my neck

"Please jo, it's been such a long time" he says and I shake my head no.

"I'm not in the mood. I have to get Elle ready. Plus we're filming a sex scene today" I say and he sighs laying next to me

"That's not real sex" he says and I giggle, pecking his lips

"It's the closest thing you're getting" I say and get out of bed to get ready.

I throw on black leggings and a shirt then head over to Elle's room, in our Atlanta apartment.

Once I open the door. She sits up and smiles when she sees me.

"There's the birthday girl" I say picking her up and hugging her.

"Mama" she says excitedly

She's only one so I don't think she understands the whole birthday thing, but I want to make this the best day for her.

Hero walks into her room and takes her from my arms

"Happy birthday peanut" he says kissing her cheeks making her laugh.

I rub her back and smile at our beautiful daughter.

We walk onto set and there's a section filled with balloons and a huge cake. There's toys and stuffed animals filling the table.

A huge 'happy birthday Elle' banner hangs and I'm almost close to tears.

This team is amazing.

"And you wanted to call out of work" Hero whispers to me and I giggle

"Oh shut up" I say

"There's the golden girl" Anna says reaching for Elle and Hero hands her the baby.

"You didn't have to do this" I say to Anna

"I have to treat my #1 girl with all the love especially on her birthday" Anna says and I hug her

"It wasn't just me. Hero, Roger and the cast helped" she says and I turn to Hero.

"You did this" I say and he chuckles

"Surprise" he says

"You officially get the best husband award" I say leaning up and pecking his lips.

"How long until we start filming" I ask Anna

"You still have a while. Roger is running late" she says and I nod

"Amanda, could you watch Elle now. Hero and I are going to get ready" I gently say to Amanda our assistant for Elle.

She takes care of her on set while Hero and I work, when Inanna brings her baby on set, Amanda will also watch the both of them.

"We'll be right back" I say and grab Hero's hand.

I basically run us to our dressing room and smash my lips onto his.

As a married couple, we share a dressing room now.

He's surprised by my actions and pulls away.

"Maybe I should surprise you more often" he says and I'm already ripping off my leggings

"You have no idea how much I love you" I say and he carries me to the couch.

"Thank you for setting that up for Elle" I say and he holds a hand to my face.

"I wanted to tell you so bad this morning when you were upset but Anna made me keep it a surprise" he says and I giggle leaning up so we can kiss again.

He holds my hands above my head as he passionately kisses me. I pull off my shirt and he takes his clothes off too.

He leans back down to kiss me and of course, of course, we are interrupted by someone knocking on our door.

I grab my robe and run a hand through my hair.

I slightly open the door and it's Shane.

"What's up" I say

"Can I come in" he says

"For what? I'm kind of busy" I say and he begins to cry

"I could really use someone to talk to" he says and I immediately open the door and let him in.

Hero is putting his clothes back on as Shane comes in.

"I didn't mean to interrupt" Shane says wiping his tears

He's always been emotional, that's what I love about him. He's so open about his feelings.

"It's okay man" Hero says and hands him a water from the fridge.

"What's going on" I ask and he goes on and on how he feels stuck with life and he wants all of these things and nothing seems to be happening.

Hero and I comfort him and give him our best advice.

Once we're done with Shane, Hero and I are back on set to film.

Please don't hate me

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while

I will try my best to get another chapter uploaded tomorrow

Thanks for being so patient and the best readers possible

I will update soon
I promise

I'll make the next chapter Elle's birthday so comment your ideas

I would love to hear them

Happy reading,
Herophinexafter 💖

Herophine: Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes TiffinWhere stories live. Discover now