Chapter 54

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Jo pov

"What's all this?" I say and he looks up at me with a smile

"We've been distant. Lost. Not on the same page. I just wanted to have some time to ourselves and for me to show you how much I really love you" he says as he walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist

"I'm going to make sweet love to you" he whispers to me and I melt at his touch

"I'm okay with that" I say and he starts to run his hands under my shirt and kisses my neck

"I'm sorry I'm not as attractive with this bump" I roll my eyes and he stops kissing my neck

"It's like you don't want this baby at all. You always have something negative to say" he says and the mood immediately changes

"Let's not argue. Let's focus on this" I say wrapping my arms around his neck

"If you don't want this baby jo, just tell me now" he says and I unwrap my arms from his neck and sigh

"Fine, I don't want this baby, is that what you want to hear" I say and he looks at me with sad eyes

"What's so bad about one more baby? Why are you so hung up on this baby" he says and I begin to cry

"Because it's not yours" I yell and his eyes go wide

"What do you mean" he says looking at me confused

"Remember that trip I took a few months back for that photo shoot. I met someone at a bar and one thing led to another. I slept with him. I don't know why I did it or why I didn't stop but I did it" I say and he looks destroyed

"Is this someway of getting back at me" he asks

"How do you even know it's not my baby" he adds

"I don't know why I did it hero. It was just one night of meaningless sex. It didn't really mean anything" I say

"And it's not your baby because of the timing. I'm actually 3 months along, I just pretended to find out recently so you wouldn't get suspicious" I whisper

"This is low Jo. Very low, even for you" he says and I run a hand through my hair

"What about all the times you've cheated on me, hurt me" I say and he sighs

"We were good, we were happy and you go and pull something like this" he says

"Maybe I wasn't happy hero, have you ever thought of that" I say

"Why wouldn't you be? I give you the world jo" he says

"I don't know why I did it but I did and now I'm pregnant with this guys baby, who I don't even know" I say and hero stands from the bed and begins to pack a bag.

"This is your mistake jo. Figure it out." He says

"Where are you going" I say crossing my arms over my chest

"I need some time" he says

"Hero, we should talk about this" I say

"I have nothing to say to you" He says and I begin to cry

"I love you" I whisper to him

"I know you do, but I don't think we have the same love anymore" he says kissing my head and walking out.

I blow out the candles and remain in the dark.

* triggering content: abortion *

"There's going to be some pressure" the doctor says and I nod

I close my eyes and wince as she continues with the procedure.

"Before we proceed, I will ask you one more time, is this something you still want to do" the doctor ask and I nod as tears run down my face

What has gotten into you Jo? What has your life come to?

"Yes. I'm sure" I say and she pats my arm and continues.

I lay on the living room couch as I recover from today's procedure.

I haven't talked to hero for days now, only to tell him my ideas about getting an abortion. The kids are at his parents house, I could use some quiet today.

The front door opens and hero walks in. He sees me in the living room and comes over.

He holds a take out bag and a milkshake from one of my favorite restaurants.

"What are you doing here" I ask him

"I came to check up on you" he says

"And to bring you something to eat. Sara tells me you haven't been eating" he adds and I nod

"It's been a rough couple of days" I say and he agrees.

He hands me the bag and shake and I smile at the warm soup in the bag. Everything I needed right in this moment.

"Look jo, if you want to be together then let's do it, but if you don't want to be together please let me know. I just want you to know I love you above all else, no matter the mistakes we've both made, I love you" he says and I hold his face and gently kiss him

He hungrily kisses me back, molding our bodies perfectly together. I lay back on the couch as we continue to make out.

He rubs a little to hard against me and I wince.

"Are you okay" he asks

"Yeah it's just sore" I say

Hero's face begins to change shape and color, the room begins to spin, everything around me starts to disappear.

I open my eyes.

Dun dun dun

What's going to happen next?

Sorry if I broke some of your hearts

More to come

Happy reading,
Herophinexafter 💖

Herophine: Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes TiffinWhere stories live. Discover now