Chapter 27 The First Queen of the Mythical Realm Part 1 (Edited)

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It all started on the day they started the hunting of Mythical Creatures. The Mythical creatures were able to escape the people who were hunted by the ignorance of other people but would accuse their kind instead, because of a majority vote.

"Oh like social media does to bully people?" Nick commented.

After years and decades of going through this, the leaders of every species of mythical creatures had enough of what people had done to them. A meeting was called, at a location where the majority of the species lived, Europe.

Some flew there, some ran and some were teleported by others. One by one, they all came and each of them was angrier than the next.

The leader of Mythix, was a man named Jeremiah, "Our brothers and sisters, we are in danger. The people have seen us as a threat and tried to kill our families, our parents, our children. We need to- "

"-we need to retaliate and kill off all of them like they tried to kill our brothers and sisters." Continued the king of the werepeople, King Eugene.

"Wait, if we were to retaliate, we might lose more of our people. We cannot risk this, it's-it's madness." Said the queen of the Fairies, Queen Iris.

"I agree with Queen Iris, that is why I propose we have to go to the new place and rea so the people can calm down," said Master Jeremiah.

"And how do you propose we do that?" said the Queen of the Centaurs, Queen Hilda.

"Well, that is why we are here. It turns out that some of my students have found a place, a realm which we can call the Mythical Realm that only has dirt and trees where no people and only other Mythical creatures have gone before," said Master Jeremiah.

"What?! Is this the realm that our ancestors have been before?" asked King Eugene Master Eugene nodded at him and the sound of whispers echoed around the forest.

"But we cannot search for it easily. I'll let my students explain. Childre...." said Master Jeremiah while pointing at the 4 young men coming by.

"As I said, my students have been finding ways for us to live happily with our families and friends, this is what they found out, boys?" said Master Jeremiah.

One of the men stepped out. "My name is Simon, these are my brothers Henry, Isaac, and Edgar. We are Master Jeremiah's students and we have found an old text from our ancestors that says that there is a realm that Mythical creatures have been before, but one creature still lives there. However, we are unable to decipher the text as to know which creature it is but we are certain that the creature is not here with us."

"Wait! Stop!" said a voice in the crowd, they all turned and saw a girl not more than 17 years old, in commoner's clothing while running towards Master Jeremiah.

"Matilda, what are you doing here, womenfolk are supposed to stay at home and you have no business here! Go home!" said Henry.

Suddenly an arrow came towards Henry but Master Jeremiah made a barrier appear in front of him breaking the arrow.

"that is enough, let her be!" screamed Queen Hilda.

"Hilda, calm down," said Queen Iris, "Young man! We are women folk as well. Master Jeremiah!, these are the men that treat Mythix women with rude behavior that you suggested to be King!?"

Master Jeremiah hit Henry upside the head and hissed, "Behave yourself"

Matilda came forward to Master Jeremiah. "What does she mean Master Jeremiah? King?" Confusion showed on her face.

He sighed and came nearer to her patting her head while looking at all the other Mythical creatures. "Yes, you are right Queen Iris, our leaders are growing old and tired and we need a new leader for us. one leader for all the Mythix. Out of all of my students who came from far and wide, I had selected a few of my students that I think can lead over our kind," said Master Jeremiah.

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