Chapter 2

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You went home right after school. You stopped to take off your shoes when suddenly the door opened, revealing Mira, with a huge grin on her face.

"How was your first day?!"

"It was alright."

You made your way inside the house and immediately sat on the couch, sighing. Not long after, Mira placed a tray full of food in front of you and you gladly accepted it.

"Were your classmates nice?" she asked while sitting next to you.

"Yeah, they were all super friendly. One stood out though." you smiled to yourself. "Other than that everything went smoothly. Aizawa will be my teacher."

"That's wonderful!"

You both sat silently until you finished your food. You stood up and made your way to the kitchen, where you rolled up your sleeves so that you could wash your dishes. As soon as she noticed, Mira rushed and took the sponge off your hands.

"Let me do the dishes for once Mira. You're always doing the housework and never let me do anything."

"Because you have other stuff to focus on! And why bother when I'm here." she softly said. "Go take a shower and rest."

I'm here. The most comforting words anywone could ever say to you. You couldn't help but smile at her sweet face. You gave her a quick peck on the cheek and you rushed to the bathroom. As always, there were multiple thoughts running through your head while showering.

Will they accept me? What will they think of me when they find out about my quirk. Will they be afraid as well?

You slowly lowered your head and looked at your hands.

They will find out eventually.

You got out of the shower and quickly blow-dried your hair. You then wore some comfortable clothes and jumped on your bed. You closed your eyes and you found yourself thinking about that short-tempered boy. Bakugou was it? You had seen small explosions coming out of his hands when he was screaming at you earlier.

Is that his quirk? Explosions? Interesting...

Within seconds later, you fell asleep. Mira came in and covered you with a cozy blanket. She kissed your forehead and then left your room.


The next day as soon as you entered the classroom, you were greeted by the cheerful expressions of your classmates. You made your way to your seat only to see that Bakugou had decided to sit like a normal human being for once. You looked at him though he kept his gaze on his phone, not bothering to look up. You sat down and let your backpack fall next to you.

"Yo (y/n)!"

You looked up and saw Kirishima waving at you from his seat.

"Hey." you simply replied.

You made small talk with him and his other friends, some of the girls as well. You enjoyed their company. Unexpectedly, though, Mina asked you something that you had hoped not to hear anytime soon.

"So (y/n) I was wondering, what is your quirk? You seem pretty fit overall, so it must be something super cool!" she exclaimed.

"That's right!" added Uraraka, with Deku opening his notebook next to her. "Would you mind if I asked you some questions about it as well?" he asked.

"Oh um.."

"Oi, can't you see that you are making her feel uncomfortable?" you looked over your shoulder and saw Bakugou facing your classmates with a rather interesting expression on his face. "We will find out sooner or later anyway." he added as he turned to look at you this time. "Must be pretty damn interesting if you want to keep it to yourself."

"He is right. We're sorry." said Mina with Momo nodding next to her.

"That's alright guys. It's just that I am not that used to getting so much attention at once." you said, secretly thanking Bakugou. Without even finishing your sentence, Aizawa entered the classroom.

"Alright settle down." he said as everyone sat down. "As you all know, the sports festival is near. It would be good for you to start training from now. So we will go to the training fields today, go get changed and meet me outside."

Training? Great.

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