After Story 2/?

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After the weekend, you were all gathered at the UA training grounds. You hadn't talked to Bakugou in what felt like forever, and Aizawa had noticed your bad mood. Bakugou's especially. It was hard for you two to move on since you saw eachother daily. Yesterday, you decided to visit him, having the need to talk about your feelings with someone apart from your girl-friends, but it didn't really go as planned.

"Just try to ignore him."

"Wow, so helpful. Thanks."

"(y/n), don't you think it's for the best that you two took a break?"

"I guess."

You layed down on his couch and covered yourself with a blanket, similarly to him with his sleeping bag.

"Listen I've noticed how you two act and it is clear that you aren't taking this lightly. It would be best if you started showing that you are doing better. Then he will notice and start moving on as well."

"You're secretly happy that we're not together anymore!"

"Well, I can't say that I'm sad about it either. You have the opportunity to focus more on your training and studying rather than fooling around with Bakugou."


Eventually, after a while, you fell asleep so he didn't bother to wake you up. By the looks of it, you had started to see nightmares again, due to being distressed all the time. When Uraraka called you, he picked up and informed her that you were sound asleep and that you wouldn't be sleeping at the dorms that day. You felt grateful for having Aizawa.

After what felt like forever, he finally told you that today's training was combat, so you just thought nothing of it due to always being paired with him so that you would go all out with your quirks.

"Only this time, I'll pair you up. Starting with (y/n) and Bakugou-"


"No objections."

"Yeah right, I don't know what you're trying to do here but I'm going back." Bakugou said, ready to go change.

"I said no objections!" Aizawa dragged him back

Bakugou scoffed and made his way next to you, sitting on the ground while waiting for Aizawa to finish pairing up your classmates. The silence between you two was driving you insane so you decided to speak up.

"How have you been?"

"Why do you care?"

"I'm still human, I care for others."

"Tsk, couldn't be better. And what about you?" he asked sarcastically.

"I'm doing great as well, thanks for asking." you replied with the same sarcasm.

He rolled his eyes and stood up, stretching while facing away from you. You just crossed your arms and closed your eyes, standing still before the training started.

You felt like you were back in stage one. Like you had just met him. Like you two didn't share anything with each other.

"Alright kids you may start, don't forget that you can go all out but with a certain limit. The one standing wins." Aizawa said in his usual monotone voice.

"Come on, let's finish this fast."

"What are you talking about."

He stood in front of you and cracked his knuckles before finally replying.

"I don't want to spend more time with your sorry ass during training. I need a stronger opponent. At this point Aizawa was-"

You cut him off by laughing loudly at his words, your eyes finally meeting his after days of trying your best not to look at each other.

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