Chapter 11

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"We are here, get your bags and wait outside."

Everyone woke up, since it was morning, you too as well. You tried to move your head but realised that Bakugou's was on top of yours, and he was still asleep.


It took him some time to finally wake up, and when he did, he quickly moved away from you.

"Relax." you chuckled. "Come, lets go out."

While you got out of the bus, he stayed still on his seat. He looked behind him and saw Kirishima and Kaminari with wide smiles looking at him as if telling him 'told ya'.


"Relax bro! It's all good." said Kirishima.

The boys got off the bus and after some time of giggling with Kaminari, Kirishima pulled out his phone and showed Bakugou a picture of you and him sleeping peacefully close to each other.

"Didn't know you liked to snuggle Bakubro!"

They started laughing loudly, running around the bus with Bakugou chasing after them angrily.

"Go find your rooms, and meet me here afterwards. We are doing quirk training." said Aizawa.

Sharing a room with Uraraka, you two made your way there while picking up your suitcases.

"We are going to Momo and Mina's room later at night. Hope you don't mind." she informed you while unlocking the door.

"Of course not! Looking forward to it."

"I'm so happy that you are having a good time here with us."

"Me too." you replied, a soft smile forming on your lips. "Let's go, we have training to do."

You met outside with your classmates and saw that some had already started training. Bakugou was plunging both of his hands into boiling water to expand his sweat glands, releasing huge explosions. Todoroki was in a bucket of water, alternating between ice and fire, so that his body got used to freezing and have him control the temperature of his flames. Sero was producing tape continuously, Kirishima battled Ojiro and so on. What were you going to do though?

"Good, you're here. Since its too risky for you to fight anyone, you are going to fight me."


Some of your classmates heard your teacher and stopped their training, Bakugou as well.

"I want you to learn how to properly use Mind Control. You will get dragged into it as well, remember? Plus, you need to get used to using your Blood Bending quirk for a longer period of time."

"What if I hurt you?"

"I feel ofended, (y/n), I can endure pain. I will erase your quirk if anything goes wrong so don't worry."

You gulped and finally agreed. It's not like you had another choice though.

You positioned yourself and soon after, you attacked Aizawa. You took out your small pocket knife and swung it towards him carefully.

"Come on focus! You need to learn how to cut your opponents without much struggle."

Taking his blabbering as an opportunity you ran towards him and cut his arm. He stopped moving and secretly smiled at your proud face. You cut yourself slightly and quickly passed your black blood inside of him.

"Good." he said.

You closed your eyes and made him think about an event of his past. Not a bad memory, but a good one. He looked like he was staring into space.

"Wow..." Deku whispered.

"Ugh." you grunted while rubbing your head.

"(y/n)?" Uraraka tried to approach you but Momo quickly stopped her, as this was something you had to face sooner or later.

Aizawa shook his head, meaning that he came back to reality.

"That was something.." he murmured. "Don't stop now!"

You opened your eyes, revealing a bright white color. Everyone watched in amazement. You took some steps closer, your face stern, and put your hand in front of Aizawa. He stopped moving, and soon, sweat appeared on his forehead. After some seconds, he was able to move his hand again, despite you still using your quirk on him.

"You have to put more power into this, your opponent will be able to move if you-"

You moved your other hand and made a swift move upwards, lifting Aizawa's head up as well. Your hands started shaking, meaning that you were slowly reaching your limit. You released him and he stood up once again, only for you to fall to your knees.

You opened your eyes, them returning to your regular color after some seconds while you covered your face with your hands, shaking as sweat dropped from your arms and forehead.

"You did good." he said, patting your head softly. "Enough training for now, enjoy the rest of the day, fool around and such, but don't go too far away got it?"

As soon as he walked away, you stood up.

"Are you okay (y/n)?" asked Tsu.

"Yeah guys, I'm fine. Just tired that's all."

Your friends helped you sit on a nearby bench.

"That was very cool!" said Sero.

"Yeah! Although I kinda got scared when your eyes went all white." added Mineta.


You looked up and saw Bakugou handing you a bottle of water.

"Thank you."

"We should rest, it's barbeque day remember?" said Momo.

Everyone got excited as soon as they heard her words. They got up and headed to their dorms so that they showered and relaxed for a bit before the night came.

As you were all together, Aizawa entered the room where all the other teachers were and took some deep breaths.

"Everything alright, Shouta?" asked Present Mic.

"This kid.." he said while smiling to himself.

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