Chapter 27

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Many heroes, as well as your classmates, had gathered around the area where the multiple Nomus had attacked. Seems like the one that you and Kirishima fought was the strongest one. The fight had finally ended as a lot of damage had been done already. The heroes were trying to take care of the citizens that had gotten injured but luckily, there were only a few since they had managed to evacuate them from the buildings right in time.


"Kirishima? Oh my God (y/n)!" Mina stressed, rushing towards you.

Todoroki and Bakugou came as well, shocked after looking at their surroundings but most importantly, angry for not being able to be there and fight alongside with all of you. Aizawa was there, trying to find someone to take care of you first rather than him, as he had gotten pretty injured from the fight himself.

You were transferred into the nearest ambulance and were quickly taken to the hospital. As the streets were finally getting cleared from all the citizens, police, and heroes, Bakugou's eyes searched for you, but no luck.

He ran towards Kirishima and shook his shoulders, asking him what had happened to you, as from what he had seen on TV he already knew that you two were paired together. Kirishima reluctantly replied to Bakugou's question, making his eyes widen in shock.

That reckless idiot!


Opening your eyes weakly from the sunlight that hit the room, you glanced at your bandaged arms and legs, feeling sore and in pain. Bakugou was sound asleep next to your hospital bed, but you didn't wake him up. He did wake up, however, from the small whimper that you made after trying to get out of bed.

"Stop moving you idiot!" he shouted while standing up.

"N-No don't shout. Wait for a couple of minutes. My head is killing me." you murmured, rubbing your forehead. "How is Aizawa?"

"That's what's bothering you right now?"

"Of course it is!"

He tried to calm himself down by taking a deep breath.

"Everyone is fine."

You looked at him and moved your hands upwards as if asking for a hug, which he quickly responded by giving it to you. He wrapped his arms around you carefully and rested his head on your shoulder while you kissed his cheek multiple times.

"Looks like you missed me." 

"I can never get enough of you."

You locked eyes for a second and then moved forward, sharing a loving kiss that you oh so needed. Unfortunately for you, Aizawa burst into your room, making you and Bakugou back away from eachother.

"Jesus, you didn't even get the chance to wake up properly." he said in his usual monotone voice that had a slight tone of irritation in it, making you roll your eyes at him.

He looked at Bakugou as if telling him to go home, which he did after ruffling your hair a bit and kissing your forehead one last time.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I'm doing good. My body hurts a bit though."

"Well you were thrown to a window."

Tsk, can he stop being sarcastic for just a second?!

Your phone rang so you quickly grabbed it from the small table that was next to your bed, ignoring Aizawa's statement.

"Who is it?"

"Mira. Hey Mira, don't worry I'm doing fine!"

"Listen carefully, do not say anything about this and don't make any weird faces or else Eraser Head is going to realize that something is wrong."

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