Chapter 13

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You woke up screaming. Your whole body was shaking, and as the seconds passed by, you started recollecting what had happened before you blacked out. The reason why you had a nightmare. You looked at your hands which were covered in bandages and you started panicking. The door quickly opened with Bakugou basically storming in, ignoring Recovery Girl's warnings.

"All for One!" you shouted, still shaking.

Bakugou took you into an embrace, holding you tightly in his strong arms, your hands weakly gripping the back of his shirt. Aizawa and All Might entered the room some moments after as well, having troubled expressions on their faces. Aizawa approached you and patted your head as soon as Bakugou released you from his embrace.

"He is not here. You're safe." he reassured you calmly.

"Young (y/n), how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I just had a nightmare about him... how many days have I been passed out?"

"Two." All Might took some seconds before speaking again, "Did he.. did he take your quirks?" he asked reluctantly. "Try them on someone."

Bakugou looked at you as if allowing you to use them on him. You tried activating your Blood Bending quirk, which worked, but was too weak due to your wounded hands. Everyone sighed in relief.

"Thank god he didn't take your quirks. I would have killed that piece of shit! What were you thinking you dumbass?" he asked, clearly irritated.

"I couldn't just sit behind and watch you fight with all those villains." you replied before glancing at Aizawa who had turned his gaze elsewhere. "You saved me didn't you?"

"Just in time. Yes you saved Bakugou, but the heroes had it under control. And of course you and the rest of your little group are going to get punished for your reckless actions."

"Weren't you the one who told me not to be afraid of using my quirks and all?" you scoffed.

Aizawa raised his finger in attempt of protesting, but All Might cut him off.

"We will let this time slip. You acted bravely, young (y/n), but reclessly. But before things get more heated," he said, slowly walking in front of Aizawa, "we should tell you that UA is going to have dorms for your class. We have already talked to Mira, and after some persuasion she finally agreed. It's up to you now."

"Yeah, sure."

"Alright. We are leaving now, you are allowed to leave too if you want. Come back tomorrow though for Recovery Girl to heal your hands fully."

"And no going out with Bakugou 'till late got it? You two tend to get in trouble often." warned Aizawa before slamming the door shut.

"Annoying ass.." you whispered.

You tried to stand up only to get grabbed by your wrist.

"Why didn't you come with me when shitty hair and the other two saved me from the villains?"

"Someone needed to distract the villains."

"And that someone had to be you?!"

"What's up with you all of a sudden?"

"I was watching the fight from a big ass screen. When the camera landed on you, with All for One having his hand one inch away from your face, I felt my heart drop you idiot. Thank god Aizawa grabbed you before it was too late!" he replied, slightly raising his voice.

"I'm sorry for scaring you."

"Yeah you did, dumbass." he murmured, flicking your forehead.

You smiled a bit at his behaviour and finally stood up, embracing him softly. Meanwhile, he flinched at your sudden action, but as soon as he relaxed, he put his hand on top of your head, moving it slowly. Hiding your red faces, you made small steps away from each other and glanced at random things around the room.

"Let's get you home."


You were walking down the streets with Bakugou and the sun was slowly starting to set. You looked up at him, admiring his sunlit face, but the fact that your heart beat faster every second drove you insane and you didn't really know the reason why.

"Liking what you see?" he said with a smug smile.

"Oh right, forgot how much of an egomaniac you are." you mockingly replied.


You couldn't help it. You didn't even realise that you did it. You stopped him by softly resting your hands on his chest and without even thinking about it twice, you put your lips on his. Taking some steps back seconds after, your cheeks turned red after seeing his shocked face.

"Sorry I-"

Little did you know, however, that he couldn't help it either. He was waiting for this moment for a long time, but he wasn't sure if you felt the same. He wrapped his arms around you, and pulled you back into another kiss. You closed your eyes once more, and cupped his cheeks, caressing them softly, which only made his heart flutter even more. As soon as you pulled back, you couldn't help but notice his faint blush.

"You look adorable." you teased while pinching his cheeks.

"Tsk. You're so annoying." he replied, slapping your hands away from his face.

"MY HANDS YOU DUMBASS!" you shouted, rubbing your bandaged hands together.


After continuing your walk, he slowly took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers together. When you arrived, you said your goodbyes and as soon as you entered your house, Mira ran at you and hugged you with tears in her eyes.

"Oh dearie I was so worried! What happened to your hands?!"

"I'm fine Mira, really."

"I would have killed Aizawa if anything bad happened to you, but he saved you just in time luckily." she said while wiping the tears off her face.

"It wasn't his fault." you replied with a soft smile on your lips.

"I have prepared some food for you. Eat up and then take a shower okay?" she smiled, brushing her fingers through your soft hair.

You nodded and did as she said. After getting dressed, you layed down in bed and as soon as you closed your eyes, a notification popped on your lock screen.

"Goodnight, shitty girl." it said.

You stared at it with a confused expression before it finally hit you.

I didn't give him my phone number.


She came up the stairs and opened the door.

"Yes honey?"

"Did you give Bakugou my phone number?"

"Wasn't I supposed to?" she asked, covering her mouth with her hand as if being surprised.

You raised your eyebrow and she finally gave in. She started laughing and before she closed the door she said,

"I like him."

"Yeah, me too."

She finally left and you layed back once again after replying to his message.

"Goodnight, Katsuki."

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