Chapter 19

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Bethany's POV

I mentally curse at myself for going out last night. I may have had one drink, but the lack of sleep I have right now made my head pound. I'm not used to getting less than 8 hours of sleep, so waking up at 6 and realizing I've only slept for three and a half hours is a little nerving. 

Who even goes out to a club on Sunday night? Oh that's right, Harry Styles.

I should have never let him talk me into going to the club. I should have settled on that nice dinner date and left it at that. I know I keep saying I want to be a twenty year old and have a life, but when I know I have work the next morning, I know that's not an option. I take one day of a week, usually Sunday and so if I were to go out again, I'll make sure its a Saturday when I do so. 

My alarm has been going off for five minutes, reminding me that it's another dreadful Monday morning. There was some stupid song playing in the background that I knew I would end up hating eventually. So, I pushed myself up quickly and completely regretting my actions. The amount of black spots that entered my vision scared the shit out of me and I had to wait till I could see everything again before standing to my feet. 

After I did, began this weird morning stretch routine that I've started since my parents died. It help losen my muscles after I laid in bed for a week crying. It was theraputic really. I started out by scrunching and unscrunching my toes, occasionally feeling them crack a bit. I hated the sound, but the release in pressure was worth it. Then, I would stand on my tippy toes and move my arms over my head, hoping to release some tension in my back. It worked, because after I was done, I felt like a newer person. 

The sun was still rising when I looked out the window. Everything was quiet too. It was basically like the world had stopped. The entire world below me was peaceful and it was moments like these that I remembered why I allowed myself to wake up this early. Watching the sun rise in the morning was part of my morning routine, and I don't know what I'd do if I never got to do it again. 

Life for me was hectic. I know that. Trying to balance being the CEO of a multibillion dollar company was probably the most stressful thing that could happen at the age of 17. I was proud of myself for running the company and maintaining where it was in the business market. I had achieved at getting it as high as it could go. I was responsible for hundreds of thousands of peoples jobs and one mistake could potentially hurt many of them. I was proud that I hadn't made that mistake and that I had backup plans if that were to happen. 

But life was hectic. I can't remember the last time I got to take a vacation for myself that didn't include me being bombarded with phone calls and emails. It stressed me out and that was something I wasn't proud of. The stress starts getting to you after awhile. It starts to really wear you out and make you tired. It's not a sleepy tired. It's a tired that makes your entire body feel completely covered in weight- like you can't move even if you try. It was suffocating and for that reason, it scared the shit out of me. 

People in this business were always turning towards drugs and alcohol as an escape, but I refuse to do that. I refuse to turn my life into that. I understand every here and there can be very stress relieving if you're just hanging with a friend. But this people in the business world don't do it for fun. No, they do it as an escape. I've seen too many lives go down the toilet for that reason. 

I try to find my peace in anyway I can. The sunrise just seems to be one of them. It reminds me of what I wish my life was like. I wish I could go sit on a beach for a week and just forget about everything, but I can't. I would need someone else to run the company, which is why I'm trying to find the trust in my Vice President which I know he deserves. 

I want to be able to sit on the beach and not worry about anything. I want to be able to sit on the beach and watch the sun rise and set every damn day. I want the stress to go away. I want something to take it away desperately, but I know that's impossible. 

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