Chapter 41

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Bella P.O.V

Fortunately, Edward let me go until he finished talking with Tanya and Charlie about the demands Mr. Newton haves. I went out to the back yard, looking at the chickens eat and walk around.

"So, this is where we ended up, huh?" I turn around and see Jacob there, looking at me. "I know what you're about to say: how dare I tell you that a month ago when I was engaged with Irina. Well, Bella, I was a total ass because I couldn't take the idea of you being with another man."

"Now, should I be the one who can't tolerate the idea of you being with another women?" I ask, looking away.

"Probably not, if you love your husband which you said you didn't."

I sigh. "Things change, Jacob."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

I look back at him. He's closer now, I touch his face and say, "I loved you. Never doubt that, never doubt that my love for you was real... But I'm with Edward now and... I love him. That's why we gotta let each other go... So we can be happy."

"Let go," he whispered, "that's a strong word."

"It's the right word," I said.

He touches my hand with his and closes his eyes. "God, I missed you, Bella. I was in a coma for about six months."

I take a deep breath, holding the tears back.

"Irina found my mother, my mother told her my story and she fell in love with me. She told me about this ranch and that her cousin married a gold digging whore. She wanted to marry me only for a year so she can get her percentage and help me pat the hospital bills we had."

I take my hand away. "A contract."


"I married Edward for the same reason," I look away. "Emmett got sent to jail, Mom needed her medications, we got kicked out of our home. Then Emmett was sent to the hospital because someone tried to murder him... Edward said he would help me if I married him for a year and he has."

"And you fell for him."

I look back at Jacob. "He was a total ass when I met him. But, now I know that he's a good man, he just had a messed up past."

Jacob chuckle. "What? Santa Claus didn't come?"

"His mother died really young, leaving him  and Jasper."

He shuts up. "We shouldn't be here," I say.

"What do you mean? You wished thing..."

"I mean, Edward doesn't want me anywhere close to you. He'll snap if he knows we're together right now."


I walk away, but just a few steps away I see Matthew climbing one of the apple trees.

Everything happened so fast. Matthew slipped down and a random horse comes running out of nowhere from the barn. Matthew falls and his back and gets stumped by the horse who runs off. He's not moving, or anything.

I run towards him, tears falling down my cheeks. I get to him, his noise is bleeding and his lip is busted.


Workers come out and start shouting. Billy and Jacob run over to me. I cry, hugging him against my chest. Jacob grabs my by the waist and pulls me back, Billy sits next to Matthew and starts checking his pulse.

I turn to Jacob and hug him, not wanting to see Matthew, it breaks my heart. Where did that horse come from? I cry against Jacob's chest and hug him tighter as he rubs my back.

"What happened?" I hear Edward shout.

I immediately pull away and look at him. Everyone, including Tanya and Charlie is running over here. Carlisle runs to Matthew and starts checking him. I run to Edward and hug him, he hugs me back and kisses my head. I turn around and see Jacob with Irina, still watching me. I hide against his chest.

"What happened?" Carlisle asked, still checking Matthew.

"I was walking and I saw him climbing the tree. He slipped and the horse came from out of nowhere and ran over him... It happened so fast." I hug Edward, again.

"There's a possibility his spine might be damaged. Billy call the hospital and ask them to transport by air, I don't think an ambulance would help."

"His spine?" Edward asked. "But, he would be okay, right?"

"I don't know, Edward," Carlisle says. "We have to take him to the hospital now before there's any major consequences."

"Could he end up like aunt Elizabeth?" Irina asked.

"Irina," Edward snapped. "I'm going with him."

"Me, too," I say.

"No, Bella, I'm going to need you here," Carlisle says.

"No!" Edward snapped.

"Edward, only two can go. I need to go to check him and I'll need you to go as his suppose father if you don't want the government take him."

"Go," I tell Edward, "they can't take Matthew."

"Bella," he growled.

"Put your jealousy aside, this is for Matthew," I growled, too. "Please."

"Fine," he said. "I'll go get ready, don't move Matthew, we not know if that's a good idea."

"No, it's not," Carlisle said.

Suddenly, Marcus comes running and said, "I found this in the barn." He raises a rubber snake. "And it was open. Someone caused this."

January 18, 2015




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