chapter seventeen

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chapter seventeen

Ethan felt his little sister take her last breath

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Ethan felt his little sister take her last breath. "Ivy," Ethan whispered softly, not wanting to believe that he had just lost his last living family member.

"Melissa," Ethan called out needing to hear it from someone.

"I'm so sorry, Ethan," Melissa confirmed what Ethan feared.

The phone falls from Ethan's hand landing on the ground. Ethan drops to his knees as tears stream down his face. His eyes flash to his blue werewolf eyes letting out a roar, as he breaks down even further.

His baby sister was dead.


Mason had just arrived at the high school when Melissa's text had come in. Ivy was dead. His closest friend was gone, ripped away way before her time. Mason quickly wiped the tears that had escaped from his eyes, before running through the high school in search of his best friend. Only to have to break this horrible news to him.

How could he possibly tell his best friend that his girlfriend was dead?


Liam and Scott continue with their fight. Liam appears to have the upper hand in this battle, due to Scott not wanting to hurt his beta. Liam continues punching Scott repeatedly, causing blood to escape his body.

Scott breaks free from Liam's chokehold on him, before being thrown over the table by Liam. His beta charges right back at him causing Scott to use his leg and throw Liam back onto some of the tables behind him.

"Don't do this, Liam!"

Liam snarls, as Scott continues talking. "I can't let you kill me." Scott turns to the window and stares at the supermoon in the sky. Scott allows his alpha form to come through.

The true alpha and his beta both growl at one another, each one of them in their werewolf forms, ready to fight one another with more force.

The faces of both the boys were now covered in blood. The amount of blood on their faces differed between one another. Scott did a flip onto the second floor, as he watched Liam from down under, trying to reason with him.

"He's using you, Liam. He wants you to be the Alpha because he can't take the power from me. Only you can. But once you do, he'll take it from you. That's why he wants you to kill me..."

Liam walks up the stairs to reach the second floor of the library, "That's what you don't get, Scott. I want to kill you. I want to!" Liam growls before attacking Scott once more.

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