Chapter 41: Alexandre's POV

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After the showdown with my grandfather, the mood had shifted in the house. I was honestly shocked that my father had defended August, despite his earlier assumptions of the Omega.

At the moment, August and I were in my room on my bed, with the door open, of course, watching How the Grinch stole Christmas. He was cuddled up to me, focused on what he was watching, he looked so adorable while concentrating on the movie. His lips were puckered in thought; he fiddled his fingers on my duvet's hem, rubbing them back and forth. When the twins had walked past my room and realized what we were watching, they begged to watch it with us.

Of course, August and I gave in quickly to the two young ones. They had irresistible puppy dog eyes. I blamed that on my uncle Ben, he used those eyes on my uncle Jack and could probably get away with murder. They were both on their stomachs at the end of my bed, swinging their legs.

I was deep in thought about how I planned on giving August his present. My parents already knew about the ring that I wanted to give to him. I talked to his parents before today when they had come back from their last venture out of the pack. I knew I wanted to do it today, but I honestly felt like my grandfather had killed the night's mood of happiness, making the night seem grim.

We had already done our game of white elephant, and the kids had already opened their gifts. My Abuela and my mom were finishing dessert, nothing was better than my abuela's sopapilla cheesecake. She always made several because she knew I could down an entire pan myself.

I had been so lost in thought I didn't notice that the credits were rolling on the screen. "Hey, Xandre, you in there?" August was waving his hand in front of my face.

"Nope," I chuckled at him, pulling him into my chest. My cousins had somehow disappeared from the room, I hadn't even noticed them leave. "Where did Kagen and Ragen go?"

"Well, if you were aware of your surroundings, you would know that Benjamin came and got them to go home. It's getting pretty late." August turned back to my alarm clock, and it indeed was getting late. I had yet to give August his present from me.

"Hey, I know it's a little late, and it's pretty cold outside and stuff..." I trailed off. "But would you like to come out on a walk with me."

"As long as I get to wear one of your coats." He beamed at me. "And you don't try to take me out training. My thighs are starting to feel sore from this morning's adventures." He patted his thighs.

"That sounds like an even trade." I pecked his lips, getting off my bed, heading to my closet to grab him a jacket.

"Um, Xandre, can I please have one that you wear a lot?" He asked quietly.

"Sure thing, little one," I responded, grabbing one of my frequently worn jackets off the coat hanger my bringing it back into the room, handing it to him. He slipped it on, drowning in the leather jacket, being two sizes too big for him. He looked so freaking cute, not just because he was so little in it, but because he was now covered in my scent. He lifted the collar up to his nose, inhaling my scent. Nothing made me feel more pleased with at this moment than seeing someone I wished to be my mate enjoying my scent. "Now, let's get going." I held out my hand for him.

Once we were outside, the moon was almost full once again, waning in the sky. The iridescent light twinkled off the snow. Making it look magical out, I pulled him to my mother's greenhouse, it was significantly warmer in the little shed than it was outside due to my mom having a space heater going to make sure her plants lived to see summer. She also had Christmas lights strung up along the walls, she somehow even managed to get my dad to hand them on the beam that held the roof up. The air in the greenhouse felt refreshing, it also looked like a fairy tale, something in a book.

"Woah, it's pretty in here," August ran his fingers over a rose petal. "I like it." His eyes were filled with wonder, amazed that these plants could live inside despite the harsh winter temperatures.

"It really is, little one." I smiled, grabbed onto his hand, squeezing it a few times. "I brought you out here to give you your Christmas present."

"Oh, that reminds me, I need to give you yours!" He excitedly dug into the pocket of his own jacket, that was under my coat. He pulled out a small, green, square box with a neatly tied bow on it. "I was planning to give it to you in your room, but then the kids kind of interrupted." He scratched at the back his neck with his free hand, and he held the box out for me to take.

I opened the box, inside was a leather bracelet with a wolf embedded onto a metal plate. "Wow, I like it, it's a really nice present, little one." I smiled at him.

"Um, I also got it engraved." He bit down on his bottom lip, tucking his head down in submission to me.

I turned the bracelet inside out, the words, "My Alpha" was engraved in it. It had made my heart jump, making Dimitri stir inside of me. My ticked, eyeing August, who was looking at me so innocently, but behind it, you could see the mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Fuck August, don't look at me like that." I groaned, it took a couple of moments to maintain my composure. "Thank you, love." I pulled him to me, tilting his chin up with my index finger, looking him in his eyes. Dimitri wanted control, and I kept my restraint, keeping him at bay. I pecked August's lips and pulled away, dipping my hand into my jeans. "Hold your hands out."

He did as instructed, placing the small box in his hands. His eyes widened, he opened the little box. "Woah, Alexandre, are you sure about this!?" I could hear the unsureness in his voice.

"Most definitely, it's a promise ring. Of course, there's room for moderations to it when we find out about being mates or not. I made sure to have a place to put a stone in it, and we could always change it to your liking, maybe putting gold on the vines?" He took the ring out of the small box. Tracing the leaves that I had carved into the ring.

"I don't know what to say." His voice was a little deeper, I met his eyes again, tears evident.

"Here, let me put it on for you." I held out my hand for his.

"What if we're not mates?" He choked out, a lone tear streaked its way down his cheek.

"You'd get to keep the ring, either way, it's a gift to you. Onyx still has hers, I mean it's not as nice, and I didn't spend as much time on it as I did yours, but it's still hers to keep. I don't really want to hear you say that, though. I really hope you are my mate, I wholeheartedly believe our souls are meant to be one." I slipped the ring on his finger. "I honestly don't think our wolves are wrong, but I don't think there have been stories of mates finding each other before the eldest's 18th birthday. We're almost there."

"I really hope so." He whispered.

"Me too sugar, me too." I pulled him close, kissing the top of his head. 

A/N: Sorry it's on the short side. 

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