Ch. 2

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A few months has passed since I first started going to therapy with Kairi. It was still hard for me to talk to new people as I only spoke to my brother. However, I slowly started talking to Kairi after a few sessions. I still get those nightmares and would have to crawl into my brother's bed to sleep.

I had to start school soon, but my brother took me to his old professor he had in college. His professor is now retired and she was willing to home school me, knowing about my situation. Her name is Professor Yoko and I was going to meet her in two weeks.

"Y/N, do you want to go anywhere?" It was B/N's day off and he wanted to spend time with me as Kairi suggested that I should spend some time with him outside of our house.

"I'm still scared to talk to people. What if someone tries to talk to me about the incident." I looked down at the floor as he walks up to me.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll be there with you. Big brother is always going to protect you." He ruffled my hair as he looked at the necklace he gave to me around my neck. I looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

"Can we go get ice cream?" B/N was shocked to hear me respond so quick after.

"Yeah let's go!" I grabbed my brother's hand as we walked out of our house and took me to an ice cream shop. It was two blocks away from our home and I looked around. There were a bunch of families, couples, and kids out spending time together. I looked at the playground and noticed the ash blonde and green haired boys from the first time I went to the hospital.

That's weird, it's those two boys that Kairi yelled at. Seems like they're close friends. Wish I could have that one day.

"Y/N, we're here." My brother looked down at me and I began to show a little excitement. I sat down with him as he gave me my (F/F) ice cream. He looked at me happily as I ate my ice cream and smiling.

We went to the supermarket afterwards to buy groceries for dinner and B/N invited Kairi and Hibiki over as well. Even though months with Kairi, I was still scared of trusting her and Hibiki. Knowing how my parents trusted Roy, but easily betraying them affected me. Kairi understood when I told her about it during one of our sessions.

As we ate dinner, my brother and his friends were talking about how Professor Yoko was going to home school me in two weeks. They were talking about how she was the one who suggested them to go to the medical field instead of being a pro-hero as their quirks can heal many.

"Y/N-chan." Kairi softly called out to me. I lifted my head up to look at her.
"Would you mind if a pro-hero came to our session tomorrow to talk with us?" Kairi asked me while giving me a warm smile.

"O-okay. I don't mind." I shyly responded. "But why a pro-hero?"

"Well, he's not exactly a pro-hero, but he works as one for UA. Have you heard of Eraserhead?" Kairi asked me.

"Yea. He's one of my favorite heroes since... since m-mom and dad helped him out before." I softly smiled at the memory of mom and dad telling me how they had Eraserhead under his wing to start out his career.

"Eraserhead wanted to talk to you about your parents-" Kairi was cut off by B/N.

"I don't think she's ready to talk about it again." B/N harshly said as he put is hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm pretty sure Kairi has a reason as Y/N's therapist. It's not like she would just throw someone in like that." Hibiki said trying to calm my brother down.

"B/N." I called out. He turned to me and I gave him a thumbs up. His eyes soften as he knew this was my sign of being able to do it.

"Alright, fine she can. But I have to be there too." My brother said while cleaning up our dishes.

"Hey if you just would've let me finished, I was going to say that Eraserhead wanted you there anyways." Kairi said while pouting.

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