Ch. 44

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Principle Nezu's door was slammed open. I jumped a bit, turning around to it being Katsuki. Midoriya and Kirishima were trying to reach for him, but he quickly went up to me. 

"You want to fucking leave U.A?" Katsuki widened his eyes at me. I blankly looked at him a bit before turning back around to face Principle Nezu and Ojisan. 

It's for the better anyways, right?

"L/N, is there a particular reason why you want to leave?" Principle Nezu leaned forward on his chair while Ojisan stared at me in disbelief. 

"Being at U.A has done nothing for me but cause the world to hate my existence. If I never went here, I would've been unfound by the League of Villains." I pulled out my phone, tossing it on the table to show the countless articles and death comments about myself. 

"I'm known as the girl who killed off All Might's career. Do you really think I was going to be okay after this whole thing?" I felt myself getting exhausted. I was being emotionally drained out. 

"Y/N, let's talk about this-" Ojisan called out to me, but I shook my head. I quickly turned away and pushed my way through to leave. Katsuki was chasing after me and calling for my name. I ran throughout the empty hallways, trying to throw him off. 

Katsuki POV

I ran in the other direction, trying to meet her face to face. I stopped by the storage room, seeing her running but her head turned the other way to see if I was there. She bumped into me and I pulled her with me into the storage room. 

I closed and locked the door, putting Y/N against it as I held onto her shoulders. 

"Y/N, stop trying to run away. Not now, especially from me!" She was crying. I felt my chest tighten a bit. She tried to push my arms away, but my grip tightened. 

"Let me go! I just want to be alone!" Y/N kept on trying to fight me. Her eyes were glowing, but were fading in and out. I've never seen her eyes like this before. 

"Do you know how I felt when you were gone after camp? Do you know how I felt like complete shit when I had to face your family knowing how I couldn't save you? Y/N, wake up! This isn't you! It's not just you who feels guilty about this whole situation!" 

"I don't care about how everyone else feels! For once, I just want to look after myself without anyone telling me what to do! I've already lost my parents and the world didn't know how to leave them, me or B/N alone! Now it's happening again and they're bringing up the past. How can I attend U.A while the world views me as the villain!" 

"Quitting here isn't the damn answer and you know that. Where the hell are you going to go to keep yourself safe?"

"Stop worrying about me! It doesn't have anything to do with you!"

 I loosened my grip on her. My mind went blank from her words as I dropped my hands to back to my sides. Is she for real?

"Y/N, why-"

"I don't want to be with you anymore." She cut me off and looked directly at me. She stopped crying and her eyes stopped glowing. Y/N is lying with me. She has to be, right?

"Don't fucking lie to me. You wanted to celebrate our anniversary. Your memories from that night that All for One forced to see from you, it was just us being happy with each other!" 

Y/N raised her hand to touch my cheek. Her eyes seemed emotionless, but her expression was filled with frustration. None of her eyes glowed upon touching me. What the hell happened to the Y/N I know?

"Let's not see each other anymore." Y/N dropped her hand and left the room, leaving me behind. I wanted to chase after her again, but my body wouldn't move. The weight on my chest grew heavier.


I stepped outside of U.A and didn't pay attention to anything around me. It was raining as I walked my way home. I leaned onto a nearby wall for support, feeling everything in my chest burst. 

I just broke up with Katsuki.

I bursted into tears. It was hard to stop myself from making my eyes glow when I touched him. I did this so it can be a reason to why I should stay away from U.A more. I didn't want anyone being hurt by the League of Villains, especially Katsuki. 

I reached my house, noticing the house lights being on. I saw B/N and Kairi's shoes outside as I opened the door to enter. 

"Y/N! Do you have any idea how-" 

Kairi stopped talking as soon as she saw me drenched and how puffy my eyes were. She immediately grabbed towels and wrapped them around me as she helped to me to my room, changing out of my clothes. 

She wrapped me in some blankets, sitting next to me on my bed as I rested my head on her shoulder. 

"Do you want to talk, Y/N-chan? I know quitting U.A is not the only thing that's making you sad, right?" 

I nodded my head as B/N walked into my room. He pulled out my desk chair, sitting closely to us as he places a cup of tea on my nightstand. 

"Aizawa told us what happened. He's still at U.A, talking things out with the staff. Talk to us, Y/N. What's going on?" 

I fiddled with the blankets and sighed. It took me a few minutes to finally talk to them.

"U.A.. it's just not the right timing for me right now. After facing Roy again and seeing All Might lose his quirk, I... I just feel like I lost control of everything. Every minute, some news article is about me and how I'm the reason why for everything that's happened. I overheard your conversation with Ojisan last night too about dorming. When he said Katsuki's parents were worried, it made me think everyone at U.A doesn't feel safe because of me as well."  

"You're wrong, Y/N-chan." Kairi said softly to me. I lifted my head from her shoulder, looking at her a bit confused. 

"Your friends kept on waiting for you to wake up from the days you were out. I don't think they would've seen you if you think they felt that way, right?"

"Kairi's right, Y/N. Even though there's bad stuff about you, you still have to remember those who care for you. That's how you push through. Katsuki has been the most anxious one waiting for you to wake up." B/N smiled at me. I held the blankets closer to myself. 

"I broke up with him earlier before I left U.A." Kairi hugged me from the side, stroking my hair. 

"With what you said, I don't blame your emotions Y/N-chan. I'm sorry you have to go through this, but as always you aren't alone." 

"You have us and Aizawa." B/N and Kairi smiled at me as they hugged me. 

"We'll support any decision you make, Y/N. Whatever you want or need, we'll be there." 

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