Ch. 4

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Y/N's 6th birthday. Months has passed since meeting Aizawa.

Time has passed by so quick. It's been one heck of a year and it's my 6th birthday today. Professor Yoko has been home schooling me on a weekly basis. I've been training my quirk with Aizawa-san whenever he has the time to come see us. B/N's 19th birthday was a month ago.

"Y/N, do you want to visit mom and dad?" He was brushing out my long (H/C) as I hugged a stuffed rabbit plush that he gave me. "It's okay if you aren't ready yet. You can always come with me another time."

I turned around and up at B/N. I was getting better with handling the anxiety attacks I got, but still couldn't socialize like I used to. "I want to go see them with you."

He patted my head and smiled. "Let's go get flowers. You can pick for them." He clasped on the moon necklace he gave me last year around my neck. We headed out to a florist and I decided to pick a bouquet of white lilies, remembering that it was mom's favorite flowers.

I held the lilies as I grabbed B/N hand and led us to the cemetery. As he led us to their grave, I saw Aizawa-san standing there.

"Aizawa-san?" I called out to him as he turned around to be surprised to see me. "Y/N-chan. You came with B/N?" He crouched down to me and gave me a smile.

"She wanted to come with me today. I'm proud of her." My brother stroked his thumb on my hand, holding it tighter. I put down the lilies on their grave and B/N picked me up. We all stood there in silence, enjoying the breeze that passed by.

"Happy birthday, Y/N." B/N moved his arm to hold my head close to his shoulder. "Mom and dad would be so proud to see you right now."

"Y-you.. you think so?" I asked while tearing up.

"Of course they would be. You're slowly healing, and it's okay. You're training and improving so quick." Aizawa softly said. He missed the pro-heroes that helped him get to where he is and meeting their kids who have are like his own family.

"Aizawa-san, would you like to join us for our birthday dinner with Kairi and Hibiki? We are having shabu at our place." B/N asked Aizawa as we headed towards the exit of the cemetery. "Sure, anything for this kid." Aizawa ruffled my hair as we headed to the market for groceries.

Time skip

Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang to me as I sat in front of the cake and blew out the candles. "Y/N-chan! Open my present. It's going to be the best one!" Kairi excitedly yelled out as she pointed at the pink box next to me. I unwrapped it and eyed in amazement.

"Ta-da!! It's the earrings you wanted when we went to the mall together the other day!" Kairi crouched down to help me take off the earrings I had and replaced them with hers. Kairi was definitely a big sister to me.

"Thank you, Kairi-chan!" I tackled her for a hug, everyone being surprised that I didn't hesitate. Kairi was shocked and returned my hug.

"Oi, Y/N-chan! Open mine next! I bet you that it's better than hers." Hibiki cried out in defeat as he pushed Kairi out of the way and gave me a gift bag. I took out a hand held mirror that had lilies engraved on the backside of it.

"Woahh, Hibiki-kun! It's so pretty." I flipped it over to show B/N the lilies on the back. He was smiling at me as I traced my fingers on the lilies.

"Heh! I remember you told me lilies were pretty so I had my girlfriend help me find this for ya." Hibiki gave me a grin and I gave him a thumbs up. My brother slide a small purple box to me.

"It's not going to be much, but I know how much you've been needing one, Y/N." I opened the box and it had a (F/V) scrunchie that had a bow. I put it around my wrist as I began to tie up my long (H/C) hair. I picked up the mirror and saw myself.

"Well it looks like our gifts went well together, doesn't it." B/N happily said as he saw that I was happy with the presents I got this year.

"Aizawa-san, do you want to tell her the big secret you've been hiding from her now?" My brother said teasingly at him. Aizawa scoffed and looked at me. He gave me a smile and said "Happy birthday, Y/N. Your brother has been telling me how much you want to see me everyday. How about the best gift is going to be given to you right now?"

I titled my head in confusion as he walked up to me and crouched down.

"How about I move in with you and B/N as your uncle?"

With that, for the first time in the longest time, I cried happily as I used my quirk to read his blood pressure. My eyes glowed brightly at Aizawa-san...No not at Aizawa-san.. he's now my uncle!

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