Ch. 46

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Katsuki POV

She looked different. Her hair was down and her face and body looked a bit slimmer.

Y/N looked at me, widening her eyes a bit before turning away. Aizawa sensei appeared behind her.

"Sorry Recovery Girl. I don't think Y/N can help you out today. Her quirk is still making her body feel weak according to B/N and Kairi." Aizawa sensei stood in front of her, as if he was trying to shield her away from me.

"Oh, it's alright. All that matters is if she continues to rest up. It seems like not a lot of students need my care for right now anyways." Recovery Girl wraps my wrist up and I clench my fist in and out to relief the pressure of the strain.

"We'll be observing the rest of the exam for now. B/N and Kairi should be here to help you after the exam is over." Aizawa sensei and Y/N begin to head out from the back door. Y/N does seem a bit weaker and tired still.

"Y/N, wait." I call out to her. She stops walking and turns around to face me. Her blue eyes seemed dull still.

"Let me talk to you, please. Just give me a few minutes-"

"Sorry, now's not the best time." She quietly says.

"After my exam. I just want to talk to you." Y/N bites her bottom lip and turns back around to Aizawa sensei.

"All.. Alright. Meet me back at the hospital after the exams. I have a check up anyways." They leave the room as I turned back around to the exam lobby.

I sit in a room with Ojisan and All Might. There was a screen to show what was happening for the exam.

"B/N and Kairi have told me how much you rested during these weeks. Seems like you've been needing it for a while, right kiddo?" Ojisan asked me as he handed me some water.

"Yeah, I think so. Being around them as well helped me a bit too." Kairi and B/N took some vacation time too as I was not attending U.A. They stayed home with me and we spent our time together to bring me comfort.

"Young L/N, I understand you are still uneasy about this whole thing, but U.A is giving you much time to come back. This is the time since you could take your license exam during the retake dates after this." All Might said to me.

"As much as I miss it, all I think about is that night with how Ray and the other villains. I keep on freezing every time I see them and I don't think I'm strong enough to face something like that." I grazed over my arm, feeling bits of the scars I got from Toga.

"My quirk is being tested every time someone pushes me to the edge. I don't want to hurt anyone as it reaches closer to its potential the villains talked about."

"Baby steps, Y/N." Ojisan said to me as he smiled. "We're not expecting you to return with 100% confidence. Your classmates, All Might, B/N, Kairi and I want to help you with what you're struggling with. Don't push us away."

"Aizawa is right, Young L/N. Helping others with their struggles or fears is one of the best things anyone could ever do. People need that little push and you've been having one, am I right?" He smiled at me. I blushed a bit, but teared up.

"Yeah I did, but I broke things off with him when I left U.A. I didn't want anyone, especially Katsuki getting hurt if it came to me."

"You're meeting up with him again today, aren't you? Tell him how you really feel instead of pushing him away when you broke up with him." Ojisan said to me. I looked at him with confusion.

"How did you know?" I asked him.

"B/N and Kairi told me about it. Bakugou may have told me a little bit as well when we moved into the dorms. My point is the first baby step you should take is telling Bakugou your fears. Share it with him."

I nodded and All Might smiled at me.

"Let us know when you wanna come back to U.A, Young L/N."

Katsuki POV
For this part of the exam, we had to rescue civilians from broken buildings and such that villains did.  That Yoarashi guy came up to me.

"Hey Bakugou! Sorry, I didn't mean to bring her up during this time." I walked past him and continued to look for more civilians to rescue.

I felt a gush of wind sharply hit my back, knowing it was from him. I angrily turned around to see him glaring at me.

"What the hell do you fucking want?" I asked, but got interrupted as Gang Orca got introduced to us as our villain for this part of the exam.

"Everyone has their eyes on you guys for this exam since you guys made it on TV so many times." He said to me with jealously.

"Deal with it later and focus." I said back to him.

"Why can't you be like the coward you were during that time where that villain held you captive?" He pushed me hard with his quirk, making me fly against a wall. I instantly got angry.

We looked at the TV screen and it panned to how Katsuki was thrown harshly at to the wall. What the hell?

"Ojisan?" I worriedly asked him.

"Come on, let's go to see." We rushed out to the arena and saw how the students were continuing with the exam, but most were watching Katsuki and that guy.

Gang Orca stepped in between them, but the student kept on throwing his quirk at Katsuki. Katsuki didn't want to fight back.

"Stop fucking doing this! What the hell did I do to you, shit head?" Katsuki yelled out loud.

"There are much more people who deserve to be tied with Pro Heroes, especially All Might! All U.A has done was get publicity while we get nothing when we train harder than you guys!" The guy said.

"Blame it on your fucking school for not attracting Pro Heroes to come then. Don't take it out on me!" Katsuki said back, but got hit hard again by his air slash.

"You took my spot to work Jeanist!" He harshly said as he was about to launch his quirk at Katsuki. Ojisan and I quickly jumped down to them. Ojisan was erasing his quirk as I went to Katsuki who was sitting leaning against the wall.

I heard people gasping at me when they saw me. I crouched down to him, seeing how bad the strain on his arms worsened from earlier when he got hit.

"Exam is over everyone. Please go back to the lobby." Ojisan announced as Gang Orca and All Might led everyone back. It was just me and Katsuki.

"Y/N?" He softly said to me. I hovered my hands over his arms, but he put his over mine. "Don't heal me. You're still recovering, aren't you?"

"You're hurt." I looked at back at him. He lazily smirked at me, caressing my hands as he held them.

"Heh, idiot still cares about me, doesn't she?" He said to me. I started to tear up.

"Of course I do!" I said out loud as he chuckled and wiped my tears.

Second Chance (bakugou x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang