Ch. 25

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Katsuki and I walked to where our class was sitting. I had too many things rushing through my mind from the conversation earlier. How did Todoroki manage to live knowing that his dad, a pro-hero, mistreated his family? Is that the reason why he strived to be number one?

I sat down and looked outside the window. I wasn't paying attention to the on going rounds. I got up, but stopped when Katsuki called out to me.

"Shitty girl, where are you going? Don't you want to watch?" I shook my head at him. "I'm not feeling well, Bakugou-kun. I'm going to lay down in Recovery girl's office." I waved at him and my classmates, wishing them good luck for their rounds.

I walked into her office, seeing All Might in his human form. Recovery Girl and him welcomed me in. "All Might? I didn't know you were here."

"Of course! I have to support these future heroes, don't I?" He smiled at me, patting at the chair next to him to sit down. "I am a bit sad that I didn't get to see you during this festival though, Young L/N." All Might patted my back and I gave him a sad smile.

"All Might, leave the poor girl alone. You know she can't overwork her body like that." Recovery girl grabbed my hand and smiled at me. She walked out of the room for a bit, grabbing some paperwork.

"It's okay. I didn't want the world to talk about me and my quirk anyways. I figured I would cause the school more trouble if I participated."

"I'd think other Pro-heroes would've loved to have you under their agency, L/n. You're an all rounder and they'd be interested in boosting your quirk even more!" I smiled at him and stood up to look at Recovery girl's equipment.

"You already know my dream, All Might. I want to help B/N at the hospital in the future. Seeing how much better I've gotten throughout the years, I would love to do the same for another kid." I grabbed my necklace and held it in my hand. B/N really cared for me and never gave up.

"How about you do both, Young L/N?" I turned to him, looking at him with interest to continue. "A Pro-hero who can save those future kids from losing their loved ones and healing those who suffer, having no one to turn to." All Might looked at me with hope. I never thought about it that way of being a pro-hero to hell defeat villains while also being the medic at the same time. I slowly shook my head.

"I still have nightmares of that night, All Might. I don't know how long it's going to haunt me.. Just about that is similar to him, I lose it." All Might stood up and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I know it's be hard L/n, but consider it. Your talents with your quirk, it could thousands of people in and it of the hospital grounds. You could be someone's hope to smile again, just like how some people in your life are fighting for your smile." I looked up at him, thinking about who has protected me on my process of recovering. It was B/n, Ojisan, Kairi-chan...and Katsuki. Katsuki has been the first person I met who instantly understood me and helped me with my trauma. I smiled at All Might and bashfully nodded.

"Okay, All Might! I will consider it!" He grinned, giving me a thumbs up and we turned to look at the TV screen. It was Midoriya's and Todoroki's round already starting. We sat down and watched the round go on. I saw Todoroki's arm being frosted up and remembered how he would need my help to defrost them. I thought about his reveal of being Endeavor's son. Does that mean he has a fire quirk as well?

I saw Midoriya's arm swelling up to a purple color. He doesn't have blood flow to his arm and was still continuing on with the battle. Todoroki's frost was getting worse and he seemed to be shivering from it. Suddenly, his right side lit up with flames, instantly melting off the frost and he was shining brightly. I gasped as Cementoss building up a ball between them as they were charging at each other. Midoriya was unconscious, making Todoroki the winner. I realized it was Katsuki's round next and I wanted to wish him luck.

"All Might, I'll see you later. I'm going to head back to my class. Thank you for that!" I ran out and headed towards my classmates again, but bumped into Katsuki.

"Tch. Idiot, you really don't pay attention to anything!" He grabbed my hand to prevent me from falling back. I squeezed his hand and and smiled at him. I though about what All Might said to me earlier.

"Some people in your life are fighting for your smile."

"Katsuki-kun, good luck! I'll be in the seats watching and cheering you on." I kissed his cheek and quickly ran away to where our class was sitting.

3rd pov
As Y/n ran away from Bakugou, he grazed his hand against his cheek to where she kissed. He saw her ponytail swaying back and forth as she turned the corner to head back to her seat. Katsuki softly sighed and turned around, seeing Todoroki glaring at him.

Bakugou scowled his face in annoyance, stuffing his hands in his pockets and walked past him.

"Do you like L/n-san, Bakugou?" Todoroki harshly spoke out. Bakugou stopped and faced him, smirking.

"Yeah, I do. So fucking what." Todoroki stood in front of him, staring at his face coldly.

"What would you do if I said I liked her too?"

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