Ch. 8

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A week has passed since the UA Entrance Exam
I started getting nightmares almost everyday since exam day. I kept on waking up through the middle of the nights, sweating and breathing heavily. The screams and blood were prominent in my nightmares.

I grabbed my phone to see it was Saturday, 6AM. I had been awake since 3 and couldn't fall back to sleep as I was afraid of facing the same nightmares. I got up and showered to get ready for the day.

When I finished blow drying my hair, I stared at myself back at the restroom mirror. My eye bags were getting bigger and my eyes were slightly irritated from the crying. I knew I was going to get questions during breakfast today. I sighed and walked back to my room to tie half of my hair up and leaving some pieces out to frame my face. I put back on my earrings and necklace and headed downstairs to eat.

"Y/N! There's the UA mail for you! Let's- wait a minute. Are you okay?" My brother put down the mail and ran to me and cupped my face. I gave him a lazy smile. "Yea I just haven't been getting the best sleep this week." He put his hands over my eyes and started giving me cool sensations on my them. I opened them and felt better.

"Kairi-chan is coming over today. Maybe you can talk to her if you want to. C'mon! Let's go sit in the living room and open your mail!" B/N grabbed the mail and gave it to me. We sat down on the couch and I opened it. A small square landed on our coffee table and a holograph screen popped up.

"Hey isn't that Ojisan and All Might?" I asked B/N as saw Ojisan sleeping on the floor and All Might trying time wake him up.

"Aizawa! Your niece and nephew are on! Hello Young L/N! We are giving you your test results from the exam. You did pretty well and the school faculty is proud of you!" All Might exciting said as he gave a big grin and a thumbs up.

"Y/N you scored 83 points from the exam by destroying and rescuing people. Good job, kiddo!" Ojisan stood up from his yellow sleeping bag and smiled at me. "You start UA on Monday and the Principle wants to come on and tell you some rules for you." All Might grabbed Principle Nezu and placed him on the table in front of them.

"My, you both have grown up so much! Your parents would definitely be proud at the both of you." My brother patted my head. "Thank you, Principle Nezu!" I excitedly said back.

"Now, I believe Aizawa-san has already explained to you about not calling him your uncle at school. Just like other students, you are calling him Aizawa-sensei. You are going to be part of Class 1A with 20 other students. He will bring home your uniform to you after we handle other calls to pass or fail the participants. Any questions, L/N-Chan?"

"No, Principle Nezu. Thank you and the faculty for helping me throughout these years." I softly responded and gave them a smile.

"You're going to turn out to be a fine hero, Young L/N! We can't to train your quirk here to Plus Ultra!"

"I'm proud of you, kiddo. I'll see you soon." Ojisan gave me a warm smile and the screen turned off. My brother put his arm around my shoulders.

"Congrats, kiddo. I'm proud that you were able to score that high. You surely are stronger than me, aren't ya?" He stroked my hair and touched the bow scrunchie. "Do you want a new one? I can go get one with Kairi-Chan later today to celebrate your acceptance!" I shook my head.

"No..I think I got everything I wanted here. Thank you, B/N." I hugged him as Kairi-chan entered into our home, screaming with excitement as I was about to start a new chapter in my life at UA next week. We ate breakfast and decided to go to the mall today. Kairi-Chan and I were walking a head while B/N was behind us.

"Hey, Y/N-chan. Is everything okay? B/N-kun told me you weren't getting enough sleep this past week. Is it the nightmares again?" She linked her arm with mine and looked at me with concern. I looked back at her with worry.

"'s the same nightmares of R-Roy. The screams are much louder this time though." I began to get a heavy feeling in my chest as the memories flowed through my head. Kairi caressed her thumb on my forearm. "I think you need to get back on medication. I'll make some tonight after dinner. Is that okay?" I nodded as we continued to shop aeound the mall.

Time skip
"Ojisan!" I ran to the door and hugged him as I was waiting for him to come home all day. It was dinner time and I was helping B/N and Kairi-chan set up.

"Easy, kid. My body isn't strong enough to hold your hugs." He looked down at me and patted my head. We started eating dinner together and B/N had some news.

"Kairi-Chan is going to move in with us!" I dropped my chopsticks as I got up and went to hug Kairi. "Hey! How long have you guys been hiding this from me?" I asked excitedly as Kairi-Chan laughed.

"Well we have been talking about it with Aizawa-san for a while and he thinks it's best for me to live with you since you need a girl to talk to." I looked at Ojisan who nodded at me.

"With school starting and B/N stepping up to be the director at the hospital, Kairi can take care of you while we are gone." We finished dinner and helped Kairi-Chan move her stuff to B/N's room.

"It's going to be fun living together, right Y/N-chan." We both laid on the floor, facing the ceiling.

"Yeah, and since you're here now, I can always talk to you about my problems instead of the therapy sessions." I giggled as Kairi-Chan sat up and gave me my medicine.

"Here is your medication. This blue bottle is for your anxiety attacks and the pink one is for your sleep. Be careful not to take too much of the pink one. Only drink it once when u wake up from your nightmares, okay?"

"Thank you, Kairi-Chan. Goodnight!" I grabbed the bottles and headed to my room for bed.

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