Ch. 28

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Author's note!
Hello everyone! I just want to thank you guys for the 1K reads and for enjoying the story! I've been trying to update a lot more since I am basically self-quarantining because I live in California and the cases are increasing so much. I hope everyone is doing well and safe during these hard times. It's been tough staying at home for me, but I do find joy in writing! For this story, I'm not sure how many chapters there are going to be since I am kind of following the My Hero anime. Again, thank you guys so much! I will be writing another story soon as well and I was thinking it could be a collection of one shots since I do see people reading those a lot. Thank you and please enjoy the future chapters 💜

Katsuki was being gentle with me while we were kissing. Him kissing me made me forget my worries, blocking out the world around us and just focusing on us. His big, rough hands were in my cheeks, caressing them as I felt my face warming up. He let out a soft chuckle that made my heart feel soft.

"Y/n, why are you getting so embarrassed for? It's just us here." Katsuki leaned his forehead on mine, teasing me for my blushing that grew even redder. "It-it's because I didn't expect you to kiss me again!" I hid my face into his shoulder, my hands tugging at his shirt on his chest. His warmth made me feel so relaxed.

There were multiple knocks on the door, familiar voices was being heard. It was Yaoyorozu and Jiro.

"L/n-chan? Are you and Bakugou okay? Jiro and I wanted to check up on you guys. I talked to Ashido and Kirishima about their stupid question. We won't push you for questions anymore."

"Yeah L/N. Come out and get dinner with us. Everyone's going to go. It won't be the same without you or Bakugou there."

I stood up from Katsuki's lap, helping him up as well. I smiled at the door, happy that I was being looked out for by Yaoyorozu and Jiro. The UA girls and I became close after that Mineta locker incident.

"Yeah! We'll be out soon. I still need to heal Bakugou-kun's arms. We'll meet you guys out in the front."

"Alright. We'll let them know!" Yaoyorozu and Jiro walked away. Katsuki leaned down to my face, smirking at me. He put his hands around my waist, pulling me in closer to him. Katsuki began to whisper in my ear, sending me a pleasuring shiver." Oi. You already finished healing me. Why did you lie to them?" He started kissing my neck, my eyes widen from his lips brushing softly against it.

"K-Katsuki-kun! I just s-said that so we c-can talk this out m-more!" I was stuttering my words so much. I never knew how much I would enjoy receiving kisses from him. I put my hands on the sides of his head to move him away, but I felt his lips opening on my neck. He sucked on my skin as I felt his warm tongue moving along with his lips. I squealed and he lifted his head up, smirking harder at me.

"Shitty girl! You made me wait for your move and you didn't even warn me about it! It's a sweet fucking payback if you ask me." He shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned over to my height. "Okay, but that doesn't mean you can just do this without telling me! And you told me you could wait!" I pouted at him and put my hand over the hickey he gave me. Even though it was sudden, I can't help to admit that I enjoyed getting it from him.

"Besides, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to class to know about know... relationship." I untied my hair, leaving it down to somewhat cover the red mark on the back of my neck from him. "I don't want to tell them since they might bother me with questions about you again."

"Then we don't fucking tell them. Besides, who is really going to fucking bother-"

"Todoroki will. He..he kinda confessed to me? That's why it took me so long to come back to you." Katsuki scoffed and furrowed his eyebrows together. "Who cares. IcyHot needs to fuck off." I giggled at his reaction, passing by him to open the door. We headed out to the front to our classmates, Kirishima and Ashido tearing up in front of us.

"L/n-chan! I'm sorry! I didn't to make you feel uncomfortable!" Ashido rubbing her palms together, pleading for forgiveness and Kirishima did the same. "It's okay. Just stop asking me silly questions." I smiled at them as they hugged grabbed me in for a group hug.

"Of course, L/n! Yaoyorozu talked to us and made us realize we all have to respect your space!" Kirishima squeezed his arm around my shoulder. "Then fucking respect her space and take your shitty hands off of her! You shitheads are crushing her!" Katsuki grabbed Kirishima and Ashido, pulling them off of me. I laughed and felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Uraraka in front of me and the rest of the class behind her. Todoroki was standing in the back, facing the other direction.

"Come on, let's go get dinner, L/n-Chan!" Uraraka clung her arm around mine. We all started walking to a nearby restaurant.

Katsuki POV
I was walking in the back of the group with Spiky Hair, Dunce face and Tape arms. I looked ahead and saw Y/n chatting with some girls, stupid Deku and four eyes. She was happy and it made me feel at ease, knowing that these extras were turning around and making her feel safe instead of pushing her into answering shitty questions.

"So Bakugou~ what was the red mark on precious L/N's neck, huh?" Dunce face nudged his elbow in me. I shoved back harder, ignoring him. How could he have seen it? It was on the back of her neck and her hair is covering it.

"It wasn't there earlier when she was healing me to." I turned my head to the left in the direction of the voice. It was IcyHot above us and he slightly looked back to glare at me. I shoved my hands in my pocket, resisting myself from blowing up these stupid fuckers.

"Just fucking ask her! How the hell am I supposed to know?" We arrived at the restaurant, but I recognized it. It was the café restaurant nearby Y/N's brother's hospital where we had dinner together.

"L/n-chan, you've been here before?" Deku was asking Y/n. I walked up to them and stood beside her.

"Y-yeah! You know since my brother works close by and all." She was turning slightly pink. Y/n must've remembered our dinner conversation here too.

"Ehh? Y/n-chan!! Bakugou!!" We all looked over to our right and saw B/N and Kairi waving at us. They must be on their break from their hospital shift. Y/n and I walked up them whike the extras headed inside to grab seats. "Kairi-chan, B/n? Are you guys here to have your break?"

"No, actually we just got off our shift! We had a long day at the hospital shift today and we finally got through the patients. Go on in with your classmates. I'm pretty sure they're waiting on you guys! We're going to eat somewhere else. Be safe and we'll see you at home." B/n grabbed Kairi's hand and walked past us. I looked at Y/n who was smiling at them, walking away. She really did smile the biggest whenever she's with Kairi and B/n. I slightly squeezed her hand and walked inside of the restaurant. I remembered our dinner here together.

My promise remains the same. I'm going to protect her smile and save her from her trauma.

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