Ch. 10

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Just like the anime, everyone is part of Class 1A.

Everyone excitedly got up from their seats to line up on the other side of the room. I was in between Midoriya (front) and Bakugou (behind). I saw Ojisan walking towards the back of the room and taking a seat in the center.

I began fiddling with the button of my blazer and my face getting hot. I was feeling anxious as the thought of saying my name and people giving me stares.

"Alright, start whenever you're ready." Everyone took their turns introducing themselves while I didn't seem to notice it was Midoriya's turn.

"Hello, I am Midoriya Izuku and I attended Aldera junior high. My quirk is uh-destruction!"

"Well that explains how you were able to punch that robot during the exam!" One of the classmates responded. Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck. "Ye-yeah..haha.."

Midoriya took his seat and it was my turn. I stepped to the podium and nervously looked up. Ojisan gave me a nod.

"H-hello.. I am L/N Y/N. M-my quirk is water manipulation and I was homeschooled before here." My voice was still shaky and I glanced around the class to see some people stare in awe at me..

"HEY! You're that cute girl who saved us during the exam. Right Kirishima?" The loud blonde shot up from his chair and pointed at me. I blushed and my eyes started to glow.

"Kaminari, chill! You're freaking her out!" Kishimari pushed him down to his seat. I headed to my seat as I heard someone speak out.

"L/N? As in the L/N Pro-hereos?" A pink girl asked from her seat who was sitting nearby Kishimari and Kaminari. I froze in place as I heard those words. The pounding in my chest traveled to my ears. I hesitantly answered a simple hushed yes as I rushed back to sit down. Bakugou introduced himself to shift the direction on him while I was stabilizing my breathing.

Everyone was introduced and Ojisan went over the syllabus. I stared blankly at the paper and felt a water bottle roll towards my left leg. I looked down and saw Bakugou's foot push it towards me. I picked it up and put it on my desk, reaching in my tote bag to secretly grab my anxiety pill.I drank the water with the pill and waited for the calmness to kick in.

"Here are the exam results of everyone here in this class, ranked 1 to 21." Ojisan pointed at the screen behind him as he crawled back into his sleeping bag. "For the remainder of the time, you can talk amongst yourself until lunch time."

I looked up at the board to see the scores and was shocked to see myself score first. The name Todoroki was underneath mine and followed Bakugou's afterwards.

"Woah L/N-chan! You scored the highest!" Uraraka moved her chair to place it in front of my desk. She beamed at me as I started to feel flustered. "It-it's nothing! I didn't do much anyways." I started getting more nervous as people started to surround my desk.

The pills are not doing much right now. I need to tell Kairi-chan about it when I get home today.

"Eh?? What do you mean? You totally saved Kaminari and I from that building! We would've been squashed if it wasn't for you." They both stood by Uraraka as they looked at me with amazement. "Yeah! Also don't forget you healed me and Recovery Girl was impressed by it!"

I gave them a small shy smile as a short purple balled boy pushed Kishimari out of the way to see my face.

"Wow! Perfect body, and face! This school is already the best!" He said as he started looking at my chest and winked at me. Kaminari fist bumped him as a tall boy ran up to us and yelled at the boy.

"Mineta-san! That is incredibly rude! L/N-san does not appreciate that." Iida Tenya was his name as I recalled. He was the boy who called out Midoriya for his muttering at the exam.

"Please give L/N-chan some space, guys! She's not comfortable around us to be talking to her like that." Midoriya tried to hush down the commotion as he saw my expressions being uncomfortable and scared.

"So L/N-chan, you were homeschooled the whole time? By who?" The pink girl asked. Her name was Mina.

"Tch, you fucking extras are already annoying and it's only been 2 hours!" Bakugou stood up from his seat behind me and screamed at them. I jumped at his voice and my heart began to pound again.

Ojisan stood up from his sleeping bag and stood up in front of the class. "That's enough." He lazily scolded. "It's time for lunch, so stick by each other as classmates." Everyone chanted in excitement and we all headed down the hall together. I used this as a chance to slip away to the girls' restroom, wanting to be by myself.

I went inside to see myself in the reflection. My eyes were showing fear and tiredness. I sighed and washed my face a couple of times. I used my quirk to get all of the water out of my face and released it in the sink. I walked out, facing down mentally deciding if I should go back to the classroom and sit or join them for lunch. I stopped as I bumped into someone. They grabbed my wrist to keep me in balance and I looked up to see who it was.

"You really don't pay attention to where you're going. Do you?" 

Second Chance (bakugou x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora