Ch. 40

888 37 15

Katsuki POV

"All you have to do is boost yourself to her and then to us in the air, Kacchan." Deku drew an arrow on the floor, representing me on where to go. 

"After I ice you guys up, Yaoyorozu and I will meet you in the city's plaza." Todoroki kneeled back up with me, peeking our heads out to see what was going on. 

I saw Y/N's memories being displayed as her eyes grew a bright red. It was her painful memories of the traumas she faced that ruined her. The League of Villains were smiling at it with awe as All for One stood still, looking at her. 

Her memories were shifting to her happy ones. It was filled with her parents before their death, meeting B/N's friend and Kairi, and her first time meeting Aizawa. 

It then showed me, my eyes gazing upon her the first time we met back at the entrance exam. How I comforted her on the first day of school, using her blood quirk on me. 

"Something tells me you're going to be there for me, Bakugou-kun." 

Hearing that one more time made me move instantly. As I blasted off towards Y/N, All Might conveniently shows up at the same time, punching All for One away and I was able to get close to Y/N. 

"Young Bakugou! You shouldn't be here, but we shall save that for later. Take her away!'"

All Might stands in front of me as Y/N saw me for a bit before closing her eyes. 

"I'm sorry for being late to rescue you, Y/N. I got you now." I held onto her waist tighter when I felt her head fall onto my chest. I blasted off with my explosion towards Deku, Iida and Kirishima, grabbing onto his hand as Iida and Deku used their quirk to make us "fly". 

I looked down at Y/N, seeing blood staining into her hair and clothes. Her arms had some dried blood and cut marks. Her warmth of her body was slowly decreasing and I was getting more worried. 

"Y/N has to go to the hospital immediately. Drop us off as far as you can and I'll take her there!" I yelled out for them to hear. Deku nodded at me and Iida propelled faster. We landed at the first city we stopped by.

"You go with L/N. We have to rest up and Todoroki and Yaoyorozu shouldn't be too far behind." Deku held onto Iida as he couldn't feel his calves from his recipro burst. Kirishima helped me put Y/N on my back as he buckled her to me. Yaoyorozu created it for me before taking off to grab her. 

"I'll see you back at the hospital." I said to them before taking off by using my explosions. I passed by a familiar route I have seen before, which was the plaza of where I first met All Might in person with the slime villain trying to take me away. I remember feeling scared and frustrated as I couldn't do anything. 

I passed by a huge screen showing the news about All Might. He was fighting All for One and it wasn't looking so great. He was overworking his strength as his arms were strained. 

"All Might.. is having trouble? What the hell is that villain?" 

"No, you have to be lying. All Might is the number one hero. He can't be taken down easily."

I heard a lot of people worrying about All Might and I had to ignore it for now, shoving through people as I was close by to the hospital, ignoring people's comments towards me about being rude. 

I ran into the hospital, seeing B/N and Kairi look over at the security cameras behind the desk. 

"Bakugou! Where did you and Midoriya go? You guys had another day to-" They both looked up at me, seeing Y/N on my back as I heavily panted. 

"Questions later Kairi! Heal up Bakugou as I get Y/N situated!" B/N quickly grabbed Y/N off of me, putting her on a stretch bed as a group of other doctors came to help and push her to a room. 

"She's getting paler, Dr. L/N!" A doctor put an oxygen mask over Y/N's mouth. I watched them push her away as Kairi helps me stand up and walk into my own hospital room from before. She quickly hooks me up to an IV and checks if there's any strains in my arms. 

"As much as I want to scream at you for going out when your body hasn't been stable.. Thank you for getting her back to us." Kairi quietly says to me as she turns her back and fills out the clipboard. She turned on the TV, tuning into the news that was showing All Might's fight with All For One. 

Kairi seemed to be tense, turning around to face me. "Y/N was there with that man?"

"Yeah, that's where she was." Kairi grabbed her clipboard and rushed to the door.

"I'm going to help B/N with Y/N's condition. We'll let you know when you can see her." Kairi was about to close the door, but Deku and them appeared. Kairi looked at them with shock, but quickly ran out. 

That's so weird. Why would she get tensed up about All for One?

"Kacchan!" Deku, Iida, Kirishima, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu went to my bed side and looked at the TV in front of me, watching All Might. 

"Where's L/N-chan?" Yaoyorozu asked me. 

"She's with her brother. They're going to heal her up." 

The TV caught all of our attention as All Might tried to fight All For One with his combined quirk hand. All For One's arm looked like the Nomus we saw back at the factory. 

"All Might..." Deku whispered out loud as All Might got struck, hitting his back against a destroyed building. 

3rd POV

All Might tries his best to get up, but his side was full of ache as he coughed out blood. All For One evilly laughed and powered up his arm again. 

All Might poofed back into his skinny form, making everyone around the world shocked, even the League of Villains. 

"This was the big secret as to why you aren't at your 100%, All Might. Weak just like your mentor. Looks like I didn't even need that little girl's quirk to defeat you." 

"You caused Young L/N to suffer because of your greed of power. You have taken away her precious smile that she has that she was worked hard to achieve back!"

"No. You know you're wrong All Might. After this battle, that girl and her stupid friends will have that guilt of having the precious Symbol of Peace be destroyed." 

All for One charged at All Might, slamming his right fist towards the side that All Might had his injury. All Might grabbed his fist, trying his best to push him back. 

"They will not have that guilt!" All Might's fist started to glow a mix of colors, turning into a bright light. 

"Those young heroes will not have that guilt. You want to know why?" All Might started to grow back to his buff form, making everyone watching gasp and chant on All Might for encouragement. 

"Because those Young Heroes are the reason why I chose to fight until the very end! To protect their precious smiles! And they would do the same!" 

All Might unleashed a powerful punch at All for One, sending him up in the air as All Might flew up and punched him one last time towards the ground. 

"United States of Smash!" 

All for One smashed into the ground, causing a slight earthquake as All Might stood up, raising his fist in the air as he poofed to his slender self. He pointed at the camera, looking away and hid his eyes. 

"You're next. Young Hero!" 

With that, everyone cheered in mixed emotions knowing All Might has now retired from being the Symbol of Peace. 

Bakugou looked around to see their reactions. He saw Deku being mostly affected by this, tearing up and wiping his own tears as the rest stared in awe at the TV. 

"Was this the secret you were fucking hiding, Deku?"

Second Chance (bakugou x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن