Ch. 23

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Katsuki POV
Tch. That shit head had to ruin my break. All I wanted was to ask Y/n why she didn't want to do the sports festival. I knew she was going to get a lot of pro-heroes attention and wanted her under their agency, but why isn't she doing it?

I focused on the huge boulder in front of me. I was trying to explode it all in one go, but this shitty snow is not making my hands sweat as much. I needed something hot and realized hot water could help my hands heat up. I turned to see Y/n, being pulled by that half and half. What is he doing?

I walked up towards them and saw that he was gripping her wrist tightly.

"Oi. Let go of shitty girl's hand." I reached down to make his hand release her, but he slapped my arm away. "What the fuck was that!" My yelling went across the field, those fucking extras heard and started gathering around us. How fucking great.

"Please let go, Todoroki-san. You're... you're hurting me." Y/n was trying to pull her hand away and he finally let go. She rubbed around her wrist.

"What's going on here, Kaachan?" That annoying Deku asking just made me fuel up my anger more. Why was he trying to hold her down like that? "This half and half bastard just grabbed her and said nothing when I asked."

"I was asking her about you." Half and half walked up close to me and gave me a glare. "So what. What do I have to do with her-"

"L/n-san is the only one who's close to you and I just wanted to know her feelings towards you." My face scowled. Does he like her or something? He was about to grab the color of my shirt, but Y/n stood in between us, her back towards me. Deku and four eyes grabbed half and half to hold him back.

"Todoroki-san, please calm down! You can't act like this to them." Four eyes was struggling to hold him back and same with Deku. Why the hell is he so heated up for? Y/n walked backwards to be closer to me. Her eyes were slightly glowing and she had her hands out in front of her.

"Bakugou-kun and I are friends. Please stop trying to make this blow out of proportion. You guys need to get ready for the sports festival." For the first time, this was Y/N's anger being shown. The class seemed to be surprised, but I slightly smirked to myself. She was slowly breaking down the shell she had for herself.

"Yeah guys, come on let's go back to training. All eyes are on us this Friday!" The pink bodied freak words got to everyone and they left. Half and half turned around to look at us one more time before walking away.

"Shitty girl. What was he asking you?" I walked around to stand in front of her. She stopped her eyes from glowing and looked at me. Y/n sighed.

"He was asking me how come I only pay attention to you, but no one else." She pulled up her sleeve and started healing her wrist from his harsh grip on her. I scoffed in annoyance.

"So these shitty extras are always up in your business and mine? Didn't that short brown hair girl and Deku ask you the same a while ago?"

"Katsuki-kun, just go back to training. It's fine, they'll get over it sooner or later." She gave me a small smile and I rolled my eyes. "I only came over to you to ask if you could make me hot water to help out my quirk. This shitty snow isn't making my hands sweat!"

"Okay, okay! Just hold out your hands." Y/n gathered more snow around her hand and motioned her hand around mine. She melted the snow quickly into water. She placed the water, covering my whole hand and increased the temperature. My hands instantly got warmed up and sweated.

I ran over to the boulder and instantly exploded it into pieces. Y/n walked up to me, eyes stared in amazement at the pieces of rocks on the floor. "Well at least the snow will hopefully clear up before the sports festival. You won't have a problem!"

"So where the fuck are you going to be while I'm at the sports festival?"

"I'm still going to be there Katsuki-kun, but just staying in our class's section in the audience! B/n and Aizawa-sensei recommended that I don't use more quirk after a consecutive amount of time because of how long I was out for. If the sports festival was next week, I could've been in it." I really wanted her to be in it. I knew how much she could've shown those extras what her quirk can really do.

"Besides, becoming a pro-hero isn't what I want to be. Principle Nezu said it's best for me to be under UA's protection since my quirk is continuing to grow. I want to help B/N at his hospital." She was always happy when talking about B/n. It made me glad that she grew up with love, even though she went through a tough childhood.

She tip toed up to me, her eyes right above my nose looking into mine. "I'll cheer you on, Katsuki-kun." I gave her a small smile.

Y/n really made me want to train even harder to become a number one hero and protect her.

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