Ch. 17

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Bakugou POV
Half and half sent ice from the floor in front of us. All Might was free from her control.

"Young heroes, listen to me. If Young L/N continues to use her quirk like this, her body will fall completely into exhaustion. I can't move as much since L/N constricted my blood flow. It's up to you four to work together and rescue your friend!"

"All Might! How do you know about her qurik?" Deku asked him as Todoroki and Kirishima wondered the same.

"There's no time for questions. Just go!" Todoroki left his ice up for All Might to lean on.

"I'll stay here until the other Pro-heroes come and keep an eye on All Might. I've over used my quirk." Kirshima stated as he held All Might's wound on his left arm. The three of us got around to see L/N. Her red eyes were staring at the floor with a blank expression on her face.

Deku smashed the floor to throw her off balance as she stumbled back. I blasted myself upwards as I screamed at half and half.

"Trap her with your ice, now!" He wrapped ice around L/N's body, as I landed down in front of her. She was screaming as she seemed panicked and struggled to move her hands to free herself from the ice.

"L/N! It's okay. We aren't hurting you." I softly said to her. I walked up to her, reaching out my right hand towards her. She continued to scream as her red eyes started to release tears. Her anxiety levels must be high as she started to struggle more and breathe heavily.

Something heavy on my chest started to hurt when she was in distress. I needed her back.

I cupped her left cheek with my hand and put my forehead on hers. She cried hardier as she tried to move her head away from mine. I looked into her red eyes.

"Oi, shitty girl.. I'm here for you." She stopped moving her body. I stared into her eyes as they faded to a blue, then back to her normal (E/C). She closed her eyes and fell into my arms as Todoroki put down his ice.

The Pro-heroes finally came and saw the damaged training arena. They arrested all the villains that were unconscious. Recovery girl instantly rushed to All Might to heal his body and get his blood flow back to normal. Half and half, Deku and Spiky hair went to me.

"Woah..I didn't know that L/N could do all of this.." Kirishima said as they looked at me holding her. "How does she do this?" Todoroki said as he was in a state of shock.

"It seems you have helped L/N-san snap out of her quirk, Bakugou-san." Principle Nezu approached us as I carried L/N on my back. "It seems now only you and her brother could do that. Don't worry about her, she just needs to rest. If you kids could, please go on the ambulance with her. You guys are in bad shape." We all nodded and started heading outside of the arena.

Time Skip

It has been a few hours after the attack. I was in the hospital room with Deku, Spiky hair and Half and half. L/N had her own room, as her brother rushed to her room to treat her right away. The doctors attended our wounds and bandaged us up. We were able to be discharge tomorrow morning.

When we came to the hospital located by UA. It was the one where I met L/N for the first time. I thought about her while I stared up on the hospital ceiling. I looked at my left hand and remember how badly she was shaking when I tried to calm her down. It bothered me to know if she was alright or not.

I quietly got up from the bed, careful not to wake the other three, slipped out of the room and headed to the room to our right. It was her room as I saw her name printed in bold on the door.

I opened the door to see her brother and Kairi in the room, sitting by her side.

"Bakugou, come inside." B/N softly said as he held onto Kairi's hand who was tearing up at the sight of L/N laying down and being hooked up to an oxygen machine and wires. Her long hair was down, neatly by her sides.

"Thank you for being by her side, Bakugou." I looked up at her brother who was softly looking at her. "I was worried that I couldn't be by her side if she lost control. I'm thankful she was able to trust someone like you to protect her."

"Principle Nezu said that you and I could only get her back to her normal state. What..what does that mean?" I sat down by the hospital bed and looked at the couple.

"Y/N-chan only opens up to a little bit of people, you know? After what she's seen throughout her life, she puts up many barriers around herself." Kairi said to me as she looked at me. "It seems you broke her barriers quicker than anyone." She gave me a small sad smile.

"I went through her therapy sessions since she was 5. Y/N-chan said that she had a voice inside her head that makes her want to attack people who seemed threatening to her. It only started happening after she used her quirk on Roy. I tried my best to suppress that voice in her head by giving her medications I made."

"It was working up until she started UA. I guess the questions about our parents reminded her the incident and the voice came back. She told us about her first day at school, so Kairi-chan gave her stronger medicine." B/N stood up as he grabbed the clipboard to update her status.

"She also told us about how you were kind to her the first day. We can't thank you more enough, Bakugou. We estimated that she'll probably wake up in a few days. Feel free to visit her anytime." B/N and Kairi walked out of the hospital room and headed to his office. I stayed and looked at her hair tie and necklace on the table.

I looked up to see her again as I saw her scar on her left jaw. I leaned forward to cup her face again.

Tch. Shitty girl, wake up. I didn't hear a thank you from you yet.

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