Ch. 43

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I slowly opened my eyes, seeing it was dark and the screen monitors of my heart rate glowing a bit. I figured I was probably out for a day or so. 

I tried to take in what has happened with All Might, but tried to push away the thought of how the League of Villains tortured me, especially Toga. I felt my arms, feeling there were scabs from the cuts. 

I heard Ojisan's and B/N's outside of my room. I closed my eyes, deciding to not talk to them just yet. I just want to be alone. 

"I do think it is best for Y/N to go to the dorms with you, but it worries me that she won't be stable after this." B/N and Ojisan entered. 

Dorming? At U.A?

"Recovery Girl said she could do the medication for you guys and the therapy sessions. If not, Principle Nezu is allowing you guys to come in once a week for her at the dorms." 

"What did the students and the parents say about the dorm situation?"

"All of them said yes. However, Bakugou and his parents did express some concerns."

Katsuki-kun? I still haven't seem him yet. 

"His parents asked if it was okay for students to continue to stay at U.A, mainly because Y/N is the main target for the League of Villains." 

I opened my eyes a bit, seeing Ojisan and B/N talking to each other by the window, looking outside to the city lights. 

"Being upfront with you B/N, U.A doesn't know what to do for her. They're receiving a lot of backlash about the dorms too. Principle Nezu has been worried about the outcome for U.A. I don't want Y/N hearing this since she's going to feel more overwhelmed." 

Too late for that, Ojisan. The world deceives me, huh? Taking away All Might and now the number one school for future Heroes. 

"You promised us. You promised her that you were going to do whatever it takes to protect her when you first signed those papers to be our legal guardian." 

"I know, B/N and I am doing whatever it takes. Y/N has and is still my number one priority."     

Wouldn't it have been better if I just disappeared? B/N and Ojisan wouldn't have to be going through this stress. I'm just a baggage they have to deal with for the rest of their lives. 

I shifted on my bed a bit, pretending as if I had just woken up. B/N and Ojisan turned around and walked to me. 

"Hey Y/N. How are you feeling? Are you hungry?" B/N sat on my bed and smiled at me a bit. I shook my head. He frowned at me. 

"You haven't eaten ever since camp. Let me grab some soup for you so it's easier to eat, okay? Kairi made you some medicine you have to take." I nodded my head as he left the room, leaving Ojisan with me. 

"Would you like me to call Bakugou for you?" I shook my head. 

"I just want to be alone, Ojisan. I don't think I could see anyone else right now besides you guys." I really did want to see Katsuki, but guilt has been holding me back. 

B/N and Kairi walked back in, giving me soup and the medicine. I tried my best to drink some of the soup, but my body was just rejecting it. 

"It's fine, Y/N-chan. Just take the medicine. I don't expect you to force yourself to eat." Kairi opened the water for me and handed me some pills to take. 

"Since we are all here, I think it's time for Y/N to hear about the dorm buildings at U.A." Ojisan looked at all of us. 

"Y/N, U.A is requiring its students to dorm for school now. It's for the safety of you and the others. That means you won't be able to see B/N and Kairi a lot, but they could visit you once a week for a health check up." 

I stared blankly at my barely touched soup, feeling as it is my fault for how things turned out. I wonder how things would've turned out if I just hadn't attended U.A in the first place. 

"I'll think about it, Ojisan. I just want some rest for a while after everything, you know?" My voice cracked a bit. I laid back down as Kairi held onto my hand. 

"Okay, I will let Principle Nezu know. The dorms won't happen until next week, so you have time by then. I'll be heading out now. I have to prepare lessons for tomorrow. Principle Nezu already excused your absents for a couple of days." 

I could tell Ojisan was sad a bit. I looked at him as he left the room. He was slouching a bit more and his eyes had deeper bags. 

"We'll let you rest up Y/N. We'll see you tomorrow after our morning surgery is done." 

After everyone left, I began to stare at the ceiling. So much thoughts were going through my head. 

What do I do? I'm making everyone do many things for me. U.A is going through so much and if Katsuki's parents had concerns about me attending and Principle Nezu not knowing what to do, how does Ojisan, Class 1A and the public feel? What about Katsuki-kun? 

I looked at the table next to me, seeing Kairi has brought my bag for clothes and my phone. I grabbed my phone to search up about the news that I've missed. I read the headlines. 

U.A Dorming has brought concerns for parents and students as L/N Y/N is still attending.

Who is to blame for All Might's loss of being the Symbol of Peace?

Who will be the next Symbol of Peace?

Will U.A recover from two Villain attacks? Will there be more?

Has the League of Villains brainwashed L/N Y/N to be their pawn? 

I turned off my phone, sighing deeply as I've been passive aggressively mentioned in articles. I finally made up my mind on what to do. 


The next morning, I got up and changed into the hoodie and leggings Kairi has brought for me. I peeked out of the door to see if there were any nurses. 

I put on my hood, avoiding any nurse I could on my way out to go to U.A. People didn't seem to pay much attention to me since I tried to cover my face while heading towards U.A. 

Once I was at U.A, I realized they must've just started class. When I was nearby the entrance, I pulled out my U.A ID card, allowing me to pass through the doors. 

I put down my hood once I entered into the halls of U.A. It was empty as I headed towards Principle Nezu's office. I passed by the classroom of 1A, not realizing it was open. 

3rd POV

As Y/N walked past 1A, Katsuki widened his eyes at the sight of her hair. He immediately gets out of his seat, ignoring what the others and Aizawa were saying to him. He stood out of the class, looking at Y/N walk into Principle Nezu's office. 

"I thought L/N-chan was supposed to be in the hospital still." Midoriya said as Aizawa quickly pushed through the students and ran to Principle Nezu's office. What was Y/N doing here?

Class 1A soon followed after, trying to overhear what was happening inside. Jiro inserted her earphone jack, repeating back what was happening. 

"Ah, L/N I didn't expect to see you so soon." Principle Nezu said as he put down his cup. L/N bowed at him as Aizawa stood next to her. 

"Y/N, you're supposed to be resting in the hospital still. I could've given the message to Principle Nezu if you needed to kiddo." Aizawa looked at Y/N's eyes and saw that her eyes weren't the same anymore. They seemed dull and empty. 

Aizawa noticed she has an envelope in her hand. No way, it can't be?

Y/N stepped forward, placing the envelope onto Principle Nezu's desk as he looked in shock. 

"I would like to submit my request of dropping out of U.A, Principle Nezu." 

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