Ch. 30

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I called Katsuki after I had breakfast with Ojisan, B/N and Kairi-chan. Ojisan was staying home for the day while B/N, Kairi-chan, and I are about to go out for wedding preparations. Their wedding was on Christmas Eve and it was only near the end of November. 

Y/N: Good morning Katsuki-kun.

Katsuki: Tch. It's about time you called. What took you so long?

Y/N: I had breakfast with B/N and Kairi-chan. They were talking about wedding preparations and they wanted me to invite you!

Katsuki: About fucking time they invite me! I've been waiting!

Y/n: (Laughs) Okay! I'll let them know. I need to go though. I'm heading out with them to finalize the wedding planning. What time is your mom wanting me over?

Katsuki: The old hag said 7. Don't be fucking late or I'm going to hear her worrying about you. 

Y/n: I won't be late. I'll see you later, Katsuki-kun. 

Katsuki: I'll see you later. 

I hung up the phone and put it in my tote bag. I put on a pair of jeans and a sweater since it was cold out. As I was about to head downstairs, I heard B/N and Kairi-chan talking to Ojisan. It sounded serious as I Ojisan and B/n were arguing. I hid close to wall and peered out my ear to listen. 

"Ojisan, what do you mean there's a training camp for UA so soon? You know what happened at the training arena before. You and Y/N were seriously injured!" B/N never raised his voice around me. It was a first time for me hearing it and it was out of concern. 

"B/N-kun. Calm down. Ojisan must have a reason for it." 

"We are only doing this training camp for the students to strengthen their quirk. This gives me a chance to help Y/N out without causing suspicion. It's already hard for me coming home to you guys without getting caught. I can't continue to help her at home whenever."

"You know about her health condition while she was out in a coma for a week, Ojisan. She could die!"

I walked downstairs and stopped midway. B/N softened his eyes and walked up the stairs towards me. He grabbed my hand as I was looking down, trying not to cry. 

"Y/n.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide it from you." B/n approached me, climbing up a few stairs to reach to me. "What do you mean I could die, B/n?" 

"While you were in the coma, Kairi-chan did a body exam and she found out that your blood quirk is unbalancing your human energy and quirk energy. If you ever use it again.. We won't know if you'll ever wake up." I widened my eyes at him, tears formed and blurred my vision. My eyes started slightly glowing and I found it hard to breathe. " you're saying that I could..die?" B/n hesitantly nodded his head. I felt my tears quickly running down my face. 

I began to feel the pain in my chest again, my heart beat going up to my ears. I dropped my bag and clenched onto my hair. The sound got louder and I couldn't hear anything as I saw B/N mouthing something to me. I collapsed onto him. 


Katsuki POV

 I heard my phone ring as I dried my hair. It was Y/n calling and I was confused since she said she was out. I picked it up to hear Kairi's voice. 

"Bakugou? I'll explain everything to you later, but we are taking Y/n to the hospital. She fainted!" Kairi was crying as I heard B/n's voice in the background and cars passing by. 

"I'm on my way!" I quickly put on my clothes and grabbed my jacket to rush down towards the hospital. I pushed people out of the way and panicked. Why did she suddenly faint? She was doing fine this whole week. Did she have a panic attack?

I ran up to the receptionist and asked her for Y/n's room. She pointed down the hall and I saw her name on the door. I opened it to see Kairi and B/N hooking her up in some wires. I slowly walked towards her bed, seeing her pale and hair being tangled. 

"Bakugou, you're here." Kairi turned around and wiped her eyes. B/n and her sat down by her side as I stood on the other. "What happened?" They both looked at each other and B/n sighed. He put his hand over Y/n's head, water and his eyes glowing a dark blue. B/n was healing her head. 

"Bakugou, whatever we tell you stays in this room. You got it?" He stood up and Kairi walked out of the room with her clipboard, leaving us alone. I sat down and looked to see that he was holding onto her hand, sadly looking at her. 

"Y/n... Y/n has a high chance of not waking up if she doesn't know how to control her blood quirk." I widened my eyes at him, opening my mouth from shock and felt a slow pain in my chest. "What? What the hell do you mean?" 

"While she was in a coma, Kairi-chan found an imbalance between her quirk and human energy. If she snaps out of control with blood quirk again, it will overpower her human energy and her quirk would be at its fullest. We don't know if she'll make it out alive if she uses it again." 

 I didn't want to believe the words that came out of his mouth. They're all supposed to go out and wedding plan, not in this shitty hospital that she grew up in. 

"What do we do?" I felt my voice cracking. The thought of losing Y/n.. it didn't feel right. We just started dating for crying out loud and I hear this? 

"I'm asking UA to help her maintain her blood quirk. For now, she's going to rest and Y/n should wake up soon. Would you stay with her while I help Kairi make medicine for her?" I nodded at him as he stood up and walked out of the room. I stared at her, not knowing how to process that the fact this shitty girl could die. 

I grabbed her hand and held it against my forehead. I thought about how lonely I would've been if Y/n never came into my life at UA. I closed my eyes and rested my face on her bed, holding her hand closer to me. 

I don't want to lose her. I just can't. 

Second Chance (bakugou x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora