Ch. 24

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3rd person POV
The students were gathered at the stadium of where the sports festival was being hosted. Y/n was sitting within the empty room in the audience, watching the field be filled with numerous students. She felt left out, but understood that her body wasn't in good health from the last villain attack. She looked for her classmates and smiled, seeing them cheer each other on, but thought about the sudden conversation Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou had.

Todoroki called out to Midoriya, bringing tension in the room. Y/n turned to look at them and saw that everyone else was shocked to see Todoroki being angry.

"You have All Might's attention. I don't know why it is, but I swear to you I will beat you and claim first place." Todoroki stared at right hand and clenched his fist. Midoyria stood up and nervously looked back at him. "Todoroki-san, why are you-"

"Oi! Don't forget there's other competitions here too besides stupid Deku!" Bakugou slammed his hands on the table and made his way in between Todoroki and Midoriya. Todoroki glared at Bakugou and glanced at Y/n.

"It doesn't matter. I'm going to win and grab the attention away from you." Bakugou scowled his face with annoyance. What attention was he talking about?

"Kaachan is right. Don't forget you have the whole class trying to be number one."

The race and the round of stealing each other's points kept Y/n on the edge of her seat. She knew Bakugou was going to be upset for suddenly scoring so low. There was a break before the students had to meet for the one on one battles. She was walking around the stadium, not remembering where Class 1A's room was, but was quickly grabbed and had a hand covering her mouth. It was Bakugou.

"Quiet. Those two shit heads are talking." Bakugou hushed his whisper and put his hands down. She felt relieved to seeing it was just a Bakugou. They peeked their heads out a little, seeing Midoriya and Todoroki talking.

"I'm the son of the number two hero. He married my mom just to make his family have powerful quirks. Endeavor never cared about anything besides trying to defeat All Might. I went through harsh training ever since I was little. My mom... she poured hot water in my right side." Todoroki was getting angry and clenched his fist hard, making his knuckles white.

"I'm going to defeat you without using my right side. I'm never going to use it."

"I don't have full control of my quirk. I'm going to defeat you because it is part of me. No one is controlling us. Your dad shouldn't be the reason of why you're rejecting your quirk!" Midoriya was trying to talk some sense into him, but Todoroki was fueled by anger and greed to go against his dad. Y/n held onto Bakugou's wrist to prevent him from continuing to walk out further to expose themselves. Bakugou pulled her along with him.

"Oi! So you two shit heads really think you guys are only a competition for each other?" Bakugou was angry for them not thinking he was a threat in the festival as well. Todoroki looked at Y/n, who was standing behind Bakugou. Todoroki felt angrier when he saw Y/N's hand on Bakugou's wrist.

"Kaachan! We weren't talking about-"

"I heard everything you said. Don't even fucking lie to my face!" Bakugou lifted his other hand to grab Midoriya, but was stopped when he felt Y/N's hand sliding down from his wrist, holding his hand and pulled him back. He turned back round, looking at their joined hands. He lifted his head to face her.

"Bakugou-kun. You'll be disqualified if you hit him." She softly said, trying to calm him down. Todoroki and Midoriya saw how Bakugou softened at her sudden grab. Midoriya was thankful Bakugou was able to meet someone who understood him. Meanwhile, Todoroki was getting frustrated as to how Y/n was only able to look at Bakugou. Ever since the hospital visit, he realized how he liked Y/n, but her attention was focused on Bakugou... and that made him mad.

"Bakugou. Your attention you receive from her is envious." Bakugou widened his eyes. He now understood what he said to him earlier. Todoroki walked out into the fields, leaving the three alone.

"Sorry about that Kaachan, L/n-chan. I'll see you guys back at our seats." Midoriya walked away from them. Bakugou turned around to Y/n, pulling her into an embrace.

"Katsuki-kun? Are you okay?" Y/n lifted her head up to look at him. He had anger in his eyes, but slowly softened them as he looked at Y/n. He let out a frustrated sigh.

"It's nothing, Y/n. Let's go back to those shitty extras." Bakugou knew Todoroki wasn't going to back down with anything, especially now that Y/n is involved.

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