Ch. 35

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After the sudden wake up call at 5:30 AM, we were all ordered to head to the fields to start our training. Ojisan instructed us that we had to push the limits of our quirk in order for it to grow. 

Ojisan believed it wasn't best for me to practice my blood quirk with everyone here, so he would train me privately once training camp was over. For now, he had me in the middle of the forest but it was still close by to the class. He wanted me to extract water from as many trees as I can.

"Sooner or later, you might get water from thin air Y/N. That's why I'm making you do it to trees first. You usually could only get some water from one whole tree." Ojisan watched me try to extract the water from more than 4 trees around me at once. My eyes glowed a mix of red and blue brightly each time as I continued to do it. 

When it reached to 6PM, I was able to completely absorb the water out of 5 trees at once. I felt my eyes and body ache a bit from the long training. We were called back to the dining area outside, but this time we were forced to cook our own meals. 

"What? You expect heroes to get meals for free after a long day?! As another task, you all must work together to cook!" Pixie-Bob looked at all of us as we were all feeling tired and hungry. "HAHAHA YOU GUYS LOOK SO EXHAUSTED!"Ragdoll laughed. 

"Come on, everyone! Let's make the best curry for ourselves! It'll be rewarding after a long day!" Iida cheered everyone on, but we were all slouched forward and looking tired. I tried my best to focus my vision, but my eyes stung a bit. I rubbed my hands against my eyes. 

"Y/N, are you alright?" Katsuki grabbed my hands, looking at my eyes. "Your eyes look a bit irritated." 

"It must be from the glowing all day. I'll heal my eyes later." I have to ask Ojisan for some eyedrops since his eyes aren't the best either. 

After the Wild, Wild Pussycats and Ojisan walked inside, we all split up the tasks for the curry. I was washing the vegetables and had to cut them up with a few of my classmates. 

"Bakugou! Try lighting up the fire dude." Sero, Kirishima and Kaminari were standing behind Katsuki who was crouching down. "SHUT UP! Don't tell me what to do!" He held his hand out to the firewood, exploding their little cooking station. 

"Maybe we should have Todoroki do it." Kaminari called him over, lighting up most of the fires as Katsuki walked up next to me and grabbed a knife. 

"Let me cut these for you. Your eyes must be worn out, right?" He gently pushed my hands out of the way, quickly cutting up the vegetables as I blinked in awe. 

"I didn't know you can cut this fast!" He grinned cockily at me, looking at me as he continued to chop away. 

"The old hag cooks curry all the time at home for me. She makes me cut to help her out." Katsuki finished my vegetables and we carried them over to Iida and Yaoyorozu.


The next day, training continued. Ojisan gave me his eyedrops last night and my eyes felt way better and didn't hurt as much during this training. We trained and cooked our meals, but this time it ended around 4PM. We had a joined night training with Class 1B, which was the test of courage. 

When it got dark, we all stood at a starting point of a path. Class 1B were the scarers and Class 1A had to walk through the forest trying to find our pair names as we went along the paths. 

"Before we start, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sero and Sato please come with me since you guys didn't do so well on the test you guys took before coming here." Ojisan used his binding cloth to restrain them as they tried to hide away from him. 

We picked numbers out of box Ragdoll showed us. I grabbed the number 2 and I matched with Bakugou. "Heh, we got lucky." Katsuki smiled at me briefly as I nodded happily back at him. 

"Each pair will be sent out every three minutes. Once all of Class 1 gets back, we will switch." Mandalay sent off the first pair, which was Iida and Midoriya and then us. 

"Katsuki-kun, I think I see your name tag over there." I pointed over to the tree and saw his tag at the trunk of the tree. 

"Tch, what's the point of this test of courage. There's nothing scary about Class 1B." He reached for his tag, but a hand grabbed him. 

"Huh?" Katsuki and I said out-loud  in unison as we heard a few screams from our class. 

"Oi, get your hand off of me before I blast them the hell off!" Katsuki screamed at them, making them pull their hand back and run away. 

"They're the scarers, not you Katsuki-kun." I laughed as he grabbed my hand and led the way to the path. "Can't believe we have one more night of this stupid camp. I'm already tired of being stuck with those shitheads!" 

"Oh come on, you have to admit you had some fun with them. These memories we make together as a class is precious, Katsuki-kun." I rubbed my thumb on his knuckle as he scoffed. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'd rather take you on a date than be here." He said before covering his mouth. I raised my eyebrow at him, leaning in closer. 

"What kind of date, Katsuki-kun?" I teased at him as he scowled his face to himself. "Oi, shitty girl. You already know our one month is coming up in a few days, right?" 

"Of course I know, but I didn't expect for you to take the lead to plan." I smiled at him as he groaned from embarrassment. "Don't do anything so big, Katsuki-kun. I'm fine with just a regular day with you-" 

I quickly coved mine and Katsuki's nose and mouth as I smelled a bit of gas coming. Blue flames and smoke was seen too. I quickly released it was some sort of knock out gas coming from the starting point. We rushed to get further away from it. 

"L/N-san! Bakugou!" Todoroki came to us, carrying his partner from 1B. 

Everyone! Be careful! Villains have intruded our camp! Requests from Aizawa-sensei, please do not engage in fights! Please try to meet up with as many of your classmates. I repeat, do not engage!" 

"That was Mandalay. What happened?" I looked at the smoke building up from the area. 

"Let's try to find most of our classmates and regroup. We don't know what villains are here." Todoroki glanced around our area, trying to see if anyone was coming our way. 

"What does she mean by villains-"  Bakugou pulled me with him as I heard sharp blades cutting through the ground from his teeth. The blades sound just like how it did back then. 

The villain was looking at the severed arm on the floor and back at us with blood-killing eyes, eyes that I recognize.

"N..n..need blood.. I want to have.. y-you!" The villain opened his mouth, blades coming out as Todoroki and I sent up walls of ice to protect ourselves. I breathed heavily, having little memories pop into my head when I was 5. I didn't know I had tears coming out of my eyes until Katsuki shook my shoulder. 

"Y/N? What's wrong?" I looked at him, having fear in my eyes. 

"Why..why does he look like Roy?" 

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