Ch. 41

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"Dr. L/N, your sister has lost too much blood. We must begin the blood transfusion."My team of nurses surrounded Y/N as we hooked her up to IV bags and the heart monitor. I examined her eyes to check her pupil dilation, but surprised to see now both of her eyes are now red. 

We saw the cut marks on her arms. Y/N must've healed them up to stop the bleeding, but how long was she bleeding for to get to the point where she lost too much? 

"Kairi and I have the same blood type as Y/N. We'll get it for her to have. For now, please try your best to stabilize her breathing and clean her up." Y/N had dried blood on her clothes and hair. What did she go through with those villains? What if she never heals from this trauma? 

"B/N!" Kairi rushed through the doors, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out to my office. 

"Kairi? What's wrong? We must donate our blood to Y/N-" 

"All for One! He's the one who's been after Y/N! I just saw the news with Bakugou!" I froze, remembering that name from what my father has told me before. He's the one who threatened our lives when he didn't want to work for them anymore. I told Kairi about it when it happened years ago before Y/N was born, but I didn't expect to hear from him again. 

"For now, let's just focus on Y/N. I'll tell her about him once she heals from all of this-" 

"B/N, you know it's going to take Y/N a while to heal now. She's been through too much already. It's best for her to know now when she's going to ask so many questions once she wakes up!" 

"I'll talk to Aizawa when he comes here. Come on, let's go get our blood for Y/N." 

After we got our blood out, I began transfusing it into Y/N, but noticed her heart rate dropping significantly. The monitor started to beep in an alert, and I started getting worried. 

"This can't be." I shakily said. 

"Dr. L/N, what's going on?" 

"Y/N isn't accepting the blood transfusion..but how?" 

Y/N POV (dream)

"This can't be our Y/N, is it? She's gotten too big!" A familiar voice was in front of me. 

"Darling, you know it's been a while since she visited us. She looks like me if you ask me!" A kind, feminine voice was spoken. No way, that can't be..?

I opened my eyes to see a field of lilies and two people right in front of me. I saw long (H/C) hair that I instantly knew breezing with the wind. It was mom and dad. 

"Mom...Dad..?" I called out to them, slowly walking to them. They both smiled at me and I felt my eyes releasing tears. I ran to them and hugged them, missing both of them for most of my life. 

"Where am I?" I asked them as I wiped my tears. Dad put his hand on top of my head, caressing my hair. 

"You're somewhere between Earth and Heaven, Y/N." 

"Do you remember what happened before you fainted, sweetie?" Mom worriedly put her hands around my cheeks as I remembered how I was under All For One's control for a bit, forcing my memories to be shown to him. After that, Katsuki caught me and fled. 

"That boy of yours. It brings back good memories of how courageous your father was too!" Mom teased me as I blushed a bit. Dad chuckled a bit, smiling at me. 

"All for One that you just faced, he used to be my mentor Y/N." Dad held onto my shoulder. 

"I used to work for him, but I stopped once I met your mother. She was the reason why I decided to change my ways and become a hero. However, when I did that, it was right before my last mission for him which was to sacrifice my quirk to give to him. I escaped him just before it was too late and your mother helped me all along. I thought All for One wouldn't have a big following after I left since my partners did as well, but it seems I was wrong. I'm sorry for putting the unfinished burden on you." He sadly said to me and touched the scar on the bottom of my jaw. 

"We missed out on you growing up, Y/N. If I was just a bit more careful with Roy, your mother and I could've been helping you down there." 

"Darling, don't beat yourself over it. Y/N has become such a strong young woman without us because of B/N and that Aizawa. I'm so proud of our kids and thankful Aizawa stuck around for us." Mom held onto Dad's hand on my shoulder. 

"As much as I struggled, I never blamed you or mom, dad." I looked at him and held in my tears. "You guys protected me with all you can back then. I never took that for granted." 

Dad pulled me in for a tight hug as I cried into his shoulder. Mom caressed my hair as she teared up herself. I smiled at my dad as he wiped my tear and noticed how my left eye was flickering between red and blue. 

He put his hand over my left eye, a light purple aura was around his hand and I felt it healing my eye. The pain instantly went away and it glowed back to blue. 

"There you go. Your eye shouldn't bother you anymore and All for One shouldn't be able to look into your mind anymore." 

"Darling, she has both of our looks now, but mine is better looking!" Mom laughed as she pinched my left cheek. I laughed as my dad rubbed the back of his neck, softly chuckling at her. 

Loud noises were echoed around us. It was the heart monitor machine as the heart rate was dropping. 

"Y/N, you must go back now." Dad sadly said to me. 

"But I don't want guys are here and-" 

"I know sweetie, but you belong back there with people who love you, right?" Mom smiled at me and held onto my hand. 

"I know you're in good hands with B/N and that boy Bakugou, was it? He takes good care of you Y/N." Dad looks up in the sky to see me in the hospital room. B/N is trying to perform his operation on me as I see Katsuki on the other side of the room through the glass window. He was with Ojisan and Kairi as my classmates were behind. They all were in distress, looking at me. 

"We'll meet each other once again, sweetie. We'll visit you in your dreams! "Tell that brother of yours he's lucky found Kairi in his life. Do you know how long your dad and I have been rooting them on since he went to U.A?!" Mom cheerfully chanted. 

"Honey! That makes it sound like we are gonna haunt her!" Dad turns to her, sighing as she laughs. 

"I'm going to miss you guys. Thank you for seeing me, mom and dad." I smiled at them, hugging them as tightly as possible. 

"We love you, Y/N. You're going to be a great Pro-Hero or doctor, whatever you choose." Mom's voice cracked as Dad hugged me tighter. 

"Whatever I choose, I know you guys are gonna be there!" 

"Goodbye, Y/N!"

3rd POV

The monitor stops beeping, catching the attention of the frantic nurses and B/N. B/N checked on the pints of blood, seeing it flow through the tubes and into Y/N's arm. 

"Dr. L/N, the operation is now going smoothly. Please, be with Kairi and the kids. We can handle it from here." The nurses knew how much B/N has been going through so much stress for the past two days and especially earlier because of how poor of a condition Y/N is in. 

"Thank you guys. Please call me if you need me or if Y/N wakes up." B/N brushes back his hair as he stares at Y/N one more time, seeing her steadily breathe again. He smiles a bit and walks out to an embrace from Kairi, surrounded by Class 1-A and Aizawa.

"L/N-chan is going to be okay!" Midoriya chanted out as Class 1-A cheered out loud. Everyone smiled at each other and sighed in relief. 

Todoroki took a glance at Bakugou, seeing him still by the window facing Y/N and saw a bit of his reflection. His eyes were watery, but no one seemed to noticed. 

Bakugou felt a huge weight lifted off of his shoulders and heart, his nerves calming down as he saw her resting up. 

"Happy one month, Y/N. Please wake up soon."

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