Ch. 26

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3rd POV

"Was she the attention you were shitting about from me earlier?" Bakugou scowled his face with anger and annoyance. "When has this IcyHot bastard spent more than 5 minutes with Y/N?"

Todoroki turned his back towards him, walking away towards the end of the hallway to enter the other side of the arena. Bakugou continued his way onto the field, mentally cursing Todoroki out for suddenly bringing up Y/n. 


I don't know what came over me. I kissed Katsuki! Walking into the my class's seating section, I sat next to Ashido and Yaoyorozu as they greeted me. My classmates were still talking about Todoroki's sudden second quirk that was revealed to us. 

"Hey, L/n? Didn't Todoroki ask you to melt off his ice whenever we trained?" Kaminari asked me. He and Mineta sat down behind me, next to Kirishima. 

"Yea, he did. I'm confused as much as you guys are. Maybe he'll tell us about it another time." I looked out to the field and saw Katsuki on the field. His opponent was Todoroki. I began to worry for the outcome of the round, knowing how much tension there was between them. 

"My money's on Bakugou!" Kirishima loudly said with confidence. Mineta shook his head, betting on Todoroki instead. My other classmates joined in on predictions for who is going to claim the number one position for the sports festival. 

"L/n-chan, this round is going to be tough, isn't it?" Yaoyorozu said to me, leaning close into my ear as the class was loud. "Yeah, it is. I don't know who will win." 

"I think Todoroki-san will." Yaoyorozu was slightly blushing and looked at the right side of the field where he was standing. I laughed and put my hand on her shoulder, knowing how she had a slight crush on him ever since the beginning of our school year. 

"Yaoyorozu-chan. Maybe it's about time you told him?" I whispered to her teasingly. She shook her head at me and playfully hit my arm. 

"L/n-chan! You know I can't. What if he has his eyes on someone else?" The class got quiet as Midnight gained the audience's attention. 

"This is the last round of this festival! Bakugou and Todoroki are our last competitors for the number one spot! The round begins in 3..2...1!!" 

3rd POV

Todoroki instantly sent off an ice glacier at Bakugou, trapping him. The glacier was taller than the stadium itself, dropping the temperature of the environment around them. Bakugou exploded his way out of the ice and realized Todoroki was not actually trying to push him out of bounds. He was actually fighting him. 

Bakugou saw that Todoroki was being driven by anger and some jealously. He realized he may have an advantage if he could put Todoroki on edge about his emotions and push him out of bounds intentionally. Bakugou sent broke the ice around him, making it fall all over. 

"Fucking IcyHot. Don't make this about shitty L/N and try to beat me instead of fucking around!" Bakugou rushed to him, dodging his ice that came towards his way. Bakugou jumped behind Todoroki and sent an explosion off on his back. Todoroki blocked it by forming an ice barrier on his back. They both jumped up, but Todoroki shot his ice out to Bakugou, smashing him down towards the center of the field. 

"This is about her! Why is it that she's able rely on you, but no one else!" Todoroki put his foot on his chest and had his left hand facing Bakugou, freezing the ice around his body. Bakugou faced his palms on the floor, exploding it apart which made Todoroki fall back a couple of feet and Bakugou up in the air. Bakugou landed down and ran to him, sending off more explosions on the ground to push him further past the boundary lines. Todoroki used his ice to glide through the destroyed ground. 

"Ask her yourself to see her feelings about me. I'm done playing your shitty game!" Bakugou and Todoroki rushed at each other at full speed and were about to use their quirks at its fullest. However, Todoroki failed to melt down his frost around his body, not paying attention to his own body temperature during the battle. Bakugou's explosion went off first, sending Todoroki against the wall of the field. 

"Todoroki is out of bounds! Bakugou from Class 1A, wins!" Midnight announced as the crowd went into cheer. Bakugou fell onto his knees, feeling the strain he had put on his wrists on the last move. He looked up to see Todoroki sitting against the wall, eyes filled with more anger and hatred. 

Y/n POV 

My heart was relieved, seeing that Katsuki was not as badly injured as I would've imagined. I turned to see my classmates reaction to him being the winner. 

"YES!! I knew Bakugou would not let me down!" Kirishima jumped up from his seat and gloated in Mineta and Kaminari's face. I faced Yaoyorozu, seeing she was worried about Todoroki's body condition from the harsh impact Katsuki made. I patted her back and told her that he would be fine since Recovery girl was here. We all walked to the entrance of the field, the ground was fixed by Cementoss and Todoroki and Katsuk were up on the set up stage. We gathered around them and I looked at Katsuki's arms being slightly swollen and bruised up.

"L/n dear!" Yaoyorozu and I slightly jumped and turned around to see Recovery Girl. 

"Please heal up these boys for me. I need to attend back to Midoriya. Todoroki's back has some exposed wounds and Bakugou's arms seemed to be badly strained. I believe the medals are being announced right now, so just head to my office for you to heal them there."

"Alright. I will. Is it okay if Class 1A is there as well? I'm sure they would like to see them and Midoriya."

"Of course. I'll see you kids then." 

I sighed in relief, knowing that my classmates were going to be there. I had a feeling that the tension on Recovery Girl's office was going to be intense from what happened throughout the day. 

Boy was I not wrong one bit. 

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