Ch. 39

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I have been getting many private messages regarding your concerns about the comments of self-harm from readers. I have put the Mature rating on and have mentioned it in the story details. I have no control over what people may comment, but if you do see any comments that are alarming, please report. I have been looking back at the comments and deleted some that are inappropriate. 

Thank you for the old/ new readers and the followers I have gained for this story. I've been gaining new readers everyday and I'm happy you guys are enjoying it. 



I wrapped my arms around myself, standing behind All Might's broad figure as I continued to heal my arms to remove the cut marks from Toga to prevent scarring. 

"Always ruining the hell out of the plans we have-" Gran Torino flies in, kicking him in the face and Kamui Woods branched out his arms to hold the villains in a constricted hold. 

"Young L/N, I am so sorry for making you wait." All Might stood closer to me, putting his arm out to protect me. 

"It's alright. You guys are here now, right?" My voice was straining from they screaming and crying. I felt pain all over my body and my right eye was getting worse as my head pounded with ache. 

"I do not know the intent of you guys taking Young L/N, but it ends here!" All Might was about to carry me away, but Kurogiri appeared behind me with his fog, making me transform into some sort of clay. 

"Looks like Master is calling us back. Nice to see you, All Might. If you want her back, come and try." Shigaraki and the rest of League of Villains slipped out of Kamui Woods branches by transforming into clay as well. 

"All Might!" I screamed out, right before transporting to some area. I fell to the ground when the portal opened up, landing on some sort of building debris. However, when I looked around I saw Mt. Lady unconscious on the ground as Jeanist and Gang Ocra being severely injured. I felt a strong, dark aura as I turned around to see a tall man floating in mid air. 

I some a strange man in the air. Even though his face was seemed to be deformed, I felt his strong tension on me, making me instantly shrivel down into fear as he slowly started approaching me. 

"All for One. Thank you." Shigaraki quietly said.

"Is this the girl, Shigaraki?" He was floating closer towards me and all I could do was stay still out of fear. I was scared of his face and his aura. 

"Yes Master, she is. The one who could heal you, or have the quirk to be the key to destroying the Symbol of Peace." 


Katsuki POV

My heart dropped seeing Y/N there as I peeked over. She was in fear, arms were covered with cut marks and blood all over her shirt and hair. I wanted to grab her right then and there, but I knew it would be a bad idea as I'd be outnumbered. 

"How are we supposed to get her? She's surrounded and that All for One guy who just bodied the Pro-Heroes here!" Kirishima quietly hushed out to us in nervousness. 

"Should we wait for more Pro-Heroes to come? Not only would L/N get hurt, but so can we. We have to wait out for the pros and cons for this" Iida glanced at all of us, but I instantly snapped back. 

"Wait for who? Can't you see they want Y/N for her quirk? We have to come up with a plan." 

"I have one, but it's going to be risky." Deku looked at all of us. "It's going to require all of us to be in sync. If we miss this, we put L/N-chan in more serious danger." 

"What's the plan?" I asked him. Even though Deku is annoying as hell, he was the only one who can think clearly in this situation to rescue Y/N. 


All for One stood a distance from me, staying with the League of Villains as I was standing by myself. They all stepped away from him, making All for One and I be the center of attention. 

"L/N, I believe Shagaraki has told you before that your father has rejected our offer before. Do you want to make the same mistake?" 

I trembled with fear, afraid of my life ending right here. My right eye began to glow furiously, hurting with so much pain as All for One lifted up his hand at me. 

"You are the perfect match to be my secret weapon to end all Heroes. Your blood quirk is growing quicker to its max strength." He closed his hand into a fist at me, making my right eye burn with pain. I screamed, holding onto the right side of my face as both of my eyes were glowing a dark, yet bright red. 

"Your blood quirk is easier for you to use now if you choose to be with me. Be my key to destroying the title of Heroes. You will gain everyone's fear and respect. They won't be talking to you like how they did at those stupid press conferences." 

In an instant, my eyes continued to glow as my mind went into a pause. I see a faint fog above me, displaying my memories out in the open. Flashbacks of witnessing my parents' deaths, accidentally hurting Ojisan, and remembering what the audience said about me through Ojisan's two interviews. My fresh memory of Toga cutting me appeared while the League of Villain watched me. 

"Your memories are quite telling, L/N. It'd be ashamed if I take away the ones with your loved ones. If your father had never left the League of Villains, your father and mother could've been making you the ruler of this world." All for One opened out his hand, raising it up as the fog above me shined brighter. It started to play my memories of where I was the happiest. 

There was a memory going shopping with Mom and Dad right before Roy's incident. Meeting Kairi and Hibiki for the first time at the hospital, getting ice cream with B/N and meeting Ojisan for the first time. 

It played where I first met Katsuki at the entrance exam and being accepted into U.A. Him comforting me on our first day of school and how we became friends. "Something tells me you're going to be here for me, Bakugou-kun."

More memories of Katsuki appeared from my perspective. He looked at me with his harsh, yet soft eyes whenever I was with him. Right when it was showing my first kiss with him, a gust of wind flew past me quickly and a loud smash was heard. 

The fog of my memories died out and my eyes stopped glowing. I felt myself losing consciousness and was falling forward. 

However, someone appeared directly in front of me. I instantly recognized the warmth I felt when he wrapped his arm around my waist. Before I could say anything, I rested my head onto his chest, fainting into Katsuki's arm. 

"I'm sorry for being late to rescue you, Y/N. I got you now." Katsuki quickly blasted into the air, grabbing on to Kirishima's hand as they flew away. 

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