Ch. 18

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Bakugou POV

A few days has passed since the attack.

I woke up as sun was shining down that hit my eyes. I looked at the clock and it was 7AM. I got up and showered as I wanted to go see L/N again, hoping this time she would wake up.

Class was canceled for a week since Aizawa-sensei was in bad condition and Principle Nezu wanted to increase our security. A few of those fucking extras have been dropping by in L/N's hospital room to leave her flowers. I should go get some today for her.

I got dressed and headed downstairs, putting on my shoes.

"Brat! It's about time you came down here!" The old hag yelled at me as I scoffed at her. "I'm going to visit L/N again today. I won't be home." I said as I grabbed my wallet and was about to head out.

I walked towards a flower shop, wondering which flowers I should get for her. I saw a white and pink bouquet of lilies. I remember that shitty girl mentioning how much she liked lilies because of her mom. I paid and headed towards the hospital to her room. I placed down the flowers on the table that had her necklace and hair tie.

"Oi. You're still sleeping? How many more times do I have to come in here and wait for you to fucking wake up?" I pulled open the blinds and looked out the window. I thought about how much I unusually missed her talking to me and keeping me company.

She was the only person who I became friends with since school started. Those fucking extras can fuck off with their nosy ass. I thought about what B/N said when he mentioned how her voice came back because people kept on bugging her about her parents. They clearly don't know how to read the fucking room, do they?

I pulled up a chair next to her bed and rested my arms on it. I put my face on my arms as I looked at her. I saw her fingers move. I shot up and saw her eyes slowly opening.

"Shitty girl? Are you okay?" I stood up next to her and pushed the call button on her bed. "You're finally awake!"


I opened my eyes, but it my vision was a bit blurry. I looked around to see Bakugou standing next me. I wanted to get up, but Bakugou put his hand on my shoulder, slightly pushing me back down.

"Oi, you shouldn't be sitting up so soon. Let me move your bed up for you." He grabbed the remote and changed the incline on my bed, allowing me to sit up.

" long was I out for?" I hoarsely asked as Bakugou gave me a soft smile. "5 days, idiot. You really had me worrying, you know?" He sat back down when I saw B/N and Kairi-chan running in.

"Y/N-chan! You're awake!" Kairi ran up to me and hugged me. I saw my brother sighing in relief.

"How are you feeling, Y/N?" B/N grabbed my hand and I gave him a small smile. "I feel sore and exhausted still." I looked at all of them and tilted my head in confusion.

"Why exactly am I here, again?" I tried remembering moments before I passed out. All I remember was villains crashing the training course and fighting some of them. Did I get hurt?

"We'll tell you after you rest up more. Kairi-chan and I will be back with some food for you and Bakugou. We'll swing by and grab your stuff, okay?" I nodded at them and they left the room to leave Bakugou and I alone.

"Bakugou-kun, aren't you supposed to be at school?" I asked him as he sadly looked at me.

"You really don't remember what fucking happened, do you? used your blood quirk on those stupid bastards and passed out." He scooted his chair closer to me and grabbed my hand. I felt safe as I felt the warmth of his hand on mine.

"Those fucking extras were worried about you when you passed out and haven't woken up. Idiot, who said you could leave me alone for almost a week." He stared into my eyes and blushed. I remembered Bakugou holding my cheek and resting his forehead on mine before I fell into unconsciousness. I gave him a smile.

"Thank..thank you for saving me, Bakugou-kun." I held his hand a little bit tighter. He stood up and grabbed the bouquet of pink and white lilies. He sat on my bed, facing himself to me and handed them to me.

"I remembered how much you annoyed me with saying you liked lilies. Ignore those fucking shitty flowers from those extras. Mine are the best!" I laughed as I put the lilies next to me and felt surprised as he put my face on his shoulder.

He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me and filling me in with warmth that made me feel safe.

"Thank you for coming back. Y/N." He held me tighter.

Just like that, I realized that I was falling in love with Bakugou-kun.. and I was scared.

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