Chapter 84 Succession

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Because of the power of Maple’s great shield, the bullets were temporarily sucked into it. However, she lost Bizzare Eater in the process, and so was thrown into the wall right after.

Ahh…! Was I knocked back!?”

The bluish-white bullets had a powerful knockback ability, and as Maple was not fast enough to dodge them, she was pushed into the pile of rubble.

However, it was not powerful enough to puncture her armor, and she was only pushed back.

Ahh…I can’t move…”

The sensation of being hit by the bullets was no more than a minor irritation, but the knockback ability prevented her from moving.


First, Maple tried unleashing Hydra on the machine god, but venom was not effective on machines. The only damage it did was from the Hydra directly, and there was no additional damage from the poison.

Agh…what should I do…”

She had already lost Bizarre Eater, and she had used Savagery when she fell down here.

Syrup was not included with Maple’s other skills and had not been hurt when falling down here. It was now inside of her ring.

But it would only become a victim to the bullets if she took it out carelessly.

The only options for an attack that she had left, were Hydra, the result of Bizzare Eater and Predator and Oozing Chaos.

Maple had incredibly strong defense and instant firepower, but she had one clear weakness that could not be changed.

It was efficiency.

Maple’s skills depended on the 0 MP consumption of her equipment, and that had its limits.

Maple’s power was not something that could be maintained for long. With every skill that she used, her attacks would grow weaker.

Once she had used all of her skills, Maple would not be able to defeat the monster. However, the monster would not be able to defeat Maple either.

And Predator would not work here as it did against the Hydra.

A rusted machine could not be eaten.

She knew this very well.

“Dedicated Affection!”

She wasn’t too sure about piercing attacks, but Maple decided to rely on Predator and Syrups attacks.

As Hydra’s effects were minimal, Maple decided to change her equipment.

The tiara appeared on her head, and the pure white short sword in her hand. Then she used a potion to replenish her HP.

Now her HP was 650.

While her defense capabilities were now lowered, the bullets still felt like she was being massaged.


Maple called out the twin monsters and Syrup, then took in a deep breath and concentrated.

“Syrup! Mother Nature!”

Hearing Maple’s voice, Syrup caused vines to jump out of the ground and push up the terrain.

The obstacle that had suddenly appeared now blocked the bullets from reaching Maple.

In that instant, Maple rushed towards the machine god with all of the speed that she could muster.

Bofuri - ( I don't want to get hurt so i'll maxed my defence. ) Where stories live. Discover now