Chapter Sixty-Two

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Kai's Pov

"Ari, why is the house dark as fuc—"


I jumped back as soon as I flicked the light on. Ariana told me we were going home to change, and instead of that, here she was laughing with everyone else in the room. I had almost fell in embarrassment in front of everyone. But I was confused though, it wasn't my birthday or anything, so seeing Ariana's family, our friends, and my family here was weird.

"This was all Ariana's idea," My Dad said, patting her shoulder.

"Thank you, baby," I smiled giving her a kiss on the cheek.

She blushed, "I knew you hadn't seen your family in so long, so I made them clear their schedules and I flew them out," My heart warmed at Ariana's words, I missed my family so much, and with everything that happened recently, it meant the world to me to see them. While Ariana socialized with our parents, I went straight to Pete to hold Bella.

"She's getting so big," I gushed, admiring the baby's brown eyes.

Pete chuckled, "I know. Bella wants another one,"

"Ariana wants a whole soccer team," I said, shaking my head with a smile.

"Good luck with that. I told Bella we're stopping at four," I noticed how Pete looked at Bella was we continued our conversation. I'd never seen him so in love, Bella shared some of Pete's features but mainly took after her Mom.

While Pete talked to his girlfriend, Bella laughed the entire time as I talked to her about random things, mainly about her to be expecting a cousin soon from both Ariana and I. And when Pete came back, he allowed me to feed her while he of course ate.

"So when are you giving me a grandchild?" I heard, making me turn my head, to of course Joan.

I chuckled, "Soon, I promise,"

"Ariana's something special. She really is, and I'm glad she met you," Joan smiled. "She talked to me the entire time about you."

"I love her more than anything. I always knew I was in love with Ariana back when I was fourteen. Whenever Ariana was on the road, even through we'd text, she'd always mail me. And whenever she came back, she used to tell me about things that reminded her of me. I still read those letters, honestly Joan. I love when I'm backstage, whenever Ariana performs, or I'm in the crowd. The love she has for her fans... is like no other. It's just the way she cared about the people around her, the limits she goes for love. Joan, you raised a one of a kind," I smiled, as I explained my words. I watched as tears formed in Joan's eyes.

"I love you," Joan said, "You've always been a second daughter to me. You both are one of a kind."

"I love you too, Mama G," I sniffed, letting a few tears come down.

"Here, let me have Bella for a while, while you go with Ariana. I know you've been dying to get her alone. She's in the kitchen," Joan smiled, taking Bella out of my hands, presumably walking toward Bella.

I chuckled to myself as I walked in the kitchen, the only place in the house that remained quiet. Just like Joan said, I found Ariana in the kitchen, trying to open a bottle of wine. "Here, baby. I got you," I chuckled, rushing over to help her. After undoing the top of the wine bottle with a corkscrew, I felt Ariana's hands wrap around my neck. I turned around so that I was facing her, as my hands rested on her waist.

"Hi, baby," She smiled.

"I love you,"

"I love you," She repeated, grabbing my cheeks with both hands, and attacking my face with kisses. When she was finally done with that, I gave her one last kiss on the lips, which lasted a couple of seconds. "Did you want some?" She asked, escaping my grip to pour herself some wine.

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