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Hey there everyone I have been asked so many times who Harry/Hadrian is going to be with over the last few months and fine... I will do it now as he is now in third year, 13 years old seem like a good start with a relationship I think so,.......

Draco Lucius Malfoy

Blaise Salvatore Zabini

Theodore Alexander Nott

Pansy Deliah Parkinson

Millicent Judith Bulstrode

Luna Pandora Lovegood

Marcus Liam Flint

I gave them all middle names as we didn't know them and wanted them to somehow go with Hadrian Jameson Severus Snape so....

The voting is open for Harry until 31st August 2020 so.....

Times ticking.....

Now who should Severus be with??

Remus John Lupin

Sirius Orion Black

Tomas Kígyó Sötétség aka Tom Marvolo Riddle

Aurora Emilia Sinistra

The voting is open for Severus until 31st August 2020 so.....

Time is completely ticking by....

Have fun everyone!

VOTES WILL ONLY BE COUNTED IF ITS NEXT TO A NAME, this saves me going through all the comments below in three weeks

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