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Author's POV

"Hey, you alright?"

Mark nudged the latter beside him with a concern stare. Taeyong was looking so troubled since they started walking to school this morning. 

"Yeah, I'm okay," he murmured the answer and it was obvious that he was the opposite way. 

"You do not seem okay at all," Mark replied while rolling his eyes. "Did something happen to you and Jaehyun?," that was the only thing he could think of.

Taeyong looked up at him and shook his head. "No, we are fine," he just remembered about Jaehyun.

What would he think of after what happened yesterday? It was too shocking and that was his only action afterwards. 

He needed to meet Jaehyun and apologised to him but what would he say? He could not just tell him that the uncle they met yesterday which was known as his father's friend was actually his father.

If he told Jaehyun that, what would he think? 

He might feel weird and ended up leaving him? No no no, he would just avoid from meeting Jaehyun for a while until he was ready-


Oh damn. 

He slowly turned his body around and was facing the worried face. His heart was filled with guilt at that moment.

 "Finally! I have been so worried about you," Jaehyun was still catching his breath when he was standing in front of Taeyong. 

Mark felt like it was his cue to leave for now and slowly walked away after hinted Taeyong with -I still want to know what happened- stares.

It was a deep silence when Mark left them. 

Taeyong still refused to open his lips regarding it before he could feel the gentle touch on his cheeks. "Jae- w-what are you doing?," his face was turning red just in a second.

Well, why not? Their face was just an inch from each other and they were currently in the middle of the school for god sake!

"Did I do something wrong?," he questioned with his puppy eyes. "Please tell me, I can't let you avoid me."

Taeyong internally cursed himself for being so weak of those sad puppy eyes. It just made his guilt grew even bigger. 

"People are looking at us, Jaehyun!," he was still avoiding to make any eyes contact. 

"I won't step away until you promised me you will tell me," Jaehyun stubbornly said those. He knew if he did not do this, Taeyong would leave right away.

Taeyong bit his bottom lips nervously. It was not his intentions to keep this from Jaehyun but what else could he do?

He would not go at him and say things like oh it's nothing just your father's friend is actually my father who left me.

He might think him as a weird one right?

Seeing no response yet from the other made Jaehyun released heavy sigh. "I honestly don't know what are you thinking about right now," he uttered.

"But the only thing that I want you to know is I will not judge you for anything," he reassured him with his stares.

Like knowing what was the thing running in his mind. "I like you for who you are and I will accept you no matter what," he continued.

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