Chapter 16

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"Ok I think this is your last case" Everly says putting my luggage by my room door.

"Thank you for all your help. I really appreciate it." I say and hug her.

"I can't believe you're leaving so soon."

"We still have tomorrow all day and Saturday morning." I smile at her.

"Yeah but it's not the same," she pouts. "Anyways we are going out tonight."

"What? Where? No Everly I have a lot to-"

"I'm not taking no as an answer and we are going to Brown's. Some of the girls from school want to say bye to you."

"You told them I'm leaving?" I frown at her.

"Just the ones we can trust, trust me they won't say a thing."

"Ugh fine, we'll go. But i don't have anything to wear I already packed all my clothes."

"Ah ha! I came prepared." Everly says taking out 2 dresses from her gym bag behind her. On her right hand she had a silky royal blue dress and on her left a wine red dress.

"Left or right?" She smiles.

They are both beautiful. But I love blue so I get the royal blue one from her hand and she jumps excited.

After a few hours of getting ready it's time to go. Everly looks great in the red wine dress. And I feel like I look good too in the blue dress. She insisted on me wearing red lipstick and straight hair, something i never do, and i feel like it does go with me. We head out and jump in the car so James can drive us to the club.

When we arrive to the club is as busy as ever, especially it being vacation time. We don't make line since Everly got VIP again and when we walk inside we are taken to the same table we got for my birthday. I feel a shadow of sadness when the memories of that night come back. Oh happy times.

It is full by a total of 5 girls who even though we are not super close, I really like them and it seems as they like me as well since they wanted to bye to me. Everly and Karime start preparing mix drinks for everyone as the girls were hugging me and wishing them the best. At this moment of life I'm extremely emotional so their kind words bring me to tears.

"Ok a toast," Everly says rising her drink. "To Kendra, the best fucking best friend anyone could ask for. I hope Canada treats you good, if not i will go burn down the entire country." She says and we all laugh. "We all will miss you, but we aren't here to be sad we are here to party so cheers." She says and we all take a sip of our drinks.

With tears on my eyes already, I thank them all for being there and for caring for me. We start drinking, dancing, and just having fun. I am happy she made me come tonight, I am having a lot of fun and I'm glad this is the last memory I'll have of London.

A few hours and drinks after. I am dancing by myself in the VIP area when a man approaches me and asks me to dance. I politely decline and he smiles at me before leaving. I see Everly come from the dance floor to take a sip of her drink and walks up to me.

"Come on Kendra that's the 5th guy you reject, and that one was actually cute."

"Not interested in men." I say and keep dancing.

"You're just gonna dance not marry any of them." She laughs.

"Not interested in dancing with any man I'm perfectly fine doing it by myself thank you very much."

"Are you drunk?" She smiles.

"No, just happy." I say and wink at her.

I've never been drunk so I'm not sure how to know if I am or not. But if being drunk means feeling hot, extremely happy, and a bit dizzy then i am.

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